Semester Topics

Every semester the CDC organizes its collective research under a semester theme, under which a series of events then take place. These themes allow us to develop coherent research thematics while flexibly engaging with a number of subsidiary themes. We usually organize symposia, workshops and lectures, as well as a variety of more experimental and open event formats, such as conversations or barcamps.

The central ‘spine’ of the semester themes are the CDC Talks, Workshops, and Panels.

View Lectures on Vimeo


23.10.2024, 18:00-20:00, Lecture Hall 3
A Politics of Neglect: Trailing Life and Death in a Postcolonial Landscape
Amade M’Charek (University of Amsterdam)


29.10.2024, 12:00-14:00, C40.146
Climate Futures Talk
Models and Elements: Commodifying Carbon for Climate Futures
Adam Wickberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)


05.11.2024, 12:00-14:00, C40.530
Climate Futures Workshop
Green Data Capitalism: ICT and the Intra-Class Conflicts of Climate Action
Anne Pasek (Trent University, Peterborough)


12.11.2024, 12:00-14:00, C40.176
Maritime Digital Twins: From Bridges Simulators to Regimes of Infrastructure Control
Sebastian Vehlken (German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven)


19.11.2024, 12:00-14:00, C40.530
Climate Futures Talk
Frozen Ground Truths
Susan Schuppli (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Board Chair of Forensic Architecture


26.11.2024, 12:00-14:00, C40.530
An Unrelated RAND Study: ARPANET And Nuclear Mythographies
Daniel Nemely (Leuphana University Lüneburg)


27.11.2024, 18:00-20:00, Hamburg Media School
Digital Media in the Making 3
BA Students Digital Media, Leuphana University and Hamburg Media School


03.12.2024, 18:00-20:00, Lecture Hall 3
Russian Wartime Migrants: Matching Political Demand with Supply
Margarita Zavadskaya (University of Helsinki, FIIA)
Followed by a Workshop on 04.12.2024, C40.601


03.12.2024, 10:00-17:00, C40.601
On Russia from Exile: New Directions in Activism and Scholarship
Anna Kalinina, Margarita Zavadskaya, Vlada Baranova, Mariia Vasilievskaia, PS Lab, FAR Hamburg, Solidarity Zone, Reforum Space Berlin, Eva Rapaport, and others


10.12.2024, 18:00-20:00, C40.530
Panel Discussion (in German)
What is AI literacy?
Claus Pias, Simon Roloff (Leuphana), Stefan Ulrich (Weizenbaum Institute Berlin), Dan Verständig (Bielefeld University)


14.01.2025, 18:00-20:00, Lecture Hall 1
Panel Discussion (in German)
Rechte Memes, rechte Affekte, rechte Unternehmer
Simon Strick (ZeM Potsdam), Laura Hille, Ben Hundertmark / Andrea Kretschmann (Leuphana)
Respondent: Michael Koß (Leuphana)
Part of the LIAS action week “Challenges from the Right: Practices and Ideologies”


21.01.2025, 12:00-14:00, C40.530
Climate Futures Talk
Planetary UX
Melissa Gregg (University of Bristol)


29.01.2025, 18:00-20:00, Forum Central Building
Inaugural Lecture
Armin Beverungen
Professorship for the Sociology of Organisation and Economy


04.02.2025-06.02.2025, Central Building
Urban Speculations: Cities, Technologies, Futures
With Lauren Bridges, Liza Cirolia, and many others
Registration and further information at




09.04.2024, 16:00-18:00, C40.704

Semester Opening and Book Launches

hosted by CDC and the Center for Critical Studies


11.04.2024, 14:00-15:30, Hamburg Media School, Ditze-Hörsaal

“Who cares about representation? Behinderte Menschen in den Medien” (in German)

René Schaar (NDR)

*This talk is part of the lecture course "Media Design and Accessiblity" in the BA Major Digital Media


23.04.2024, 18:00-20:00, HS 3


"Public thing: … from writing to texting: a work in progress“*

McKenzie Wark (The New School, New York)

*The 3 dots are that 3 dot animation you see when someone is texting to you.


