LIAS Workshop: Marina's Cues: Infrastructures of Disalienation
29. Jan - 31. Jan
Date: Wednesday, January 29th - Friday, January 31st 2025
Location: Leuphana University, C40.704
Language: English
This public workshop brings together fifteen international writers, artists and poets whose work developed with that of Marina Vishmidt: producing with her, organizing with her, being in conversation with her, sharing their lives with her. On the first evening of “Marina’s Cues: Infrastructures of Disalienation” we will introduce three unpublished essays authored by Marina Vishmidt that will form the core of a book of the same title to be published in 2025, while on the second day we will present short test cases of what it means to work with Marina’s work, taking it for a spin. Marina’s three essays discuss what she termed “infrastructural critique”, its development within art and (necessarily) beyond it. They examine the breaks and continuities that lead art out of itself into the struggles running through it. All of the participants will treat her propositions as foundations and springboards. On day three we start by screening a film to set the tone, before closing the workshop with an extensive conversation between participants and audience about where the spins we took took us.
Workshop organised by Kerstin Stakemeier, LIAS Associate Fellow and Danny Hayward, LIAS Artist Fellow.
Maria Chehonadskih, Queen Mary University, London | Louisa Lorenza Corna, London | Sam Dolbear, London | Melanie Gilligan, Toronto | Larne Abse Gogarty, Slade School of Arts, London | Rose-Anne Gush, University of Graz, Graz | Danny Hayward, Vienna/London | Lizzie Homersham, London | Anthony Iles, London | Blaise Kirschner, Athens/Stockholm | Demetra Kotouza, London |Karolin Meunier, Berlin | Avigail Moss, Paris | Alexei Penzin, London | Kerstin Stakemeier, Nuremberg/Berlin | Zoe Sutherland
Wednesday, January 29th:
5.00pm Welcome Coffee
5.30pm Introduction of the Program
6.00pm Reading from Marina’s essays for the publication
Danny Hayward and Kerstin Stakemeier read parts from the three essays and comment on their choices and
the material, leading into a conversation.
Thursday, January 30th:
10.10-10.30am Sam Dolbear
10.30-10.50am Rose-Anne Gush
10.50-11.10am Anthony Iles
11.10-11.30am Zoe Sutherland
11.30-11.50am Larne Abse Gogarty
1.10-1.30pm Maria Chehonadskih
1.30-1.50pm Louisa Lorenza Corna
1.50-2.10pm Blaise Kirschner
2.10-2.30pm Melanie Gilligan
2.30-2.50pm Lizzie Homersham
3.40-4.00pm Avigail Moss
4.00-4.20pm Aleksei Penzin
4.20-4.40pm Dimitra Kotouza
4.40-5.00pm Karolin Meunier
5.00-7.30pm Cinenova Film Screening
Casual Shopper (28mins, 1981, USA); Framing Lesbian Fashion (59mins, 1992, USA)
Friday, January 31st:
10.10-10.30 Danny Hayward
10.30-10.50 Kerstin Stakemeier
11.30-2.00pm Conversation about the contributions of the previous day