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Ausgewählte Evaluationsmethoden insbesondere Fragebogenkonstruktion (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Thomas Petzel

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 12.10.2015 - 29.01.2016 | W 217
Einzeltermin | Do, 10.12.2015, 14:15 - Do, 10.12.2015, 15:45 | W 130a Edulab
Einzeltermin | Do, 17.12.2015, 14:15 - Do, 17.12.2015, 15:45 | W 130a Edulab

Inhalt: In der Veranstaltung werden folgende Themen behandelt: - Formen der Evaluation - Evaluationsdesigns - Evaluationsstandards - Erhebungsmethoden - Auswertungsmethoden - zielgruppengerechte Darstellung von Evaluationsergebnissen Die Studierenden werden ein eigenes kleines Evaluationsprojekts durchführen, um ein differenziertes Verständnis von den Anforderungen eines Evaluationsprojekts zu erhalten und Handlungskompetenzen zu erwerben.

Forschungsmethoden für das HR-Management (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Benjamin Bader

Einzeltermin | Di, 20.10.2015, 16:30 - Di, 20.10.2015, 18:30 | C 11.320 Seminarraum | Kick-Off
Einzeltermin | Di, 03.11.2015, 16:30 - Di, 03.11.2015, 18:30 | C 11.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Di, 24.11.2015, 16:30 - Di, 24.11.2015, 18:30 | C 11.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Di, 01.12.2015, 13:00 - Di, 01.12.2015, 18:00 | C 11.320 Seminarraum | Sprechstundentermin nach Vereinbarung
Einzeltermin | Di, 15.12.2015, 16:30 - Di, 15.12.2015, 18:30 | C 11.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 22.01.2016, 09:00 - Fr, 22.01.2016, 18:00 | C 7.320 Seminarraum | Abschlusspräsentationen

Inhalt: In this course, we will apply research methods of HR to a timely and relevant topic of today's companies: the phenomenon of inpatriation in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. During class, we will deal with the entire academic research process. After teaming up in small project groups, we will define research questions and discuss the pros and cons of several possible ways to gather data and the resulting methodological constraints. We will then develop instruments for gathering data, followed by a phase of data collection. A special focus will be on analyzing data and presenting results in a way suitable for an academic thesis. With about 1,000 locations in 19 districts/cities, including parts of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, the Hamburg Metropolitan Region is one of the strongest and most influential economic areas in Germany. Many companies in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, such as Airbus Operations, Beiersdorf, Jungheinrich, Lufthansa Technik, or Otto Group, have become global actors and are now operating on a worldwide scale. Consequently, the global presence of these companies has increased the number of assignments of foreign employees to the headquarters (inpatriation), as those help to achieve an efficient coordination of foreign subsidiaries and a reciprocal knowledge transfer. More than 10,000 foreign employees are working permanently or temporarily in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. However, over the last years it has become increasingly difficult for companies to attract highly qualified foreign employees to work and live here. Two different facts are causing these challenges. First, for the individual inpatriate, relocating to a foreign country goes along with many changes in his or her life, which are usually perceived as very challenging and sometimes overwhelming. One of the biggest issues is leaving the familiar social network behind. This often is accompanied by the loss, or at least limitation, of social support, which is usually drawn from this network. Moreover, inpatriates have to deal with different cultural values, unexpected behavior, and often language barriers in the host country. Finally, inpatriates are often considered as a source of irritation by the local staff and do not have a good reputation. Second, even though the Hamburg Metropolitan Region is very important in economic terms, it is competing with other Metropolitan Regions such as Berlin, Munich, Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris, or London – and sometimes regarded less attractive. Moreover, there is still a lack of international offerings and international-oriented services, which would help the inpatriates to feel more comfortable in the new environment. Yet, nowadays attracting highly qualified employees is considered a crucial factor to maintain a firm’s competitive advantage and to secure its long-term survival.