24.04.2024, 19:00, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Panel Discussion

"The Dark Sides of Digital Humanism"

with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Claus Pias, McKenzie Wark, and Clemens Apprich

Online stream will be available on YouTube


25.04.2024, 18:00, University of Applied Art Vienna

"Organizing Color: Toward a Chromatics of the Social"

Timon Beyes in conversation with Jenni Tischler


14.05.2024, 12:00 - 14:00, C40.320

Research Colloquium

"The Poverty of Strategy"

Robin Holt (University of Bristol)


04.06.2024, 12:00 - 14:00, C40.320

Research Colloquium

"The Making of Digital Urban Twins: Perspectives into the Blackbox

of Software Development in Hamburg"

Johanna Fischer and Michelle Renz (HafenCity University Hamburg)


11.06.2024, 12:00 - 14:00, C40.320

Research Colloquium

"Trained Apes in Artificial Environments. Some Notes on the Media Archaeology of the Behavioral Sciences"

Daniela Wenz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)


18.06.2024, 12:00-14:00, C40.320

Research Colloquium

"The Data Driven Home"

Martin Friis Nielsen (Copenhagen Business School)


25.06.2024, 12:00 - 14:00, C40.320

Book Presentation

"Middle Tech – Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough"

Paula Bialski (University of St. Gallen)


26.06.2024, 19:00, ICI Berlin


Acedia, Inertia, Latency: Resistances to Acceleration

Omer Fast and Ute Holl

*part of Stanford-Leuphana Summer Academy 2024


02.07.2024, 12:00 - 14:00, C40.320

Research Colloquium

"Epistemic Rupture, Language Hegemony and its Disruptions

with Machine Translation"

Seyi Olojo (UC Berkeley/Weizenbaum Institute)


24.10. 2023, 12 - 14:00, C40.320

"Project on Archives, Technology, and Secrecy"

Colloquium with Charles Barbour (University of Western Sydney)


07.11. 2023, 16:00, via Zoom

"Land and Data: Land Use Politics and the Expansion of Digital Infrastructures"

Colloquium with Lauren Bridges (Harvard University)

Meeting-ID: 976 1306 2327
Password: 038899


13.-14.11. 2023, Kunstraum Lüneburg*

"Organization as Medium of Contemporary Art"


Please register @CDC Forum (


15.-16.11.2023, CDC (hybrid)*

"{Futures} loading..."

Conference with Götz Bachmann, Paula Bialski, Laura Hille, Annika Lübben, Claus Pias and others

Please register @CDC Forum (


29.11. 2023, 18:00, Lecture Hall 3

"Performing Digital Data Rights"

Lecture with Evelyn Ruppert (University of London)


05.12. 2023, 12 - 14:00. C40.320

"End User Narrative: Automated Video and Reinforcement Learning"

Colloquium with Robert Rapoport


06.12. 2023, 6:30, Lecture Hall 3

"Professorship of Digital Cultures"

Inaugural Lecture by Jan Müggenburg


12.12. 2023,12 - 14:00, C40.320

"Is Tech-led urbanism Sociopathic?"

Workshop with Constance Carr and Markus Hesse (University of Luxembourg)


22.12. 2023

"The Silicon Valley Ideology"

Podcast launch by Laura Hille


Mondays, 18:00, on

"Streaming the Valley"

by Laura Hille (@simongoeshill)


09.01. 2024, 12 - 14:00, C40.320

"Ground Truthing in Digital Technoculture"

Colloquium with Vera Tollmann


10.01. 2024, 6:30, Foyer Central Building  

"Professorship of Political Sociology"

Inaugural Lecture by Stephan Scheel


16.01. 2024, 12 - 14:00,/ C40.320 (moved to Summer 24)

"The Poverty of Strategy"

Colloquium with Robin Holt (University of Bristol)


30.01. 2024, 12 - 14:00, C40.320

"Trajectories, Patterns, Super Structures. Mapping Digital Cultures"

Workshop with Ulf Treger


31.01. 2024, 18 - 20:00, C40.704

"Can Trust be Engineered?"

Lecture with Keith Breckenridge (University of the Witwatersrand)


CDC Research Colloquia 2-weekly, Tuesday 12-2pm (hybrid) C40.320

11.04. 2023, 12 - 14:00

"Tiefen der Täuschung" (in German)
Book launch with Anne Dippel and Martin Warnke


25.04. 2023, 12-14:00

"Cyberwar Topologies: In Struggle for a Post-American Internet“ 
with Svitlana Matviyenko and Kayla Hilstob


09.05. 2023, 12-14:00

"Dance Music Spaces: Clubs, Clubbers, and DJs Navigating Authenticity, Branding, and Commercialism"
with Danielle Hidalgo


