Course Schedule
Veranstaltungen von Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer
Sustainable Chemistry 4: Modeling of Chemicals - Properties and Targeted Design (Vorlesung)
Dozent/in: Klaus Kümmerer, Marco Reich
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 40.220 Seminarraum | .
Inhalt: The module covers the background and practical application of substance evaluation using computer-based methods. Due to improvements in computational power, computer-based methods have changed the traditional way to engage in experimental science. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models link a property or effect, such as boiling point or toxicity, to parameters associated with chemical structure. These models can be used to assess chemical substances within the so-called in silico approach (as an analogy to the in vitro and in vivo approach). After a basic introduction, this module mainly focuses on the practical application and applicability of in silico software and assessment.
Resources, materials, products and sustainable chemistry (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Vania Gomes Zuin Zeidler, Klaus Kümmerer
wöchentlich | Dienstag | 16:15 - 17:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 40.254 Seminarraum
- Masterprogramm Sustainability: Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Sustainability Science - Vertiefte Perspektiven - Sustainable Chemistry 1: Concepts of Sustainable Chemistry
- Masterprogramm Sustainability: Sustainability Science: Entrepreneurship, Agency and Leadership - Wahlpflichtmodule - Resources, Materials, Products and Sustainable Chemistry
- Masterprogramm Sustainability: Sustainability Science: Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Society - Wahlpflichtmodule - Resources, Materials, Products and Sustainable Chemistry
Forschungskolloquium Nachhaltige Chemie und stoffliche Ressourcen (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Klaus Kümmerer, Oliver Olsson
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 09:15 - 10:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | intern | C13.214
Inhalt: In dem Seminar soll die aktuelle Forschungsarbeit der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden reflektiert und diskutiert werden.
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Research Forum II
Lecture: Sustainable and organic environmental chemistry (Vorlesung)
Dozent/in: Klaus Kümmerer, Marco Reich, Svenja Schloß
wöchentlich | Dienstag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C HS 3
Inhalt: Basics of organic chemistry (substance groups, functional groups, physicochemical properties such as reactivity, solubility, boiling point etc.) will be discussed using examples of important chemical substances and everyday products considering their chemistry and use (e.g. fuel, natural gas, solvents, pesticides, synthetic materials, flame retardants, medical drugs, scents, sugars, amino acids, dyes). The lecture will cover the basics for understanding the occurrence and behavior of organic chemicals in the environment. Additionally, the importance of the chemical industry (including sustainable development) and resource relevant topics referring to organic chemistry and to aspects of sustainable chemistry will be covered.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 17/18) - Organische Grundlagen der Umweltchemie und der nachhaltigen Chemie
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Umweltwissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 17/18) - Organische Grundlagen der Umweltchemie und der nachhaltigen Chemie
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Global Environmental and Sustainability Studies - Basic Concepts of Organic Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry