Competencies for Digitally-Enhanced Individualised Practice
As part of the Future Centre of Teacher Education (Zukunftszentrum Lehrkräftebildung, ZZL) at Leuphana University Lüneburg, CODIP aims to enhance digital competencies of (prospective) teachers in order to equip them with the skills to effectively shape and implement digitally-enhanced teaching and learning processes. The project specifically focuses on the individualised practice of teaching in a variety of subjects.
CODIP sets out to design, implement, evaluate and create permanent digitally-enhanced teaching concepts in the subjects of German, English, Mathematics, Music and Sport. These initiatives work in conjunction with educational science and psychology research of cross-sectional issues such as digital literacy of (prospective) teachers and their willingness to use digital media for individualised practice.
The project adresses three core issues:
1. Work activities across several phases of teacher education
New concepts for teaching are designed in development teams, which include actors from partnering schools and teacher training colleges. Student teachers implement and test the new concepts as part of their course.
2. Curriculum design and implementation
Findings from the evidence-based development of teaching concepts and materials are used to update the curricula in teacher education. What is more, the newly gained insights are included in the teaching degree specialisation ‘Digital Teaching and Learning’.
3. Open Education Resources
New teaching concepts and materials are developed as open educational resources (OER). All Lower Saxonian teacher education institutions will be enabled to access the concepts and materials via the OER-portal of the state of Lower Saxony.
CODIP is funded by the Quality Initiative Teacher Training (Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung), a joint initiative of Federal Government and the German states. The financial means are provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). (Support code: 01JA2002, principal investigators: Profs M. Ahlers, M. Besser, P. Kuhl)