17.05.2023, 16:00, via ZOOM

 "Amazon at the Intersection of Culture and Capital"
Book Discussion with Alex Monea, Paul Smith and others


23.05. 2023, 12-14:00

"Protest Instructions in Online Russian Contentious Networks"
with Anna Kalinina and Natasha Tyshkevich


24. 05. 2023, 18-20:00, Hörsaal 3

"Terror Environments: Writing through War“
with Svitlana Matviyenko


06.06. 2023, 12-14:00

"Die Technik und das Digital im Spiegel der Kulturphilosophie von Ernst Cassirer“ (in German)
with Benedetta Milani 


20.06. 2023, 12-14:00
[Postponed to Spring 2024] 

"Nuclear Cyberwar: The Legacies of Energy Terrorism in the Russia-Ukraine War“ 
with Svitlana Matviyenko


21. - 22.6. 2023, 12-14:00

"Hacker Cultures. Ethnographies of Silicon Valley and Beyond"
Future Making Workshop


23.06. 2023, 10-18:00, HFBK University of Fine Arts Hamburg

"Media Organize: Exploring and Exhibiting Technologies of the Social"
Project presentations with the students of the Leuphana University and HfBK 


28.06.2023, 19:00, ici Berlin

"Media and Cultural Change"
Stanford-Leuphana Summer Academy with Simon Denny, Fred Turner and others


04.07.2023, 12-14:00

"A((I))cademia? ChatGPT und die Konjunktur eines Themas"
with Laura Hille and Jan Müggenburg

Centre for Digital Cultures – Winter Term 2022/2023

30.11. 2022, 6pm, Hamburg Media School, room 139

CDC presents: “Digital Media in the Making”
Work exhibition by students of the bachelor program digital media, a joint program of leuphana university and hamburg media school

11.01. 2023, 6pm, C5.326

„Ein Abend für Wolfgang Hagen." (Catch-up date)
Reminiscent reading of the digital web presence

17.01. 2023, 6pm, bar blaenk

Book Launch
„Tiefen der Täuschung. Computersimulationen und Wirklichkeitserzeugung“ with Anne Dippel and Martin Warnke

23.01. 2023, 7pm, Kunstverein Hamburg

Book Launch “Proof of Stake: Technological Claims”
with Simon Denny, authors and artists

02.02. 2023, 6pm, bar blaenk

Book Launch
Digital Cultures Celebrations and book launch

Centre for Digital Cultures – Summer Term 2022

12.4. 2022, 5pm, C40.704

Alessandro Delfanti
The Warehouse: Workers and Robots at Amazon

4.5. 2022, 7pm, Bar blaenk

Book Series Celebration, “In Search of Media” with editors and authors

5.5. 2022, 12pm, C14.027

Wendy Chun
Racialized Technologies: Anti-Asian Hate and Sentiment Analysis

25.5. 2022, 5pm, ZOOM

Emily West
Buy now. How amazon branded convenience and normalized monopoly.

1.6. 2022, 6pm, C40.256

Alison Powell
Undoing Optimization: The Smart City and Afterwards

14.6. 2022, 6pm, C40.152

Elizabeth Petrick
The Annotated Patent History Digital Archive

20.–24.6. 2022, Haus Cramer, Pacelliallee 18, 14195 Berlin

Stanford–Leuphana Summer Academy 2022

22.6. 2022, 7pm, ICI Berlin

Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen
Scale (public event)

29.6. 2022, 6pm, C40.256

Barbara Hof (Zürich)
Der Simulationsreaktor als Lernhilfe. Argonaut, Anwendungswissen und der Aufbau der Atomindustrie in der BRD

30.6. 2022, 6pm, Kunstraum Leuphana Campus

Ein Abend für Wolfgang Hagen, inkl. Buchvorstellung »Das Loch. Beobachtungen vom Schwinden des Seins“

Centre for Digital Cultures – Winter Term 2021/2022

16.11. 2021

Matthew Hockenberry, Nicole Starosielski, Susan Zieger plus Contributors
Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media 

23.11. 2021

Alexander Klose
Daten sind das neue Öl? – Über systematische Zusammenhänge zwischen digitalem Zeitalter und Petromodern 

30.11. 2021

Joshua Neves, Marc Steinberg
In Convenience

7.12. 2021

Wendy Chun, Melissa Gregg and others
In Search of Media

7.12. 2021

Elizabeth Petrick
Disability, Embodiment, and Online Socialization: Computerized Conferencing Technology in the 1970s

