Mira Wallis

Academic path

since 05/2018 Research associate and PhD student in the DFG-project “Digitisation of Labour and Migration”, CDC
01-08/2017 Research associate in the project “Voluntary Engagement for Refugees in the Municipalities” at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), Humboldt University Berlin
10/2015-12/2016 Student assistant at BIM
10/2013-12/2015 Student assistant at the Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin
12/2016 M.A. European Ethnology, Humboldt University Berlin
02-06/2015 Exchange semester at Koç University Istanbul, Turkey
10/2009-09/2013 B.A. Political Science, Free University Berlin
07-12/2011 Exchange Semester at University of Cape Town, South Africa

Current fields of research

Digital labour (focus: crowdwork), mobility and migration, social reproduction, logistics


2018 (forthcoming): Logistics under Construction. Fantasies and Frictions of Mobility in the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Region. In: Berliner Blätter (with Franziska Baum, Patrick DeDauw, Laura Lambert, Žiga Podgornik-Jakil, Fabian Stark).
2018: Researching Labour Mobility in Digital Times. Available at: www.law.ox.ac.uk/research-subject-groups/centre-criminology/centreborder-criminologies/blog/2018/05/researching (with Moritz Altenried and Manuela Bojadžijev).
2018: Logistical Borderscapes. Politics and Mediation of Mobile Labor in Germany after the “Summer of Migration”. In: South Atlantic Quarterly 117(2) (with Moritz Altenried, Manuela Bojadžijev, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra).
2018: Fördermittel in der Flüchtlingshilfe. Was gebraucht wird – was ankommt. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung (with Serhat Karakayalı, Leif Höfler, Mareike Heller).
2017: Logistische Grenzlandschaften. Das Regime mobiler Arbeit nach dem „Sommer der Migration“. Münster: Unrast Verlag (with Moritz Altenried, Manuela Bojadžijev, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra).
2017: „Dorn im Fleisch der Verwaltung“? Was Willkommensinitiativen mit der Krise sozialer Infrastruktur zu tun haben. In: LuXemburg 1/2017.
2016: Erhebung zu Koordinationsmodellen und Herausforderungen ehrenamtlicher Flüchtlingshilfe in den Kommunen. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung (with Ulrike Hamann, Serhat Karakayalı, Leif Höfler).