Course Schedule
Veranstaltungen von MA Anna-Lena Wiechern
Introduction to Digital Media – Stream A (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Jan Müggenburg, Anna-Lena Wiechern
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 09:45 - 13:15 | 14.10.2024 - 27.11.2024 | HMS 139
Inhalt: Digital Media Studies examine our current situation as significantly structured by digital, computer-based and networked technologies that themselves have been shaped through cultural practices and human knowledge. On the one hand, digital media act as transformative factors on and in cultures. They are transforming human knowledge production as well as practices of connection, relationship, exchange, competition, and communication. On the other hand, human practices and forms of knowledge production facilitate the constant re-configuration of digital media. Therefore, new spaces of possibility and fields of experimentati-on are constantly emerging for us to shape digital technologies and practices of being together, acting, and perceiving. In this introductory course we look at current approaches to research on Digital Media. In addition to the cultural and media studies approaches that are essential for our study programme, you will get to know positions from related fields such as the history of technology, disability studies, science and technology studies or game studies. Each session combines the term “digital cultures” with a verb that refers to a certain aspect of how digital media structure our current situation. At the same time, they can be understood as an opportunity for acting on and shaping digital cultures.
Introduction to Digital Media – Stream B (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Jan Müggenburg, Anna-Lena Wiechern
Einzeltermin | Mi, 16.10.2024, 09:45 - Mi, 16.10.2024, 13:15 | HMS 139
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 14:00 - 17:30 | 23.10.2024 - 27.11.2024 | HMS 139
Inhalt: Digital Media Studies examine our current situation as significantly structured by digital, computer-based and networked technologies that themselves have been shaped through cultural practices and human knowledge. On the one hand, digital media act as transformative factors on and in cultures. They are transforming human knowledge production as well as practices of connection, relationship, exchange, competition, and communication. On the other hand, human practices and forms of knowledge production facilitate the constant re-configuration of digital media. Therefore, new spaces of possibility and fields of experimentati-on are constantly emerging for us to shape digital technologies and practices of being together, acting, and perceiving. In this introductory course we look at current approaches to research on Digital Media. In addition to the cultural and media studies approaches that are essential for our study programme, you will get to know positions from related fields such as the history of technology, disability studies, science and technology studies or game studies. Each session combines the term “digital cultures” with a verb that refers to a certain aspect of how digital media structure our current situation. At the same time, they can be understood as an opportunity for acting on and shaping digital cultures.
FÄLLT AUS “Wissenschaft/sfeindlichkeit – Soziale Medien und die Frage nach dem Wissen" (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Anna-Lena Wiechern
wöchentlich | Freitag | 10:15 - 11:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | intern
Inhalt: In jüngerer Vergangenheit war es wohl vor allem die Covid-19 Pandemie, die einige Teile der Gesellschaft hat Traditionen, Konventionen und vor allem Institutionen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in Frage stellen lassen. Ein gewisser Antiintellektualismus, der sich nicht mehr als Randphänomen einer kleinen Minderheit verstehen lässt, greift aber bereits seit Figuren wie Donald Trump um sich. Jüngst zeigt sich auch an Debatten zum Krieg im Nahen Osten, dass das Vertrauen in journalistische, juristische und politische Institutionen bei einigen Bevölkerungsgruppen zu schwinden scheint. Social Media, so die These des Seminars, spielt bei diesem Vertrauensverlust eine maßgebliche Rolle. Im Rahmen des Seminars möchte ich mit den Studierenden anhand einiger zentraler Texte aus der Wissenschaftsphilosophie über Anspruch und Geltungsbereich der Wissenschaften sprechen. Ziel ist es dann, verschiedene Auffassungen von Wissenschaft auf die Möglichkeiten und Gefahren von Social Media als technischer Form zu beziehen. Ein zentraler Bestandteil des Seminars sollen Gastvorträge von Personen sein, die sich z.B. als Jurist*innen, Journalist*innen oder Naturwissenschaftler*innen mit der Frage befassen, welche Gefahren und Potentialen von Sozialen Medien für wissenschaftliches Denken ausgehen. Die Studierenden sollen in die Organisation und Ausrichtung dieser Vorträge involviert werden, indem sie z.B. Ankündigung, Begrüßung oder Moderation übernehmen.
- Lehren und Lernen - Komplementärstudium - Methodenorientierte Zugänge zu den Geisteswissenschaften
- Leuphana Bachelor - Komplementärstudium - Methodenorientierte Zugänge zu den Geisteswissenschaften
- Sozialpädagogik - Komplementärstudium - Methodenorientierte Zugänge zu den Geisteswissenschaften
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Komplementärstudium - Methodenorientierte Zugänge zu den Geisteswissenschaften
BA-Colloquium (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Anna-Lena Wiechern
Einzeltermin | Fr, 29.11.2024, 10:00 - Fr, 29.11.2024, 16:00 | HMS
Einzeltermin | Do, 23.01.2025, 10:00 - Do, 23.01.2025, 16:00 | HMS
Inhalt: In this colloquium, we focus on forming an exciting and answerable research question for a BA thesis. We look at the relationship between formulating a hypothesis and subsequently identifying methods to guide the inquiry. The colloquium is a process of discovery best conducted with peers. The study of Digital Culture increasingly calls for interdisciplinary methods--you have a considerable amount of latitude in terms of your topic and methods. This disciplinary latitude means that choosing a topic narrow enough to answer in a BA thesis is critical. For this reason, much of the feedback given in the initial stages amounts to “be more specific.” Accordingly, you will get the most out of this colloquium if you arrive with a clearly defined topic. You have to know the boundaries (e.g., a time frame, geographic area, demographics).