7.12. 2021

Wendy Chun
Discrimination Data

8.–9.12. 2021

Marilyn Strathern
Conference at Warburg Haus Hamburg “Unrelating: Infrastructures, Imaginaries and Politics of Disconnection” 

14.12. 2021

Rodrigo Nunes
Neither Vertical nor Horizontal

15.12. 2021

Hito Steyerl, Wendy Chun
Technologies of Bureaucracy: Before and After the Digital Turn
Lecture (Stanford-Leuphana Winter Academy) at ICI Berlin

11.1. 2022

Film-Event at Scala: “Masking Threshold” by Johannes Grenzfurthner, Film Info:

18.1. 2022

Jan Müggenburg plus Contributors
Reichweitenangst. Batterien und Akkus als Medien des digitalen Zeitalters

22.–24.2. 2022

Selbstverständlichkeiten der Simulation


every Monday / 6–8pm CET “The Silicon Valley Ideology”, Laura Hille, streaming on:

CDC | MECS Events– Summer Term 2021


Tero Karppi, Urs Stäheli, Clara Wieghorst, Lea Zierott
Undoing Networks


Wolfgang Hagen
NEUDASEIN. Essays zur sozialen Epistemologie der Smartphone-Fotografie


Mar Hicks, Thomas S. Mullaney, Benjamin Peters, Kavita Philip
Your Computer is on Fire
In cooperation with SFB Media of Cooperation, Siegen


Anon Collective
Book of Anonymity

Aaron Benanav
Automation and the Future of Work


Zukunft machen. Vergangene und gegenwärtige Zukünfte des Silicon Valleys


Timon Beyes, Lisa Conrad, Randi Heinrichs and guests
Digital Encounters: Ethnography in and after the Pandemic


Keynote: Mara Mills, Wolfgang Hagen, Jan Müggenburg, Philipp Sander, Anna-Lena Wiechern
Assistance, Assistants and Assistive Media, Conference


Clare Birchall, Wendy Chun, Simon Denny, Marisa Galvez, Joshua Neves, Weixian Pan, Nishant Shah and others
Proof of Stake: Organizational Objects 
Kunstverein in Hamburg

CDC-Forum Winter Term 2020/2021 (via video conference)

The corona pandemic has led to an abrupt surge in digitalization. In response, the CDC organizes a public discussion forum every two weeks as a video conference.
The events are dedicated to central questions of the pandemic and digital culture as well as the effects of the current crisis on social and academic life.

Interested persons who would like to be invited to the videoconferences can register by e-mail to

Past video conferences are available on vimeo: Channel "CDC Forum"

The following topics and dates are planned:


Andreas Sudmann
Wie kann man die industrielle Praxis der KI medienethnographisch erforschen?

26.10. 2020

Mathias Fuchs
Spatial Conditions of Work and Play: Intangibility Replaces Haptic Experience


Ilia Antenucci
Urban Extractivism: Data, Value and Computing Infrastructures


Andreas Bernard, Stabile Daten
Immune Körper: Narrative der Epidemie


Mara Mills, Jonathan Sterne, Jan Müggenburg
Rethinking the "Standard" in Digital Standards


Michael Dieter, Laliv Melamed, Antonio Somaini
Pandemic Media


Paula Bialski
Good Enough Software: A Book Overview


Henning Laux, Sandra Matthäus, Philipp Zeltner
Disruptive Technologien

Barbara Hof
Der Simulationsreaktor als Lernhilfe. Argonaut, Anwendungswissen und der Aufbau der Atomindustrie in der BRD


Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal
Data Demands: On New Storytelling Practices of Old Data Regimes

All events except for Barbara Hof‘s talk are online events. For registration, please send an email to

CDC Forum Summer Semester 2020 (via video conference)

The corona pandemic has led to an abrupt surge in digitalization. In response, the CDC organizes a public discussion forum every two weeks as a video conference.
The events are dedicated to central questions of the pandemic and digital culture as well as the effects of the current crisis on social and academic life.


Ruth Mayer and Florian Sprenger; Moderation: Andreas Bernard
Universität im Ausnahmezustand: „Nicht-Semester“ oder Business as Usual?


