
Die didaktische Konzeption des Lehrstuhls sieht folgende Komponenten vor:

  • Interaktive Vorlesungen zur Vermittlung theoretischer Basiskenntnisse in einem Wissensbereich. Vorlesungen finden mit vielfältigem Medieneinsatz (PowerPoint, Video, Internet) statt und werden durch Beispiele aus der Unternehmenspraxis und Gastreferenten praktisch vertieft.
  • Diese Basiskenntnisse werden durch innovative, methodische Ansätze der Studierendenausbildung im Rahmen von Übungen ergänzt. Dazu gehören forschendes sowie situiertes Lernen beim Bearbeiten und Präsentieren von Fallstudien zur Vertiefung und Kontextualisierung theoretischen Wissens sowie Reflexionsorientiertheit bei der kritischen Analyse von Theorien und Best Practices aus der Industrie.
  • Im Zentrum der Ausbildung durch Seminare stehen die Eigentätigkeit und Erfahrung der Studierenden. Dabei lernen die Studierenden nicht nur wissenschaftliche Methoden auf praxisrelevante Themengebiete anzuwenden, sondern sammeln auch Erfahrung in der eigenständigen Entwicklung von Forschungsthemen und in der kooperativen Bearbeitung von Forschungsprojekten. Darüber hinaus wird das soziale Lernen durch Teamprojekte gefördert.
  • Inhaltlich werden prinzipiell Lehrveranstaltungen zur strategischen und internationalen Unternehmensführung, zur Organisationstheorie und zur empirischen Sozialforschung angeboten. Um die internationale Mobilität unserer Studenten zu fördern, werden unsere Veranstaltungen vornehmlich in englischer Sprache angeboten.

 im Wintersemester:

im Sommersemester:

Current Courses

Prof. Dr. Markus Reihlen

Entrepreneurial Strategy

The rise of the digital economy creates a new blueprint for competition. Instead of creating and sustaining firm-specific competitive advantages, the new competition puts ecosystems and networks at the center of entrepreneurial strategies. Several factors have contributed to this networked-based approach, such as the need for deepening specialization as firms struggle to deliver increasingly complex products and services, the emergence of the Internet of Things, and the growing ubiquity of inexpensive, fast, and digital networks. These drivers have created the conditions for the emergence of entirely new industries or transformed existing industries as they became visible in the field of enterprise software, online social networks, video games, and retailers. Think about Blackberry, which captured the lion’s share of the smartphone market that it largely created for years. In February 2022, the firm announced it would cease operations and development of a new Blackberry smartphone.

More recent political events with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the recent conflict in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Gaza, have disrupted implicit assumptions of the world order. We will experience political, economic, and cultural destabilization of our global economy, moving into uncharted waters, which entrepreneurial strategy needs to address.

Ziel: I will use an in-class teaching format. In addition, we will have student presentations on key topics that will apply theoretical concepts in a real-life case setting. Finally, I invited entrepreneurs and managers to share their first-hand experience managing digital transformation. Active participation during the lecture is required.

Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research is a research strategy that emphasizes large bodies of unstructured data (textual, graphical, audio, and video data) that cannot be meaningfully analyzed by formal, statistical approaches. Despite differences, qualitative research approaches share at least the following two assumptions: (1) by systematically generating and analyzing data new theory can be discovered (inductive view), and (2) this theory stresses the understanding of the socio-economic world through an examination of interpretation of that world by its participants. Since each particular research method is informed by different philosophical traditions, this course will first introduce different perspectives on the socio-economic research process like positivism, interpretativism, realism, and postmodernism. Students will then learn how to set up a qualitative research project with particular emphasis on the case study approach. Case studies offer rich, empirical descriptions of particular examples of a phenomenon that are typically based on a variety of data sources. The case-study method involves using one or more cases to create case-based, empirical evidence used for a subsequent theory building. In order to build theory from case study data, students will be made familiar with the grounded theory, which is a general method of comparative analysis for qualitative data. The idea of the grounded theory is to develop theoretical categories, propositions, and mid-range theories based on a particular inductive method for qualitative data analysis. This data analysis is greatly supported by different software packages. While the course will provide an overview of existing software programs, students will be introduced in particular to the Atlas.ti platform. The course is designed as a doctorate workshop. Throughout the course, initiative, creativity, and critical thinking on part of the students will be appreciated and encouraged.

Supervision of theses WiSe 2024/25 - Strategic Management

The Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship professorship supervises conceptual and qualitative empirical theses in strategy, entrepreneurship, management, and organizational theory. Current areas of interest include:

- Strategic Management

- Organization theory and design

- New forms of organization

- Entrepreneurship (corporate, digital, social entrepreneurship)

- Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

- New forms of working and organizing (Agile, Holacracy, Coworking, etc.)

- Integration of corporate and sustainability strategy

- Digitalization and digital transformation

In general, you can also contribute your own conceptual and empirical ideas as long as they roughly fall within the professorship's thematic areas and methodological orientations.

Doctoral Colloquium Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation: Quantitative Research

*** This is the course for the whole EMI Doctoral Research Group, including both the quant and qual stream! ***

Please enrol in this course, no matter whether you are interested in taking part in the quant or qual colloquium (or both) or also just the EMI conference day on June 17th.


We'll have:

- a kick-off session

- two streams (quant and qual)

- the EMI conference day

- regular input sessions on general research-related topics

- guest speakers

In the KICK-OFF session, we will assign presentation slots for the two streams. The kick-off session will be hybrid.

Kick-off: Tuesday, April 9, at 4.15 pm

In person: C6.320

Zoom: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/98137927222?pwd=QUt5d3U2L0M4ZlhqeERWMzhnK0JLQT09

Meeting ID: 981 3792 7222

Passcode: EMI

We will have the quant and qual STREAMS in which you can present research that is in a preliminary stage. The purpose of the streams is to help you improve your research project. Therefore, please prepare a presentation of max. 10 minutes and conclude by asking questions and raising issues that help you advance your research project. Consider the participants of the streams as a resource that you can use to improve your work. The streams will be online or hybrid. The dates will be fixed by Markus Reihlen for qual and Laura Venz for quant and will be announced in the kick-off session.

We will have the EMI CONFERENCE DAY at the end of the semester. During the EMI conference day, you can present research that is in a more mature stage. Prepare a presentation of max 15 minutes including all parts of a paper. You find material on Moodle on what to keep in mind when preparing and giving a presentation. Another participant will take the role of a discussant for your presentation. The discussant should receive the paper two weeks before the presentation and provide in-depth and constructive feedback. This advances your skills in interpreting and providing research-oriented feedback. The EMI conference day will take place in person on campus on Monday, June, 17th.

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.