For a long time now, we as the staff council have been repeatedly pointing out the unstoppable transformation processes in the world of work as part of our work: Demographic change, digitalisation, but also the change in the university landscape are just three dimensions that will have a massive impact on our joint work at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, even if we cannot always pinpoint exactly which one.
It is imperative that we as an organisation adapt to deal with these issues. From our point of view, it is by no means enough to always be satisfied with self-affirmation that change brings so many opportunities with it. As long as we as organisations and people are not equally practised and qualified to use change potentials productively, we will probably experience most of the effects of change as a burden.
With the Corona pandemic, many things suddenly changed from one day to the next. We believe that in the last two years we have been able to look at some of our challenges for the future as if through a burning glass. After Corona, many aspects of daily cooperation seem to be on trial, open for a new negotiation: leadership, working methods, communication, but also work-life balance or gender equality. From the staff council's point of view, this dynamic is a sign that a window for cultural change has opened.
During the two staff meetings last year, we started a discussion process with you about this huge topic area. You confirmed our perception that the future of work at Leuphana is about significantly more issues than just the number of possible teleworking days.
Topics such as flexibilisation, job satisfaction, digitalisation, modernisation and dealing with demographic change are inextricably linked. Together with many other aspects, they form what is commonly referred to as "New Work" or "Work 4.0".
As a staff council, it is our concern that the changes that will inevitably take place in these contexts over the next few years leave employees with a feeling that lets them talk about "good work". We want to approach this goal step by step.
In the long term, we as the staff council want to develop quality criteria for "Good Work 4.0" at Leuphana.