Andreas Bernard, Rupert Gaderer
Abwesenheitspflicht. Der Status von “Präsenz” in Zeiten der Pandemie


Daniela Wentz
Epidemiologie der Serie


Armin Beverungen
Überwachungs- und Krisenkapitalismus


Jan Müggenburg, Philipp Sander, Anna-Lena Wiechern, Barbara Hof [University of Zurich], Isabel Zorn [Cologne]
Lost in Translation. Chancen und Barrieren der digitalen Lehre


Claus Pias
Simulating pandemics: Welches Wissen liefern Simulationen?


Moritz Altenried, Valentin Niebler, Mira Wallis
"Remote is the new normal"? Digitale und prädigitale Geschichten der Heimarbeit


Wendy Hui Kyong Chun [Vancouver], Tero Karppi [Toronto], Timon Beyes, Randi Heinrichs, Clara Wieghorst, Lea Paula Zierott [Uni Hamburg]
The space between us: Networks after the pandemic



CDC | MECS Events Winter 19/20


Mosher Alumni Hall, Santa Barbara
Modeling The Pacific. Oceanic Research in Science, Technology, and Humanities
In Cooperation with UCSB

22.10. 2019

Morgan Ames
The Charisma Machine: The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop per Child

23.10. 2019
In Search of Media

24,.10. 2019

Olga Goriunova, Martina Leeker, Kathrin Passig and othe
Digitale Kulturen

30.10. 2019

Marc Steinberg
Platform Worlds

7–8.11. 2019

Windkanäle. Wissen, Politik und Ästhetik bewegter Luft
in Cooperation with ZHdK

7–13.11. 2019

Exhibition with Christoph Oeschger and Florian Dombois
Filme des Windes

13.11. 2019

Dan L. Burk
Exhaustion of Copyright in Digital Objects

13.11. 2019

Karin Harrasser
Im Paradis des Taktilen. Reale Experimentalsubjekte und spekulative Assistenzmedien

20–22.11. 2019

Digitalität in den Geisteswissenschaften

11.12. 2019

Peter Krapp
Virtual U: Simulating Higher Education

12.12. 2019
Ephemera. Data & Drama

18.12. 2019
The Oxford Handbook of Media, Technology, and Organization Studies

Ringvorlesung Digitale Kulturen – PARADIGMEN II

24.10.2019–30.1.2020, donnerstags
12:15–13:45 Uhr, Hörsaal 1


Andreas Bernard, Lisa Conrad, Daniela Wentz
Einführung: Was sind digitale Kulturen?


Claus Pias
Digitalisierung und die geschichtlichen Grundbegriffe des kalten Krieges


Timon Beyes
Überwachen und Unterhalten. Organisation in digitalen Kulturen


Martina Leeker
Performing posthuman für digitale Kulturen. Episoden einer großangelegten Umstellung 1966 – 2019


Paula Bialski
Software, Sociality, and Digital Cultures


Armin Beverungen
Algorithmisches Management in digitalen Kulturen


Kathrin Passig
Trial and Lots of Error. Governance in Digital Cultures


Jan Müggenburg
Reichweitenangst. Batterien und Akkus als Medien digitaler Kulturen


Gottfried Schnödl
Digital Age. Geschichtskonzepte digitaler Kulturen


Erich Hörl
Kritik der Environmentalität. Über den neuen Vereinnahmungsapparat in digitalen Kulturen


Martin Warnke
Computersimulation als Erkenntnismethode der digitalen Kulturen


Olga Goriunova
Abstract Subjects. How an I becomes an X in new data calculations

CDCevents, Summer Semester 2019

from 10.04. 2019

Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit 2.0
Lecture Series

10.04. 2019

Lisa Conrad, Randi Heinrichs, Boukje Cnossen
Data and Drama. Scenes from Ethnographic Field Work

24.04. 2019

Gottfried Schnödl
Naturalisieren, Ontologisieren, Ökologisieren. Zu Naturvorstellungen in Technik- und Medientheorie

8.05. 2019

Rupert Gaderer
Shitstorm. Agitation, Simulation und Kampf in digitalen Lebenswelten

15.05. 2019

Gabriele Schabacher
Digital Regimes of Control. Between Social Utopia and Technical Failure

22.05. 2019

Ben Peters
On the Proverbial Stupid History of Smart Technology

5.06. 2019

Martin Woesler
Society 5.0 in China

12-13.06. 2019

Marie-Luise Angerer, Andreas Bernard, Wolfgang Hagen, Stefan Rieger, Rahel Schnitter, Sebastian Vehlken, Daniela Wentz, Anna-Lena Wichern
Making Sense(s). Die Medialität der Nahsinne

