Suchen Sie hier über ein Suchformular im Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Leuphana.
Veranstaltungen von Prof. Dr. Christian Pfeifer
Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloquium (Kolloquium)
Dozent/in: Luise Görges, Boris Hirsch, Mario Mechtel, Christian Pfeifer, Joachim Wagner, Christoph Wegener, Thomas Wein
wöchentlich | Dienstag | 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 6.317 Seminarraum
Inhalt: Vorträge zu laufenden Forschungsarbeiten von Promovierenden und Wissenschaftlern des Instituts sowie von auswärtigen Gästen. Die Referenten sollten möglichst min. eine Woche vor dem Vortrag ihr Papier an Boris Hirsch schicken, der es dann für alle Teilnehmer zugänglich in MyStudy hochladen wird. Hierdurch sollen tiefergehende Diskussionen der Papiere ermöglicht werden. * im Seminarplan: Externe Gäste, mit denen wir vermutlich am Dienstagabend Essen gehen werden, wozu alle Interessierten gerne mitkommen können (Info bei Boris Hirsch).
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Research Forum II
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Professionalisierungsforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Psychologie und Selbstregulation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Sozialpädagogik in diversen Gesellschaften - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Unterrichtsforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Bildung / doctoral courses School of Education - Promotionskolleg Wissenschaften der Künste - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Darstellung Visualität Wissen - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Philosophie, Literatur und Geschichte - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Soziologie und Kulturorganisation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Culture and Society - Promotionskolleg Wissenskulturen / Digitale Medien - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Entrepreneurship, Management & Innovation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Management, Accounting & Finance - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Engineering - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Management und Technologie / doctoral courses School of Management and Technology - Promotionskolleg Information Systems & Data Science - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit / doctoral courses School of Sustainability - Promotionskolleg Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Politikwissenschaft - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Recht - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg Verhaltensökonomik und gesellschaftliche Transformation - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Promotionskolleg VWL - Research Forum I
- Promotionsstudium Fakultät Staatswissenschaften / doctoral courses School of Public Affairs - Joachim Herz Promotionskolleg für Rechtswissenschaft - Research Forum I
Orientation in Economics: Education, Labor Market, Research (Seminar/Übung)
Dozent/in: Christian Pfeifer
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 16:15 - 17:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 6.026 Seminarraum | Start 1. lecture week
Inhalt: This course gives an orientation for the students of the Economics Major. It starts with a brief overview over the course of studies, studying abroad, Master and PhD in Economics, potential jobs, etc. We will further discuss scientific standards and work in the field of economics, which include the structuring of papers, citation styles, literature search, publication outlets and the publication process. To get an impression about the topic diversity in economic research, we will have a short look at Nobel prize winners and other prominent researchers in economics as well as class room discussions. The second part of the course is devoted to an introduction into the statistical software package Stata, to be used in the empirical research projects in the Economics Major. In addition to class room attendance, students are expected to do homework like reading the supplied literature and materials, watching the linked videos, searching research topics, and working with Stata.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Volkswirtschaftslehre (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 14/15) - Volkswirtschaftslehre: Ausbildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Forschung
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Volkswirtschaftslehre (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 13/14) - Volkswirtschaftslehre: Ausbildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Forschung
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Economics - Economics: Education, Labor Market, Research
Theory and Empirics of Wage Structures (Stata) (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Christian Pfeifer
wöchentlich | Donnerstag | 12:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 6.321 Seminarraum | Start 1. lecture week
Inhalt: This course gives students the chance to conduct own empirical research with real microdata by using their prior knowledge from courses in the Economics Major (e.g., Microeconomics, Labor Economics, Orientation in Economics, Econometrics). It starts with a brief introduction and overview of relevant theories from labor economics including human capital theory and discrimination theories. The course further comprises a short introduction to applied econometrics, earnings functions, and Stata applications for estimating earnings functions using the VSE data set. Students also have to work at home through textbook Stata commands and applications and should estimate earnings functions on their own using the supplied VSE. The second part of the course is devoted to own empirical research of students, in which they can choose own topics when estimating earnings functions with Stata. Students have to give a short presentation of their own research idea, write an own empirical paper, and give a final presentation with their results. These three assignments will be graded in the combined examination.
