Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies (lias) in Culture and Society

The Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies (lias) at Leuphana University of Lüneburg is a research institute that contributes to the development and internationalisation of the university's main research priorities. Driven by an international fellowship program, it meets the challenges of a globalised present in a research-based way. Located in the university's central building designed by Daniel Libeskind, lias’s approach is characterized by interdisciplinary collaboration, university engagement and co-creation.

Culture and Society

During the first five years, research will be devoted to promoting diagnostic and critical research in the humanities and social sciences. Based on the Lüneburg approach that brings together humanities and social science perspectives, research at lias in Culture and Society transcends academic disciplines. As a contribution to the potentialisation of society, the institute works to develop new possibilities for shaping the future and expanding our options for thought and action. It therefore also brings to fruition Leuphana University’s declared goal to actively engage with contemporary societal challenges. lias in Culture and Society is supported by a SPRUNG grant awarded by the Volkswagen Foundation.