18.06. 2019

Tero Karppi

3.07. 2019

Shane Denson
Images of Discorrelation

CDCevents, Outline of the Digital, Winter Semester 2018/2019

4–12.20. 2018

Digital Futures
Leuphana Opening Week

17.10. 2018

Andreas Bernard
Das Diktat des Hashtags

24.10. 2018

Rudolf Seising
Anfänge von Digitalisierung und Algorithmisierung der Mustererkennung

21.11. 2018

Howard Caygill, Claus Pias, Timon Beyes
The Arcanum in Digital Cultures

The Creativity Complex: A Companion to Contemporary Culture
Timon Beyes,Jörg Metelmann

7.12. 2018

Manuela Bojazijev, Jan Müggenburg, Wolfgang Hagen, Mathias Fuchs
Phänomene digitaler Kulturen

12.12. 2018

Patrick Vonderau
Spotify Teardown: Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music

18.12. 2018

Eva Illouz
Parting Ways: Authenticity vs. Social Critique

19.12. 2018

In Search of Media (University of Minnesota Press / meson Press)

9.01. 2019

Stefan Willer
Verhinderte Zukunft. Präventionsfantasien in der Gegenwartsliteratur

24–26.01. 2019

Stefan Rieger, Florian Sprenger, Laura Hille, Frank Dittmann
Batterien enthalten? Elektrochemische Zellen als Medien des digitalen Zeitalters

CDCevents, Summer Semester 2018

From Organization, over Non-knowledge to Critique the CDC Summer Events offer a collage of the research topics around recent developments in digital cultures, which are mapped at the Centre for Digital Culture. 


18.04. 2018

Martin Degeling, Julius Othmer, Andreas Weich, Bianca Westermann
Howard Caygill, Martina Leeker, Tobias Schulze 
Interventions in Digital Cultures: Technology, the Political, Methods
Andreas Bernard, Matthias Koch,  Martina Leeker
Alexander Friedrich, Petra Löffler,  Niklas Schrape, Florian Sprenger
Ökologien der Erde

24.04. 2018

Nikolaus Wegmann
Alles eine Frage der Skalierung? Zur Faszinationsgeschichte der Selbst-Dokumentation

16.05. 2018

Dieter Mersch
Digital Lives. Einige Aspekte einer Kritik
in cooperation with the DFG-funded Research Training Group Cultures of Critique

23.05. 2018

Daniela Wentz
Dating Cultures. Szenen einer Mediengeschichte des Liebeswerbens

7-8.06. 2018
Organizing Digital Cultures: Histories, Ethnographies, Materialities


Elisa Giardina Papa
Affective Labor and Automation

13-14.06. 2018

Johan Lindquist & Patrick Vonderau, Stephan Scheel, Astrid Schmidt, and Alex Wood
Digital Labour and Migration


Martina Leeker
Kritik in digitalen Kulturen

6-11.07. 2018

Sound and Vision in Digital Cultures
Undergraduate Summer School //

16-19.09 2018

Historiographies of Digital Cultures
Summer School

19-22.09. 2018
Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology

Critique in Digital Cultures, Winter Semester 2017/2018

This semester deals with the place of critique in today's digital society. What happens to this crucial concept of modernity when it encounters computers, networks and platforms? Does the new technological infrastructure demand new practices of critique or even a new concept of critique?



Martina Leeker, Imanuel Schipper, Timon Beyes 
Performing the Digital. Performativity and Performance Studies in Digital Cultures 

Claus Pias, Jörg Metelmann, Timon Beyes
Nach der Revolution

25.10. 2017

Götz Bachmann, Laura Hille, Dominik Maeder, Angela Nagle, Nina Power & Daniela Wentz
Silicon Trolls. Net Cultures, Neo-Fascism and Technological Determinism

14.11. 2017

Sigrid Weigel
On the Rise of Digital Stupidity. An Archaeology of ‚Emotion Detection’-Programms and their Epistemic Foundations

lecture recording

15.11. 2017

Sigrid Weigel
Grammatology of Images

15.11. 2017

Mara Mills
Speed Listening by Blind Readers and the History of Audio Time Compression

Andreas Bernard
Komplizen des Erkennungsdienstes. Das Selbst in der digitalen Kultur

21-23.11. 2017

Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Hito Steyerl & Clemens Apprich
Post-X Politics
Pattern Discrimination - How to Queer Homophily?

