Totalizing Temporalities: Time and History in Nationalist Movements

23. Feb - 24. Feb

23. und 24. Februar 2024 Campus | Zentralgebäude

This workshop invites researchers to investigate the treatment of time and history in two very different socio-political contexts of nationalism. For one, we are asking after the histories, presents, futures and timelines that colonized, marginalized and/or brutalized peoples created in their (often emancipatory) formations of nationalist thought, contesting the enforced temporalities of their oppressors. On the other, and by way of contrast, we want to examine the present rise of the extreme right  and the use of puzzling and contradictory totalizing temporalities to re-define the present in order to signal a reactionary future within the current market rule order.
For more information, please contact the organizers, Adriá Alcoverro and Verena Adamik.


More information here.


METROPOLIS - Deutschland 1926Workshop Totalizing Temporalities. Filmstill from "Metropolis", Fritz Lang, 1926. ©Deutsche Kinemathek
Workshop Totalizing Temporalities. Filmstill from "Metropolis" by Fritz Lang, 1926.