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Kritik aktueller Romane: LiteraTour Nord (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Sven Kramer

wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 10:15 - 11:45 | 12.10.2009 - 29.01.2010 | C 12.001 Seminarraum

Inhalt: Die LiteraTour Nord ist ein Literaturwettbewerb, an dem jährlich sechs Autorinnen und Autoren teilnehmen, die in norddeutschen Städten aus ihren Neuerscheinungen vorlesen. Das Seminar wird die Auftritte von Jochen Schimmang, Angelika Overath sowie Nora Bossong in Lüneburg begleiten und deren soeben erschienene Romane analysieren und literaturkritisch kommentieren. Es bietet die Möglichkeit, Literaturkritik und literarische Wertung an neuesten Texten zu erproben und durch den direkten Kontakt mit den Veranstaltern und den Autoren ungewohnte Einblicke in den aktuellen Literaturbetrieb zu gewinnen.

The Picturebook: an intermedial literary form (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Emer O'Sullivan

wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2009 - 23.01.2010 | C 16.222 Seminarraum

Inhalt: The emergence of the picturebook from other forms of printed matter dates from around the mid-19th century and is connected with developments in printing technology which enabled pictures and text to appear together in new ways on a single page. Since the 1960s this intermedial literary form primarily (but not exclusively) addressed to children has developed a variety of ways in which words and pictures combine to construct meaning. In this seminar we will look at its history and development and, through close reading, we will examine such aspects as format, layout, verbal and visual narrative, graphic elements and the many possible relationships between the visual and the verbal. We will look at books by acclaimed U.S., British and Australian picturebook makers such as Maurice Sendak, John Burningham, Janet und Allan Ahlberg and Shaun Tan, and by non-Anglophones such as Roberto Innocenti, Anno or Ajubel. We will also examine issues involving international coproduction and translation, and there will be a guest session by a picturebook publisher.