See opening discussion on vimeo

Clemens Apprich
Technotopia: A Media Genealogy of Net Cultures 

+ Readings & Presentations

Heba Y. Amin, Clemens Apprich, Migle Bareikyte, Konrad Becker, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Daphne Dragona, Yuriko Furuhata, Baruch Gottlieb, Dmytri Kleiner, Diana McCarty, Joshua Neves, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Oleksiy Radynski, Marc Steinberg, Oliver Lerone Schultz, Nishant Shah & Zeerak Waseem
in cooperation with the DFG Research Training Group Cultures of Critique & the Global Emergent Media Lab

+ Lecture Performance

Konrad Becker
Theaters of Reality - Deep Politics and Cultural Intelligence

5.12. 2017

Thomas Lemke
Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies

13.12. 2017

CDC reading group with Megan Fernandes

20.12. 2017

CDC reading group with Dennis Tenen


CDC reading group with Stefan Römer


Chris Tedjasukmana
Carnal Networks - Affectice Counterpublics and the Activist Videos of #BlackLivesMatter


Marie-Luise Angerer, Clemens Apprich, David Berry, Timon Beyes, Alex Demirovic, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Frédéric Martel, Nikolaus Müller-Schöll, Roberto Nigro, Stefan Römer, Jutta Weber, Carolin Wiedemann & Ulf Wuggenig
CritiqueLab. Toolkits for Critique in Digital Cultures
in cooperation with the DFG Research Training Group Cultures of Critique


David Berry & Frédéric Martel
Digital Critique or Critique of the Digital? 
Moderation: Roberto Nigro & Martina Leeker


Andreas Bernard, Philipp Felsch, Ethel Matala de Mazza, Jens Schröter, Christian Voller, Daniela Wentz & Christina Wessely
Politische Öffentlichkeit und Medientechnologien  

24.01. 2018
CDC reading group with Fiorenzo Iuliano

30.01. 2018

Oliver Nachtwey 
Production Models of Digital Capitalism

Operations, Work, Labour, Summer Semester 2017

Operations, work and labour in digital cultures, provide us with three interconnected angles to explore how socio-economic relations are being rearranged through digital media technologies. The lecture series investigates the operations of platforms and blockchains, the fantasies of automation and postwork, global division of labour, and the politics of reproduction and care.



Valeria Graziano, Gary Hall, Tomislav Medak and Marcell Mars
The Hedging of the University: Deep Financialization and Agency of Care in Platform-Academia to Come


Quinn DuPont
Algorithmic Governance in The DAO: A Case Study of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations


Silvia Federici
Between the Wage and the Commons
In cooperation with the Gender and Diversity Research Network’s lecture series “Work, Gender, and Social Reproduction" and the DFG Research Group “Cultures of Critique”


Silvia Federici, George Caffentzis & Anthony Iles
Recollecting Midnight Notes


Pun Ngai
Dying for iPhone: Foxconn and the Struggle of Chinese Workers


Kalindi Vora
Surrogate Effects: The Politics of Labor, Reproduction, Protest and Difference in Social Technologies


Anja Kanngieser
Listening in a Time of Crisis: The Operation of Sound in Understanding Climate Change

Martina Leeker, Imanuel Schipper, Timon Beyes
Performing the Digital. Performativity and Performance Studies in Digital Cultures


Helen Hester
Technology Becomes Her: Changing Understandings of Women, Machines, and Work in the Era of the Digital Assistant
In cooperation with the Gender and Diversity Research Network’s lecture series "Work, Gender, and Social Reproduction"


Alex Rosenblat
The Taking Economy: Uber, Information, and Power

Design and Repair, Winter Semester 2016/2017

Digital cultures pose questions of design – of surfaces, interfaces, hardware, software, and platforms. In the presence of glitches, malfunctions, and incompatibilities, repair becomes designs’ counterpart. What are the freedoms and constraints of design and repair? 



Felipe Fonseca
Transforming Matter


Kat Jungnickel
Designing Feminist Futures


Paula Bialski, Laura Hille, Andreas Bernard and others
Designing the Self


Tara McPherson
Designing the Humanities


Laura Forlano
Repairing Futures: Anticipation, Participation and Speculation


Kristina Lindström & Åsa Ståhl
The Ragpicker Meets the Composter: Maintenance, Repair and Transformation


Lara Houston
The Politics and Aesthetics of Inventive Infrastructures of Repair


Thomas Haigh
Working on ENIAC: Design, Repair and Maintenance in the Early Digital


Steve Kurtz

Economy, Ecology, Organizsation, Summer Semester 2016

What economic logics and organisational forms are precipitated by ecological media? What cybernetic dreams and logistical nightmares become reality?