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Volkswirtschaftslehre (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 14/15) - VWL-Lehrforschungsprojekt I
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Volkswirtschaftslehre (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 13/14) - VWL-Lehrforschungsprojekt I
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Volkswirtschaftslehre (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 14/15) - VWL-Lehrforschungsprojekt II
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Volkswirtschaftslehre (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 13/14) - VWL-Lehrforschungsprojekt II
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Economics - Research in Economics II
- Leuphana Bachelor - Major Economics - Research in Economics I
Personalökonomik (Vorlesung/Übung)
Dozent/in: Christian Pfeifer
wöchentlich | Mittwoch | 10:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 14.001 Seminarraum | Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung
Inhalt: Personnel Economics is a subdiscipline of Labor Economics and Business Economics, in which microeconomic and econometric tools are used to analyze interactions of firms and employees. The field of personnel economics has evolved over the past decades and has received increasing attention at American Business Schools and also in economic research. The lecture is accompanied by an integrated exercise. Part 0: Introduction Part 1: External vs. Internal Labor Markets 1.1. External labor markets 1.1.1. Labor supply model 1.1.2. Labor demand model 1.1.3. Equilibrium market wage and employment 1.1.4. Compensating wage differentials 1.2. Internal labor markets and long-term employment relationships 1.2.1. Insurance model 1.2.2. Transaction costs 1.2.3. Human capital theory 1.3. Q&A, Exercises, Discussion Part 2: Managing Turnover 2.1. Recruitment of employees 2.1.1. Selection 2.1.2. Raiding 2.2. Exits of employees 2.2.1. Quits 2.2.2. Layoffs 2.3. Labor flexibility 2.3.1. Dynamic labor demand and adjustment costs 2.3.2. Temporary workforce 2.3.3. Working time flexibility 2.4. Efficient allocation of employees (Internal labor turnover) 2.5. Q&A, Exercises, Discussion Part 3: Managing Worker Codetermination 3.1. Works councils and codetermination 3.1.1. Communication between workers and management 3.1.2. Optimal level of codetermination 3.1.3. Empirical effects of works councils 3.2. Unions and collective contracts 3.2.1. Union organization and importance across countries 3.2.2. Monopoly union wage setting and employment 3.2.3. Efficient wage bargaining and employment 3.3. Q&A, Exercises, Discussion Part 4: Managing Motivation and Remuneration 4.1. Agency theory and the need for incentives 4.1.1. Different objective functions and information asymmetries 4.1.2. Forms of principal-agency relationships 4.2. Time rates and efficiency wage theories 4.2.1. Input based remuneration 4.2.2. Labor as efficiency units 4.2.3. Non-shirking efficiency wage model 4.2.4. Turnover cost efficiency wage model 4.2.5. Adverse selection efficiency wage model 4.2.6. Fairness efficiency wage model 4.3. Piece rates and performance pay 4.3.1. Output based remuneration 4.3.2. Worker’s choice of work effort under piece rates 4.3.3. Problems in performance pay schemes 4.3.4. Design and effects of MBO bonus payments 4.4. Promotions and tournament theory 4.4.1. Wage hierarchies and promotion tournaments 4.4.2. Worker’s choice of work effort in tournaments 4.4.3. Problems in promotion tournaments 4.5. Seniority and deferred compensation schemes 4.5.1. Upward sloping wage-tenure profiles 4.5.2. Deferred compensation model 4.5.3. Problems and applications 4.6. Q&A, Exercises, Discussion Borjas, G.J. (2010), Labor Economics, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill [B:Chapter]. Lazear, E.P., Gibbs, M. (2009), Personnel Economics in Practice, 2nd edition, Wiley & Sons [LG:Chapter].
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Volkswirtschaftslehre - Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ab Studienbeginn WiSe 22/23) - Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung
- Wirtschaftspädagogik - Berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften (bis Studienbeginn WiSe 21/22) - Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung
- Leuphana Bachelor - Minor Volkswirtschaftslehre - Staat vs. Markt
Labor Market and Social Policy (Seminar)
Dozent/in: Christian Pfeifer
wöchentlich | Dienstag | 14:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 31.01.2025 | C 6.026 Seminarraum | .
Inhalt: This labor market and social policy course is an elective Economics course in the PELP, in which microeconomic theory is applied to the labor market and questions relevant for labor market and social policy. Note, that the main focus of this course is on (applied) microeconomic aspects and not on macroeconomic aspects of the labor market. The textbook uses rather simple economic models in order to illustrate the mechanisms – nevertheless we need some basic math and statistics. Due to the limited time, we will have to leave out many important topics in labor economics such as workers’ life cycles and dynamic labor demand models, family and household decisions, migration etc. as well as many important labor market and social policies. The first part of the course comprises students’ group presentations of a lecture topic in labor economics to learn the fundamentals (textbook by Borjas). So, please do not only attend your own presentation and all students are expected to read the relevant chapters in Borjas. Topics include decisions of workers and firms about labor supply and labor demand, the equilibrium in competitive and non-competitive labor markets, thoughts about wages and non-monetary job characteristics, unemployment, unions, and human capital. The second part of the course comprises students’ individual presentations of scientific empirical research articles (policy evaluation) about (a) unemployment benefits or (b) minimum wages.