Informal encounters
+++ Next date for our After-Work at "KLIPPO" on 24 September 2024 at 4:00 pm. Registration here +++
Work culture is created where people meet. Exchange, networking and the occasional chat make us happy, give us new impulses and add value to our work, which is becoming increasingly important, especially in times of digitalisation. We want to collect ideas for structures, places and opportunities to meet, exchange, organise or get together under different topics and areas of interest - on duty, during breaks, even explicitly outside the duty context.
What do you understand by meeting culture?
Come to our meetings and share! Every idea is welcome!
Where can I meet (new) colleagues?
This question is our central starting point for establishing a diverse culture of encounter on and off campus.
In addition to the existing university sports activities, the first idea to emerge from this question was the "staff lunch break" in the refectory. Every Thursday from 11:55 a.m. you can find the staff table within sight of the cash registers. Come by and make new contacts - it's easy and you don't have to register!
What is planned for the future?
Would you like to meet new colleagues outside of university sports? Are you looking for a new table tennis partner? Or have you always wanted to take a dance class? Would you like to go bowling in a group or go on a bike tour? Tell us your ideas about how or where you would like to establish a culture of encounter. Send us your ideas through our channels.
Starting in the winter semester of 2022/23, there will be a monthly staff regulars' table after work. More information will be published soon via our channels.