Course Schedule
Advanced statistics (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Henrik Wehrden
Einzeltermin | Mi, 28.02.2024, 09:00 - Mi, 28.02.2024, 17:00 | C 14.006 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 29.02.2024, 09:00 - Do, 29.02.2024, 17:00 | C 40.501 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 01.03.2024, 09:00 - Fr, 01.03.2024, 16:00 | C 40.501 Seminarraum
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Applied Meta-analysis with R for Educational Researchers (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Burak Aydin
Einzeltermin | Do, 23.11.2023, 09:00 - Do, 23.11.2023, 16:00 | C 4.111 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 24.11.2023, 09:00 - Fr, 24.11.2023, 16:00 | C 4.111 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mi, 29.11.2023, 09:00 - Mi, 29.11.2023, 16:00 | C 40.175 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 30.11.2023, 09:00 - Do, 30.11.2023, 16:00 | C 4.111 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 01.12.2023, 09:00 - Fr, 01.12.2023, 16:00 | C 40.175 Seminarraum
Inhalt: Despite its steep learning curve, R has been a rewarding tool for those who utilized it in social sciences. Meta-analysis with R is no exception, to activate your imagination, a quick visit to Evidence Synthesis and Meta-Analysis in R Conference ( might be helpful. However, this course is designed as a seminar for students with no experience with R and meta-analysis. The course heavily depends on a textbook to facilitate an easy transition from basics to advanced applications. In-depth discussions on meta-analysis are included in the course, along with step-by-step illustrations of how to execute them using R. Examples of academic studies that reported meta-analysis results are provided each session; the suitable meta-analysis techniques are presented after explaining the study’s background and data. The necessary R packages and functions are explained to conduct the analyses. The creation of the analysis code and the results are provided step by step. With the help of the course textbook’s detailed explanations, readers should be able to follow the logic, comprehend the analysis techniques, and adopt R to analyze their own data. Readings/Literature I. INTRODUCTION TO THE R BASICS Chen, D. G. D., & Peace, K. E. (2021). Applied Meta-analysis with R and Stata. CRC Press. Aydın, B., Algina, J., Leite, W., & Atılgan, H. (2018). An R companion: A compact introduction for social scientists. Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara. II. RESEARCH PROTOCOL FOR META-ANALYSES Chen, D. G. D., & Peace, K. E. (2021). Applied Meta-analysis with R and Stata. CRC Press. Harrer, M., Cuijpers, P., Furukawa, T.A., & Ebert, D.D. (2021). Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide. Boca Raton, FL and London: Chapmann & Hall/CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-367-61007-4. Ahn, S., Ames, A. J., & Myers, N. D. (2012). A review of meta-analyses in education: Methodological strengths and weaknesses. Review of Educational Research, 82(4), 436-476. III. TRADITIONAL META-ANALYSIS MODELS Chen, D. G. D., & Peace, K. E. (2021). Applied Meta-analysis with R and Stata. CRC Press. Betthäuser, B. A., Bach-Mortensen, A. M., & Engzell, P. (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence on learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-11. VI. HETEROGENEITY IN META-ANALYSIS Chen, D. G. D., & Peace, K. E. (2021). Applied Meta-analysis with R and Stata. CRC Press. Schwarzer, G., Carpenter, J. R., & Rücker, G. (2015). Meta-analysis with R (Vol. 4784). Cham: Springer. V. ADVANCED TOPICS IN META-ANALYSIS Chen, D. G. D., & Peace, K. E. (2021). Applied Meta-analysis with R and Stata. CRC Press. Harrer, M., Cuijpers, P., Furukawa, T.A., & Ebert, D.D. (2021). Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide. Boca Raton, FL and London: Chapmann & Hall/CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-367-61007-4. Denson, N., & Seltzer, M. H. (2011). Meta-analysis in higher education: An illustrative example using hierarchical linear modeling. Research in Higher Education, 52, 215-244. Sánchez‐Meca, J., Marín‐Martínez, F., López‐López, J. A., Núñez‐Núñez, R. M., Rubio‐Aparicio, M., López‐García, J. J., ... & López‐Nicolás, R. (2021). Improving the reporting quality of reliability generalization meta‐analyses: The REGEMA checklist. Research synthesis methods, 12(4), 516-536.
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Customer Research - Fehlerquellen durch Biases und durch die gewählte Fragetechnik (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Nadine Galandi
Einzeltermin | Do, 07.12.2023, 09:00 - Do, 07.12.2023, 18:00 | Online-Veranstaltung | Online-Auftakt
Einzeltermin | Do, 11.01.2024, 09:00 - Do, 11.01.2024, 18:00 | C 4.215 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 12.01.2024, 09:00 - Fr, 12.01.2024, 18:00 | C 4.215 Seminarraum
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Elevator Pitch Seminar (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Ulf Brefeld
14-täglich | Mittwoch | 10:00 - 12:00 | 16.10.2023 - 02.02.2024 | C 6.321 Seminarraum
Inhalt: The seminar deals with elevator pitches, that is, very short summary presentations. The name comes from the possibility of meeting a VIP in front of an elevator and you have only a very limited amount of time before the VIP exists the elevator to tell her about your idea/research/undertaking/... In general, the shorter the presentation the more difficult it is and the more work you should put into it to give a good presentation. In this seminar, we will get to know the ingredients of a good presentation, how to prepare for it and how to perform well in front of an audience (e.g., VIP in an elevator).