Boris Traue and Götz Bachmann
Re-thinking Relationality in the Sociotechnological Condition


Jason W. Moore in conversation with Erich Hörl
World-Ecology, General Ecology and Cyberneticization


The Cybernetic Hypothesis

DFG-projekt Technoecologies of Participation


Martina Leeker, Orit Halpern, Irina Kaldrack, Lisa Conrad
Reading Algorithms. Queer and Transgressive Encountes


Clemens Apprich, Christina Vagt, Moritz Gansen
Tracing Bergson. Perspectives on Life and the Living


Jennifer Gabrys in conversation with Andreas Broeckmann
Program Earth


Armin Beverungen, Lilly Irani, Ann-Christina Lange, Matteo Pasquinelli, Ned Rossiter, Trebor Scholz
Unpacking Organization: The Labour of Circulation. Cybernetics, Logistics and the Labour of Circulation


Ecologies of Existence
Symposium with the Archipelago Lab

Non-Knowledge, Winter Semester 2015/16

Digital technology today provides us with an abundance of knowledge that seems to be eliminating all gaps of non-knowledge. The Digital Cultures Research Lab tries to review this diagnosis and to analyze the precise functions of non-knowledge in digital cultures.



Goeffrey Winthrop-Young
On Not(-)Knowing Animals and Environments. Kulturtechniken and posthumanities


Antoinette Rouvroy
Algorithmic governmentality and the images of thought: A few thoughts about law in a world of Big Data


Jeannie Moser
On the of non-knowledge: Mistrust


Bernhard Herborth & Melanie Mohren
Institutions between Delusion and Vision


Albrecht Koschorke
eing a Subject in the Algorithmic Age


Wolfgang Schäffner
Hardware, Everywhere


Timon Beyes, John Durham Peters, Ute Holl, Eva Illouz, Claus Pias, Christoph Wulf
Non-knowledge and digital cultures

Un/Stable Infrastructures, Summer Semester 2015

Infrastructures intersect, reinforce, transform, compete and unfold in time and space. As structures in the making they provide the operational backbone of digital cultures, always under negotiation between civic, governmental and corporate interests.



Sebastian Gießmann
Fluctuating Networks. Un/stable Platforms, and the Internet of Things


Nathalie Bredella
Architectual Infrastructures and Media Ensembles


Marcell Mars, Rafico Ruiz, Harald Staun
Structures In The Making: A Roundtable Discussion


Fred Turner
The Democratic Surround and the Forgotten History of Multimedia


Mark Hansen
Digital Promiscuity and Database Culture


Shannon Mattern
Epistemic Sync: Realigning the Library’s Entagled Infrastructures


Kat Jungnickel, Renée Ridgway, Trevor Pinch, Urs Stäheli, Felix Stalder
Un/Stable Infrastructures

Clouds and Collectivities, Winter Semester 2014/15

If any collectivity is linked to its technological and political connectivity, the promise of ubiquitous access offered by the cloud demands an examination of this current constellation.



Imanuel Schipper
Walking the City & Performing the World Climate Conference. On Contemporary Performances and their Publics


Kavita Philip
Making History: Re-coding Geeks


Jochen Venus
The Media and/as Collective Intentionalities


John Durham Peters
The Marvelous Cloud. Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media


Karin Harrasser
Obviously Obscure. Poetics of the Hyperfactual

Other Lectures


Paul Feigelfeld
The Great Loop Forward. Stille Post, Unvollständigkeit und digitale Kulturen zwischen China und Europa


Bo Reimer
Collaborative Media Interventions Design, Production, Consumption and the Role of the Collaborative Media Researcher


Andreas Bernard
Selbstdesign. Über das Menschenbild der Gegenwart


Bernard Stiegler
About a Philosophy of the Automata and Automaticy


Gabriele Klein
Soziale Choreografie. Zum Verhältnis von Körpern, Medien und Szene


Timon Beyes
Aestethics, Organization and Digital Cultures. What makes sense and what can be sensed – Reconsidering the question of organization

Baruch Gottlieb
Quanta of Sorge, Quanta of Cruelty, Toward labour models of digital aesthetics