LIAS Conference: „The Practice of Decolonization: Art, Anthropology, History and the 21st Century Museum“

Tuesday, June 11th, 9:00am-3:00pm

11. Jun

How should art and ethnographic museums structure processes of restitution or recontextualization of objects, seek new accessions and serve new publics?

While the imperative of “decolonizing” the museum is frequently invoked, we are still clarifying what precisely this should involve. The pressing question of today is no longer the "that" but the "how". We are in the middle of thinking how art and ethnographic museums should reorganize collections formed from, or in support of, colonial violence. How should they structure processes of restitution or recontextualization of objects, seek new accessions and serve new publics?This one-day conference at MARKK brings together museum practitioners, artists, theorists and historians. It explores what materials, techniques, languages and concepts have been used to contradict the colonial model of the museums. How are new spatial experiences created? How are different ways of exhibiting developed? How can museums establish new relations of inclusion and response to their stakeholders, both local and transnational? Ultimately, where should the Twenty-First century museum be going now?

Due to limitations of space at the workshop venue, interested participants are kindly requested to register their participation by sending an e-mail to by Wednesday, 5 June 2024.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 9 am – 3 pm
Museum am Rothenbaum Kulturen und Künste der Welt (MARKK), Rothenbaumchaussee 64, Hamburg


"The Historian as an Agent in Museum 'Decolonisation"
Pierre Singaravélou, Professor of Modern History, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

"Snapshot of an Exhibition at a certain place at a certain Time. The exhibition RESIST! The Art of Resistance at the RJM (2021)"
Nanette Snoep, Director Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum Cultures of the World

"Rethinking the Museum after Apartheid: Voice, Practice, Materiality"
Clive van den Berg, Artist, curator, designer

"Tour through the Saltpeter Exhibit 'Weißes Wüstengold, Chile – Saltpeter und Hamburg'"
Christine Chavéz, Curator of Collections from the Americas, Museum am Rothenbaum Kulturen und Künste der Welt (MARKK)

"'We have always been here': Indigenous Presence in Museums"
Fernanda Pitta, Professor in the Art Research, Theory and Criticism, Division of the Museum of Contemporary Art, University of São Paulo

"MARKK Then and Now"
Barbara Plankensteiner, Director Museum am Rothenbaum Kulturen und Künste der Welt (MARKK)

The Practice of Decolonization: Art, Anthropology, History and the 21st Century Museum


  • Dr. Thomas Krutak