Suchen Sie hier über ein Suchformular im Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Leuphana.
Master Forum (english) (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Armin Beverungen, Timon Beyes
Einzeltermin | Do, 14.11.2024, 14:00 - Do, 14.11.2024, 18:00 | C 12.013 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 16.01.2025, 13:00 - Do, 16.01.2025, 20:00 | C 40.153 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 30.01.2025, 13:00 - Do, 30.01.2025, 20:00 | C 40.530 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 31.01.2025, 10:00 - Fr, 31.01.2025, 16:00 | C 40.153 Seminarraum
Inhalt: This Master Forum, which will be held entirely in English, provides first and foremost an opportunity for students embarking on their MA theses to present an outline of their projects, with the goal of receiving productive critical feedback – both from instructors and from student peers. In addition, it also aims to facilitate critical reflection on a set of what may initially appear to be quite practical or even technical issues – around how scholarly research is carried out and presented – and yet often ultimately prove to be caught up with questions of content, argument and approach. In the first meeting of the Master Forum, Timon Beyes and Armin Beverungen will introduce some of the common issues confronted by those carrying out scholarly research or writing in Cultural Studies, the Humanities and the Social Sciences. This will include general questions, including: how to arrive at and formulate a research question and a suitable framework for your project; how to begin thinking about method and methodology, and starting to conducting research; and ways of referencing and of acknowledging the use of sources. Students are invited to sign up to present an outline of their MA thesis in the subsequent three meetings of the Master Forum, with presentations set to take place in English. While this will ultimately depend on the number of students participating, students should expect to have around 30 minutes in total for the presentation and discussion of their projects, and presentations themselves should last between 10 and 15 minutes, allowing plenty of time for discussion. Students are required upload a two-page summary of their project to myStudy one week before they are due to present. This should include: • a working title for your thesis as well as your research question; • the approach, method or methodology that you plan on using, and the theoretical framework or points of reference for your project; • what you anticipate discovering or arguing in your thesis; • and a list of up to five key works that you will use, along with any additional information about sources you plan on using – such as archives, exhibitions or interview partners. Students are asked to attend all sessions of the Master Forum, not the simply the session in which they will present, and to have read the two-page summaries ahead of time. Please be ready to provide your fellow students with productive critical feedback on their projects! The Master Forum is examined (pass/fail) as a combined scholarly work [Kombinierte wissenschaftliche Arbeit] made up of (a) your two-page summary and (b) your presentation.
- Masterprogramm Humanities & Social Sciences: Kulturwissenschaften - Culture, Arts and Media [ab Studienbeginn WS 13/14] - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masterforum Kulturwissenschaften
- Masterprogramm Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masters Forum
- Masterprogramm Kulturwissenschaften: Medien und Digitale Kulturen - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masterforum
- Masterprogramm Kulturwissenschaften: Kritik der Gegenwart - Künste, Theorie, Geschichte - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masterforum
Masterforum (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Beate Söntgen, Christina Wessely
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 5.019 Seminarraum
Inhalt: Das Masterforum dient der Vorbereitung bzw. Begleitung der Masterarbeit. Als Grundlage der mündlichen Präsentation des Konzepts der Masterarbeit (ca. 20 Minuten) ist bis spätestens 2 Tage vor Ihrer jeweiligen Präsentation ein Papier auf mystudy hochzuladen, das auf ca. einer Seite ein Abstract des Arbeit enthält, aus dem Thema, These und Fragestellung deutlich hervorgehen, außerdem eine erste Gliederung sowie die fünf wichtigsten Publikationen zum gewählten Thema.
- Masterprogramm Kulturwissenschaften: Medien und Digitale Kulturen - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masterforum
- Masterprogramm Humanities & Social Sciences: Kulturwissenschaften - Culture, Arts and Media [ab Studienbeginn WS 13/14] - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masterforum Kulturwissenschaften
- Masterprogramm Kulturwissenschaften: Kritik der Gegenwart - Künste, Theorie, Geschichte - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masterforum
- Masterprogramm Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Masters Forum
- Masterprogramm Kulturwissenschaften: Theorie und Geschichte der Moderne (auslaufend) - Masterforum/Master-Arbeit - Master-Forum