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Contemporary Ukrainian Society (FSL) (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Tetiana Kostiuchenko

Einzeltermin | Fr, 04.11.2022, 14:15 - Fr, 04.11.2022, 19:45 | C 14.204 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 25.11.2022, 14:15 - Fr, 25.11.2022, 19:45 | C 12.112 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 16.12.2022, 14:15 - Fr, 16.12.2022, 19:45 | C 14.204 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Sa, 21.01.2023, 12:15 - Sa, 21.01.2023, 17:45 | C 12.108 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 03.02.2023, 14:15 - Fr, 03.02.2023, 17:45 | C 14.204 Seminarraum

Inhalt: The students will learn various topics on Ukraine in comparison with some other CEE states basing on the recent survey data. The seminar will cover the following topics on contemporary Ukraine tracing the transformations during the last 30 years: 1. Economic climate and landscape in Ukraine: (trans)formations of financial-industrial groups ‘oligarchs’ in post-Soviet countries 2. Foreign policy and integration vectors of Ukraine: moving from the East to the West 3. Value changes in Ukraine and other post-Soviet societies: religion, gender equality & xenophobia 4. Entrepreneurship in Ukraine and post-Soviet countries: the challenge of rules and the opportunities of informality 5. Political elite transformations in post-Soviet states 6. Civic activity in Ukraine: the role of interpersonal networks and trust 7. Media landscape in Ukraine: the media usage, the owners, and countering disinformation 8. Russia’s war in Ukraine: The evolution of people's perception of Russia's war in Ukraine: results of the public opinion polls in Feb-Apr 2022. Internally displaced people (IDPs) during 8 years of war

FÄLLT AUS: Biocultural approaches, multiple and dynamic relationships between the diversity of cultures and nature towards sustainability (FSL) (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Aymara Victoria Llanque Zonta

Inhalt: The seminar focus on bio-cultural habits in indigenous thought. That consist of reflections on life and death, upbringing, productive food cycles, in the indigenous world, bio-culture in daily life, for the integral management of common goods, towards socio-ecological restoration. Myths and legends. Ontological on cultural differences and cosmopolitics. We are going to analyze social organizations practices connected with indigenous and local knowledge, on forms of community political organization, commons distribution systems, care policies, for self-determination as anti-extractivism political ecology. The party and community leisure time as an integration strategy. Seeds of future that sprout from the past, reflections on practices and discourses for territorial management, the material, the political and the spiritual integrated in self-determination forms. We will focus on indigenous sciences, as a strong transdisciplinary bet, where bridges of dialogue are woven between non-Western and Western knowledge matrices, for example the science of the Sami people, Daagaba science of Ghana, indigenous science in the Andes, Yoruba science, among others, to problematize the colonial continuities in the production of knowledge and possible alternatives.

Gaming als Arena der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Zeiten des dritten Systemwettbewerbs (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Manouchehr Shamsrizi

Einzeltermin | Sa, 29.10.2022, 10:00 - Sa, 29.10.2022, 16:00 | C 12.112 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | So, 30.10.2022, 10:00 - So, 30.10.2022, 16:00 | C 12.112 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | Sa, 05.11.2022, 10:00 - Sa, 05.11.2022, 16:00 | C 12.006 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | So, 06.11.2022, 10:00 - So, 06.11.2022, 16:00 | C 12.006 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | Sa, 14.01.2023, 10:00 - Sa, 14.01.2023, 16:00 | C 12.112 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | So, 15.01.2023, 10:00 - So, 15.01.2023, 16:00 | C 12.112 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | Sa, 21.01.2023, 10:00 - Sa, 21.01.2023, 16:00 | C 12.112 Seminarraum | .
Einzeltermin | So, 22.01.2023, 10:00 - So, 22.01.2023, 16:00 | C 12.112 Seminarraum | .

