
Suchen Sie hier über ein Suchformular im Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Leuphana.

Veranstaltungen von PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Fichtner


Grundlagen der Biologie - Organismische Aspekte (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Thorsten Aßmann, Andreas Fichtner

wöchentlich | Montag | 08:15 - 09:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C HS 5

Inhalt: Grundlagen des Baus und der Struktur von Lebewesen. Überblick über die Vielfalt des Lebendigen. Themenauswahl: Aufbau der Zelle, Gewebe, Organe, Organsysteme, Grundbaupläne von Pflanzen, Tieren und Pilzen.

Angewandter Naturschutz (Vorlesung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, David Walmsley

Einzeltermin | Mo, 21.10.2024, 16:15 - Mo, 21.10.2024, 17:45 | C 13.107 Labor
Einzeltermin | Fr, 25.10.2024, 09:00 - Fr, 25.10.2024, 14:00 | C 11.319 Seminarraum | Achtung! Termin geht von 14-17 Uhr im Freiland weiter - s. nächster Termineintrag
Einzeltermin | Fr, 25.10.2024, 14:00 - Fr, 25.10.2024, 17:00 | extern
Einzeltermin | Sa, 26.10.2024, 09:00 - Sa, 26.10.2024, 17:00 | C 13.107 Labor
Einzeltermin | Fr, 01.11.2024, 09:00 - Fr, 01.11.2024, 17:00 | C 12.010 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 08.11.2024, 10:15 - Fr, 08.11.2024, 13:45 | C 12.010 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 15.11.2024, 10:15 - Fr, 15.11.2024, 13:45 | C 12.010 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 22.11.2024, 10:15 - Fr, 22.11.2024, 13:00 | C 12.010 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 29.11.2024, 10:15 - Fr, 29.11.2024, 13:00 | C 12.010 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Dieses Modul befasst sich mit Fragen des angewandten Naturschutzes in Zeiten des Globalen Wandels. An konkreten Beispielen in Natur- und Kulturlandschaften (z.B. Natura 2000 Habitate) werden naturschutzfachliche Daten erhoben, ausgewertet und gemeinsam diskutiert. Aspekte des Biotop- und Artenschutzes, der angewandten Landschaftsplanung und eines nachhaltigen Naturschutzmanagements werden unter Einbindung von externen Experten aus der Praxis erörtert.

Technik und unbelebte Natur –physikalische Grundlagen Gruppe A (Seminar/Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 01.12.2024 | C 13.107 Labor

Inhalt: Am Beispiel von Phänomenen und Experimenten werden elementare fachwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Physik behandelt und Aspekte des Alltgasbezugs hergestellt.

Technik und unbelebte Natur –physikalische Grundlagen Gruppe B (Seminar/Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 01.12.2024 | C 13.107 Labor

Inhalt: Am Beispiel von Phänomenen und Experimenten werden elementare fachwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Physik behandelt und Aspekte des Alltgasbezugs hergestellt.

Biodiversität und Globaler Wandel (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner

Einzeltermin | Mo, 25.11.2024, 12:15 - Mo, 25.11.2024, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 02.12.2024, 12:15 - Mo, 02.12.2024, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 09.12.2024, 12:15 - Mo, 09.12.2024, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 16.12.2024, 12:15 - Mo, 16.12.2024, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 13.01.2025, 12:15 - Mo, 13.01.2025, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 20.01.2025, 12:15 - Mo, 20.01.2025, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mo, 27.01.2025, 12:15 - Mo, 27.01.2025, 15:45 | C 11.308 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Warum sollen wir Biodiversität schützen und wie können wir Biodiversität bewahren? Das Seminar lädt ein, in die vielschichtige Welt der Biologischen Vielfalt einzutauchen und die Bedeutung der Biodiversität in Zeiten des Globalen Wandels aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu beleuchten. Komplexe Zusammenhänge zwischen Biodiversität und weltweiten Umweltveränderungen sollen gemeinsam erörtert werden, um vielperspektivische Handlungsoptionen für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit der Natur abzuleiten.

Gemeinsame Vortragsreihe - Einblicke in Naturkunde und Naturschutz (Gastvortrag)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, David Walmsley

Einzeltermin | Mi, 16.10.2024, 18:00 - Mi, 16.10.2024, 19:30 | extern | Museum Lüneburg, Marcus-Heinemann-Saal
Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 18:00 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 19:30 | C HS 5
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 18:00 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 19:30 | extern | Museum Lüneburg, Marcus-Heinemann-Saal
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 18:00 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 19:30 | C HS 5
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 18:00 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 19:30 | C HS 5
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 18:00 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 19:30 | extern | Museum Lüneburg, Marcus-Heinemann-Saal
Einzeltermin | Mi, 29.01.2025, 18:00 - Mi, 29.01.2025, 19:30 | extern | Museum Lüneburg, Marcus-Heinemann-Saal
Einzeltermin | Mi, 12.02.2025, 18:00 - Mi, 12.02.2025, 19:30 | C HS 5

Inhalt: Der Flyer zu dieser Vorlesungsreihe wird im Materialordner zum Herunterladen zur Verfüfung stehen, sobald er erschienen ist.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group B2 (UWI) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 23.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 23.10.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 06.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 06.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 06.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 06.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 20.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 20.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 20.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 20.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 18.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 18.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 18.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 18.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 15.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 15.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 15.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 15.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group B3 (UWI) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Sören Enkelmann, Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 23.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 23.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 23.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 23.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 06.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 06.11.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 20.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 20.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 20.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 20.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 04.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 04.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 04.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 04.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 15.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 15.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 15.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 15.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group A1 (GESS) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 08.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 08.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 08.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 08.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group A2 (GESS) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 08.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 08.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 08.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 08.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group A3.1 (GESS) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group A3.2 (UWI) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 30.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 30.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 13.11.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 27.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 27.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 11.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 11.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 - Mi, 22.01.2025, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.

Environmental Sciences - an Introduction. Practical natural sciences. Group B1 (UWI) (Übung)

Dozent/in: Andreas Fichtner, Hanna Fuchte, Lotta Laura Hohrenk-Danzouma, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Svenja Schloß, Jannika Tenk, Brigitte Urban, David Walmsley, Heike Zimmermann

Einzeltermin | Mi, 23.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 23.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 23.10.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 23.10.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 1
Einzeltermin | Mi, 06.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 06.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 06.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 06.11.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Ecology
Einzeltermin | Mi, 20.11.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 20.11.2024, 17:30 | C 13.109 Labor | Soil
Einzeltermin | Mi, 04.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 04.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.208 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 04.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 04.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.227 Labor | Chemistry 2
Einzeltermin | Mi, 18.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 18.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.107 Labor | Environmental Physics
Einzeltermin | Mi, 18.12.2024, 10:15 - Mi, 18.12.2024, 13:45 | C 13.120 Labor | Environmental Physics

Inhalt: This group is for students majoring in Environmental Science. Exercises are held biweekly with 4 hours per session. There are a total of 6 dates covering the following topics: 1. introduction to ecological experimentation, sampling and analysis of biotic parameters. 2. measurement and significance of physical environmental factors using the example of atmospheric pressure and the solubility of oxygen as a function of temperature. 3. basic operations in the chemical laboratory and introduction to experimental work 4. introductory experiments on soil ecology Part 1: Importance of soil acidity and soil colors - determination of pH and color of soil horizons Part 2: Significance of soil types - Granulometric analysis and field method.