On Russia from Exile: New Directions in Activism and Scholarship
2024-12-04 04.12. / 10 am – 5 pm / C40.601 / Workshop (öffentlich, keine Anmeldung erforderlich). Workshop with Public Sociology Laboratory (PS Lab), Hannah Arendt Research Center, Center for Independent Social Research (CISR), Oirad Jisän, Solidarity Zone, Feminist Anti-War Resistance Hamburg, Equal PostOst, the Ark (Kovcheg), Reforum Space Berlin
This workshop aims to explore strategies for activism and research on Russia from the perspective of scholars and activists in exile, addressing challenges and opportunities for conducting research, staying connected with the field, and fostering meaningful connections in host countries, such as Germany. The idea behind the workshop is to encourage exchange of perspectives and experiences.
Collaborative knowledge production will be encouraged, bringing together exiled scholars and activists from diverse initiatives, perspectives, organizational forms and methods, which also encourages to ponder on the more traditional distinction between academics and activists. Accordingly, in bringing the lived experiences to the table the questions of how research and activism can relate to each other provided the current challenges faced will be discussed.
The workshop will delve into methods for sustaining scholarly and activist endeavors from abroad, including approaches to data collection and remote collaboration, the issue of maintaining connection with colleagues and friends who still stay within Russia, of integrating into the new reality and adapting to it, or building and maintaining communities but also of developing ties with the host country. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral partnerships, highlighting how scholars and activists can collaborate and organize themselves and engage in experience exchange.
Contact: Anna Kalinina (anna.kalinina@leuphana.de)