“Transforming Matter” – Felipe Fonseca

25. Oct

DCRL Semester theme: Design and Repair, Winter Semester 2016/2017

Fabrication and repair are often considered opposite ends on the lifetime of objects. This is a limited perspective though, one that allows little agency for people along the process. A more fruitful take would be to observe the common aspects of diverse activities related to the transformation of matter. In this lecture Felipe Fonseca introduces the image of Gambiarra from Brazilian cultures, meaning all sorts of improvised solutions for everyday problems. How can it be understood from an interest on design and repair? Can it contribute to move away from an industrial worldview to more inclusive and sustainable approaches? What does it have to offer to new initiatives related to digital fabrication, maker culture and sustainability?


Venue: Freiraum Lüneburg Salzstr. 1 / 21335 Lüneburg