CDC-Forum: Pandemic Media

2020-01-11 CDC-Forum winter term 2020/2021 (via video conference), with Michael Dieter (University of Warwick), Laliv Melamed (Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M.) and Antonio Somaini (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris)

With its unprecedented scale and consequences the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a variety of new configurations of media. Responding to demands for information, synchronization, regulation, and containment, these “pandemic media” reorder social interactions, spaces, and temporalities, thus contributing to a reconfiguration of media technologies and the cultures and polities with which they are entangled. This CDC-Forum is dedicated to how media emerge, operate, and change in response to the global crisis and provide elements towards an understanding of the post-pandemic world to come.

Michael Dieter, Associate Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick

Laliv Melamed, Research Fellow, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

Antonio Somaini, Professor in Film, Media, and Visual Culture Theory at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3

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