Dr. Marcus Burkhardt

Marcus Burkhardt is a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the history and theory of digital media, especially the logi(sti)cs of database technologies, Big Data, and algorithmic environments. His academic background is in media studies, philosophy and computer science. He conducted his Ph.D. at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture at Justus Liebig-University Giessen on the media history and theory of digital databases. His thesis was recently published in German by transcript. It is available in print and as an Open Access digital edition licensed unter “CC-BY-SA 3.0 DE”.

In late 2015 he joined the Post/Doc Lab “Digital Media” at the Munich Center for Technology in Society. Prior to this he was head of the Hybrid Publishing Lab – a research project investigating the future of academic publishing in the humanities – at the Centre for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University Lüneburg.