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Customer Relationship Management & Change (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Kerstin Brockelmann

wöchentlich | Montag | 08:30 - 10:00 | 06.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung | Online-Seminar über Zoom

Inhalt: Seminar mit Vermittlung theoretischer Inhalte und Transfer in die Praxis. Themengebiete sind: Kundenzufriedenheit, Kundenwert und CRM-Strategie, ganzheitliches CRM-Model, CRM-Tools, kundenspezifizierte Produktausrichtung, Kundengewinnung und -bindung, CRM-Technologie, kundenzentrierte Unternehmensorganisation, Kultur und Change Management.

Managing Start-ups (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Jan Tänzler

wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 16:15 - 17:45 | 06.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: Startups are characterized by the fact that at the beginning an innovation is decisive for the establishment of a company, which has a high potential. In addition, the founders initially have to carry out all of the company's tasks on their own, as the company's (financial) resources are limited. However, if the company grows over time, the founders often reach their limits. From now on, the company has to professionalize its structures: The company's financing, organization and staff management have to be adapted to the company's growth.

Organizing for Open Social Innovation (Seminar)

Dozent/in: Thomas Gegenhuber

Einzeltermin | Do, 08.04.2021, 14:15 - Do, 08.04.2021, 17:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 22.04.2021, 14:15 - Do, 22.04.2021, 17:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 29.04.2021, 14:15 - Do, 29.04.2021, 17:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 20.05.2021, 14:15 - Do, 20.05.2021, 17:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 27.05.2021, 14:15 - Do, 27.05.2021, 17:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 10.06.2021, 14:15 - Do, 10.06.2021, 17:45 | C 7.320 Seminarraum
Einzeltermin | Do, 17.06.2021, 14:15 - Do, 17.06.2021, 20:15 | C 7.320 Seminarraum

Inhalt: In March 2020, the German federal government agreed to serve as a host for the #WirVsVirus hackathon to counter the COVID-19 crisis, thereby experimenting with a novel and alternative organizing approach to address the crisis. Organized by a consortium of civil society organizations, 26,581 participated, making it the world's largest hackathon. Over the 48 hours, teams generated a total of 1,494 project ideas. The hackathon’s jury singled out the winning 20 projects, spotlighting them during an online ceremony held a week after the hackathon. After the hackathon, the organizers set up a post-hackathon support program (i.e., solution enabler program) to aid about 130 teams to develop further, integrate and scale-up their ideas. #WirVsVirus is a case of an attempt to bring together government, civil society and private sector to resolve a pressing societal grand challenge. The idea of opening up a participative space of experimentation to fuel social innovation strikes a chord with approaches known from the open and distributed innovation as well as open government research. Instead of relying solely on internal capabilities and resources, governments issue an open call to a variety of stakeholders (e.g., citizens, companies, etc.) to assist in coming up with solutions for tackling a crisis. By opening a space for participation, governments can expand their search outside their organizational boundaries to identify novel solutions from unexpected actors. A follow up project, #UpdateDeutschland launches in March 2021. In this course we will reflect on the benefits and challenges of setting up such an open social innovation initiative. You will familiarize yourselves with the concept social innovation, open innovation and hackathons. To gain deeper insights into an open social innovation phenomenon you will conduct your own empirical inquiry drawing on qualitative interviews as well as online data as a data source.

Sustainability Accounting, Reporting and Supply Chain Management (Vorlesung/Übung)

Dozent/in: Ilka Weissbrod

wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:15 - 16:30 | 06.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: Note: This course will be realized virtually. The course “Sustainability Accounting, Reporting and Supply Chain Management” is designed as a literature seminar and deals with the core role of sustainability information and sustainability information systems in organizational decision making as well as with sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable development of the economy and society is not possible without a sustainable development of companies and their supply chains. Corporate sustainability furthermore requires that sustainability is considered in management decisions. Given that management decisions are strongly influenced by accounting, management control and reporting, these information management systems are challenged to consider sustainability information, including information about supply chains. Accounting as the core information system of corporations and management control as the main control system, and supply chain management with regard to social and environmental challenges are discussed on the basis of key research publications in the light of their contribution to sustainable development. Frameworks, methods and case studies are reviewed and discussed.

Sustainability Accounting, Reporting and Supply Chain Management II (Vorlesung/Übung)

Dozent/in: Simon Norris, Ilka Weissbrod

Einzeltermin | Di, 13.04.2021, 14:15 - Di, 13.04.2021, 16:30 | Online-Veranstaltung
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 14:15 - 16:30 | 21.04.2021 - 09.07.2021 | Online-Veranstaltung

Inhalt: Note: This course will be realized virtually. The course “Sustainability Accounting, Reporting and Supply Chain Management” is designed as a literature seminar and deals with the core role of sustainability information and sustainability information systems in organizational decision making as well as with sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable development of the economy and society is not possible without a sustainable development of companies and their supply chains. Corporate sustainability furthermore requires that sustainability is considered in management decisions. Given that management decisions are strongly influenced by accounting, management control and reporting, these information management systems are challenged to consider sustainability information, including information about supply chains. Accounting as the core information system of corporations and management control as the main control system, and supply chain management with regard to social and environmental challenges are discussed on the basis of key research publications in the light of their contribution to sustainable development. Frameworks, methods and case studies are reviewed and discussed.