OER and Service Learning
OER and Service Learning
The potential benefits of OER led Leuphana University to establish a service point supporting the creation and use of OER. Civic OER aims to encourage a systematic production, adaptation and use of OER on all education stages from school to adult education including individual learning. Within the scope of civicOER, OER will be collected, developed and made available for schools, colleges and civil society together with actors from these areas. CivicOER is a project financed by and developed and facilitated in cooperation with Goethe University Frankfurt and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Because the idea of OER relies mainly on the commitment of those who are teaching and those eager to learn, the project is trying to increase the sensibility and the level of support amongst those groups of actors. Especially with respect to the utilization as well as to the production of freely licensed learning materials, this process can be regarded as very crucial.
Supporting teaching and learning concepts that are opting for openness and active participation is a major issue that the project itself is trying to tackle. Thus, the ultimate goal of equal opportunities, especially in terms of education, is being served.
In this emacipatory context, OER can easily be combined with students’ charitable projects and cooperative work with civic organizations, carried out by the Leuphana itself. Therefore, OER can benefit the configuration of the teaching process according to the broad idea of Service Learning. The project is an integral part of the Digital School and cooperates closely with a variety of institutions and dedicated actors in the area of education and digital media at Leuphana itself.
Prof. Dr. Torben Schmidt is responsible for project and content management. You can find a list of our partners at Leuphana below:
- Zukunftszentrum Lehrerbildung (ZZL),
- Zentraleinrichtung Moderne Sprachen (ZEMOS) and
- Kompetenzzentrum für regionale Lehrkräftefortbildung
civicOER is a cooperative project connecting different universities. Together with the Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main and the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, we are working on sensitizing, consulting and quantifying teachers at schools and universities as well as actors in civil society. Our common goal is to implement OER as an integral part of teaching and learning structures.
Programs at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
Programs at Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Programs at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg