Course Schedule


Chemische, soziale und nachhaltige Aspekte der Wasserforschung (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Oliver Olsson

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 12:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2019 - 31.01.2020 | C 14.103 Seminarraum

Inhalt: In der Veranstaltung wird Wasser als Ressource unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten entlang seines Nutzungszyklus betrachtet. Die Hauptthemenblöcke beschäftigen sich u.a. mit - der Verfügbarkeit von (sauberem) Wasser: Mengen, Qualität, Gesundheitsaspekte - der Schadstoffhydrologie: Umweltprozessen und Stofftransport in aquatischen Systemen - der Wassergütewirtschaft: Eintrag und Verbleib von Mikro-Schadstoffen sowie Grundlagen zu natürlichen und technischen Maßnahmen zur Wasserreinhaltung - Wirkung von Mikroschadstoffen insbesondere Ökotoxikologie, Mutagenität und Gentoxizität - den Möglichkeiten von Modellierung zur Simulation von Stoffeigenschaften, Stoffeinträgen und Stoffausbreitung Diese Veranstaltung baut auf die Lehrinhalte der Veranstaltung "Experimente zum biochemischen Abbau umweltrelevanter Substanzen" auf und geht vertiefend auf Bewertung, Wirkung und möglicher Maßnahmen von Schadstoffeinträgen in die aquatische Umwelt ein. This seminar examines the resource water from different perspectives. The main topics will be: - availability of (clean) water: quantity, health - contaminant hydrology: environmental transport, transfer and transformation processes - water quality management and water quality control - toxicological effects of micropollutants especially mutagenicity, genotoxicity and ecotoxicity - computational Modelling as applicable tool for the estimation of chemical properties, environmental concentrations and environmental fate micropollutants The seminar builds upon the course contents of “Experiments on the bio-chemical degradation of environmentally relevant substances” and focuses on the assessment, impact and potential measures in the case of pollution in the aquatic environment.

Ecosystem functions and services (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Amit Kumar

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 15.10.2019 - 31.01.2020 | C 14.102 a Seminarraum

Inhalt: This course is normally taught by Prof. Vicky Temperton. Since she is going to be on sabbatical this coming winter semester, Amit Kumar is teaching the course instead. The module „Ecosystem functions and services“ comprises two parts: a set of lectures and a seminar section. The lectures will be introduce you to the global terrestrial biomes (from the tropical rainforest to the tundra), their most important ecosystems and their functions and services. This year the seminar section is directly linked to the Ringvorlesung "Naturschutz Aktuell und Ökosystemdienstleistungen", where a series of speakers from Leuphana and elsewhere will give talks about conservation, ecological restoration and ecosystem services (in English and in German, depending on the speaker). The participation in the Ringvorlesung is an integral part of this course. In the seminar, students have the unusual opportunity to hear about the latest conservation and restoration research and practice in relation to ecosystem services. At the same time, students will be asked to pick one or two of the key topics covered in the Ringvorlesung as a basis for their own presentation (half an hour) followed by an in depth discussion of their topic. This topic needs to be directly related to ecosystem services in restoration, conservation or regenerative agriculture. The module therefore includes discussions of important and up to date literature in the research field of ecosystem functioning and services. We will critically discuss the research findings in respect to their application in nature conservation and ecological restoration. You will learn the main characteristics of the global terrestrial biomes and the environmental variables shaping them, and the ecological theories that can be tested in them as well as sustainability relevant issues related to global change and ecosystems.

Seminar Ecosystem Functions and Services & Ringvorlesung Naturschutz (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Amit Kumar, David Walmsley

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 18:15 - 19:45 | 14.10.2019 - 31.01.2020 | C HS 5

Inhalt: The module „Ecosystem functions and services“ comprises two parts: a set of lectures and a set of seminars. The lectures will be introduce you to the global terrestrial biomes (from the tropical rainforest to the tundra), their most important ecosystems and their functions and services. In the seminar, students will select one aspect of ecosystem functioning and services and present it to their fellow students for discussion. Each presentatation is based on one or two original scientific papers about biodiversity& ecosystem functions or biodiversity & ecosystem services . Overall the topics covered will show the diversity of perspectives and interpretations of the importance of biodiversity for how ecosystems function and the services they provide. We will mainly be focussing on large biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments such as the Jena Experiment, Cedar Creek or BEF China. The module therefore includes discussions of important and up to date literature in the research field of ecosystem functioning and services. We will critically discuss the research findings in respect to their application in nature conservation and ecological restoration. You will learn the main characteristics of the global terrestrial and aquatic biomes and the environmental variables shaping them, and the ecological theories that can be tested in them.