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Ethnographic methods in entrepreneurship and organization research (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Boukje Cnossen, Ari Kuismin
Einzeltermin | Mo, 23.10.2023, 09:00 - Di, 24.10.2023, 17:00 | C 40.601 Seminarraum | Raum für Einzeltermine
Inhalt: In the last years, several scholars have called for ethnographic approaches in entrepreneurship research “to observe, explain and compare the dynamics of an entanglement of practices” (Thompson et al., 2020, p. 251 f.). Ethnography enables rich and contextual data that enable us as researchers to ‘dig deep’ (Chatterjee et al., 2021). So far, entrepreneurship researchers interested in ethnography have ’simply’ drawn from traditions of organizational ethnography and business anthropology (as well from other ethnographic communities of practice). Yet, applying ethnographic methods in entrepreneurship settings bring specific challenges as the researchers embed themselves in fast-paced environments. The workshop is divided into two days, the first laying the foundations of ethnography while the second highlights the ‘doing’ of it. The workshop covers a general introduction to ethnography, discusses core reading of the field, highlights the methodological specificities and ethical challenges, explores how to do fieldwork and how to produce ethnographic articles e.g. with the use of vignettes. Additionally, participants are required to bring their own research project and present and discuss it with the group. The structure of the course is as follows: - Introduction to ethnography - Methodological specificities and ethical challenges - Discourses and communities in ethnography - How to do fieldwork: what counts as empirical material and how to produce it? - Producing ethnographic articles: structure and writing styles - Discussion of core readings of the field - Experiences of the lecturers - Discussion and development of participants’ research projects
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Programming of Economic Experiments in oTree (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Janina Kraus, Mario Mechtel
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Research Methods in Legal Science (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Matthias Packeiser
wöchentlich | Montag | 10:00 - 12:00 | 16.10.2023 - 11.12.2023 | C 40.162 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Mi, 13.12.2023, 14:00 - Mi, 13.12.2023, 16:00 | C 40.162 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 14.12.2023, 10:00 - Do, 14.12.2023, 16:00 | extern | Ort: Joachim Herz Stiftung
Inhalt: The course is aimed at doctoral candidates of law and provides them with the necessary basics for working on their chosen research topics, for sharpening and narrowing down their content, as well as for developing a clear structure from the basic idea (as stated in the proposal). At the end of the course, the participants will be able to draw clear conclusions from their exposés for the coming semesters.
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Theorie - Empirie - Diskursanalyse (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Alex Demirovic
Einzeltermin | Fr, 12.01.2024, 17:00 - Fr, 12.01.2024, 19:00 | Online-Veranstaltung | Online I Vorbesprechung
Einzeltermin | Do, 22.02.2024, 10:00 - Do, 22.02.2024, 18:00 | C 12.009 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Fr, 23.02.2024, 09:00 - Fr, 23.02.2024, 18:00 | C 12.009 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Sa, 24.02.2024, 09:00 - Sa, 24.02.2024, 17:00 | C 12.009 Seminarraum
- DFG-Graduiertenkolleg Kulturen der Kritik - (Forschungsmethoden) Forschungskolleg - (Forschungsmethoden) Forschungskolleg
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Think Mathematically, Act Algorithmically: Modelling and Control of Dynamical Systems using Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Paolo Mercorelli
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 08:15 - 09:45 | 25.10.2023 - 24.01.2024 | C 40.106 Konrad-Zuse-Raum | zeitgleich 2 Kurse
Inhalt: Forms of Modelling of dynamical systems (technical, biological, economic and social systems), which can be seen as a course of applied mathematics intended for humanists, aims to try to introduce those forms with their language to be used to interpret and describe systems. Benefiting from having knowledge in the field of applied mathematics is in the same way important as benefiting from having knowledge in the field of German literature, or theology, philosophy or agronomy for example. Humanists with no experience in training in the formal notation of applied mathematics, which, in nearly every case, works as compactness over explanatory transparency, have difficulties in making their way through an argument depending on that form. And there is, in general, no way to “figure it out” without that kind of training. As mentioned, applied mathematics, in nearly every case, works as compactness over explanatory transparency and represents, nevertheless, a clear paradoxically valid mystification of the reality. Humanists can have interest to build a proper set of concepts for dealing with modelling and simulation forms. Modelling and simulation forms of dynamical systems can be represented using different but equivalent structures such as equations with variables defined in real time, block diagrams, equations with variables defined in the imaginary domain or others. But, paradoxically, without those mathematical valid mystifications they become mostly unintelligible. To conclude, independently of the motivations of each of us, the most important aim is to try knowing our soul better, as long as we are assuming that our soul manifests itself in different but, in the meantime, "complementary" forms. (Free interpreted from De Anima, Aristotle).
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
Think Mathematically, Act Algorithmically: Numerical Algorithms and Methods to Identify Dynamical Systems for Data Analysis and Reconciliation (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Paolo Mercorelli
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 16:15 - 17:45 | 16.10.2023 - 02.02.2024 | C 40.106 Konrad-Zuse-Raum | zeitgleich 2 Kurse
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Discussing Research Methods
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Discussing Research Methods