Inhalt: "Mit knapp drei Milliarden Konsument:innen sind Videospiele das meistgenutzte Kulturmedium weltweit. Und das am stärksten unterschätzte. Games vermitteln politische Narrative und Botschaften interaktiver als jedes andere Medium; Spieler:innen entscheiden selbst über das Schicksal ganzer Nationen und Welten, teils mit engem Bezug zur Realität. Dennoch sind Videospiele selten Thema im öffentlichen Diskurs, ihr Status als Kulturmedium ist immer noch umstritten und in das Blickfeld der deutschen Außenkulturpolitik geraten sie erst seit Kurzem." - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 2021 Videospiele sind in Zeiten der Digitalen Transformation auch weit über verwandte Branchen hinaus ein zentraler Innovationstreiber und Wirtschaftsfaktor: Künstliche Intelligenz, Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality, Blockchain und viele weitere Technologien werden von der Videospielindustrie/-community seit vielen Jahren vorangetrieben oder entspringen ihr sogar ursprünglich. Dieser Impact, in Verbindung mit der Reichweite der vermittelten Narrative, macht Videospiele aber nicht nur kultur- und innovationspolitisch interessant, sondern birgt sowohl Chancen als auch Risiken für die Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik. Gemeinsam mit Expert:innen aus der Gaming-Industrie und aus der außen-/sicherheitspolitischen Community (u.a. AA) sowie Gastdozierenden aus verschiedenen Disziplinen problematisieren die Studierenden (hoch)aktuelle Herausforderungen im Umgang mit der meistgenutzten Kulturtechnik unserer Zeit, des Gamings, in Zeiten des Systemwettbewerbs zwischen Demokratie(n) und Autokratien.

Social Reproduction: Feminist Debates of the 1970s and Today (Profile OekonPlus Module 4) (FSL) (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Ben Trott

wöchentlich | Montag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 17.10.2022 - 03.02.2023 | C 12.105 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Feminist economists and feminist approaches to political economy have often argued that many heterodox as well as neo-classical contributions to economic thought and political economy neglect the realm of ‘social reproduction’. This is the term that has been used primarily by feminist economists, sociologists, political theorists and others to describe the material, intellectual and emotional labour involved in meeting basic needs and desires, producing and reproducing particular social relations and subjectivities, and ensuring the (re-)production of future generations. The study of social reproduction entails inquiry into waged and unwaged forms of labour (and the relation between the two), including but not limited to care work and domestic labour. It approaches the economic field and political economy from the perspective of labour, and it asks: which kinds of labour are entailed in the production of wealth, and what social relations and subjectivities are required to reproduce existing ways of producing? What accounts for the inattention to some forms of work relative to others, including within the fields of economics and political economy? How have some forms of labour come to be de-valued economically, but also socially, politically and culturally? With which consequences? And how has all this been contested? Crises of social reproduction – or crises in the capacity to meet key needs and desires, and in the ability to sustain certain social relations and subjectivities – often occur in the context of broader economic/political economic crises. This seminar explores interdisciplinary scholarly work on (the crises of) social reproduction that has been carried out in the years following the global political economic crisis of 2007/8. It pays particular attention to the ways in which this recent scholarship has critically engaged with work on social reproduction carried out in the 1970s, the previous era of such sustained political economic turmoil. In doing so, it addresses two (only partly) overlapping social reproduction debates of the 1970s: first, that carried out among feminist scholars of economics, sociology and political theory; and second, debates conducted in the context of social movements, such as the Wages for Housework campaign.

Thinking sustainability from a Latin American perspective: realities, discourses and challenges (FSL) (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Jorge Gustavo Rodríguez Aboytes

wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 10:15 - 11:45 | 17.10.2022 - 03.02.2023 | C 14.102 b Seminarraum

Inhalt: Although sustainability is a worldwide topic, its meaning and implications vary in other realities and contexts, such as the Latin American scenario. In this sense, Western countries' top-down sustainability discourses and approaches to tackle wicked sustainability problems do not fit the challenges Latin American countries face. From understanding the consequences of the colonization process, this seminar will offer an overall picture of the most pressing sustainability topics in Latin America and introduce the students to another way of thinking about sustainability, drawing on Latin American cosmovisions and the signification of the environment and nature. This seminar will be structured in 14 sessions, covering different topics: 1. Introduction to the seminar 2. Environmental history of Latin America 3. Geo-political scenario in Latin America 4. Geo-political scenario in Latin America/ Conflicts around resources exploration 5. Conflicts around resources exploration 6. Narcotráfico as a sustainability problem 7. Narcotráfico as a sustainability problem 8. Agroecological revolution in Latin America 9. Political ecology and environmental rationality 10. Conflict, land use and peace: The Colombian case (guest lecturer) 11. Fight for democracy and social movements 12. Critical pedagogy 13. El buen vivir 14. Presentations/Final session