Workshop on digital teaching and learning in the subject classroom

2022-09-12 Lüneburg. Since March 2020, the research project "Competencies for Digitally-Enhanced Individualized Practice" (CODIP), which investigates digitally-supported individualized practice in subject teaching, has been running at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. CODIP is funded by the German federal and state governments as part of the "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" (QLB). The project, led by Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlers, Prof. Dr. Michael Besser and Prof. Dr. Poldi Kuhl, aims to advance the development of subject didactic digitalization-related competencies of (prospective) teachers for the design and realization of digitally-supported teaching-learning processes.

On September 13, 2022, a full-day workshop will be held at Leuphana to present and discuss current results from the CODIP and other Lower Saxony QLB projects. Among others, projects from the TU Braunschweig, the University of Vechta and the Leibniz University of Hannover will be represented. Co-project leader Prof. Dr. Poldi Kuhl is convinced that the CODIP workshop will provide a good opportunity to exchange experiences. She also expects the event to generate new ideas for sustainable and practical anchoring of digital elements to improve teacher education in Lower Saxony.

More information on the project: