International Doc- and Post-Doc Fellows
Dr. Michelangelo Vercesi, Research topic:"Political Recruitment of Prime Ministers in Europe"
April 2013 - June 2013
March 2014 - July 2014
Nairooz Ali, (Cairo University), Phd cand. Research topic: "Transnationlism and Party Politics: The Case of the German Greens”
September - December 2011
Michelangelo Vercesi, (University of Pavia, Italy), PhD cand. Research project: Coalition conflicts in parliamentary governments: features and management (Doctoral dissertation)
October - December 2010
Fernando Casal Bértoa, (European University Institut, EUI, Florenz), PhD cand. Research topic: Sources of party system institutionalization in new European democracies: Lessons from East Central Europe
June - December 2009
- Dr. Katarzyna Gajewska, Research topic: „Institutional Conditions of Interest Groups and Social Movements/Activities"
October 2008 – September 2009
Amy Alexander, Department of Political Science, PhD cand., University of California/Irvine.M.A. and B.A., Californa State University, Fullerton. Research topic: The Elite Gender Gap: Contextual Explanations of the Scope of Difference in Parliamentarian Pathways, Behavior and Beliefs.
September 2008 - March 2009
Dr. Holger Albrecht, Research topic: "Political Islam in the Near and Middle East
March 2008 - October 2008
Jill Wittrock, Department of Political Science, PhD cand., University of Iowa, M.A. University of Iowa Research topic: Elections and Electoral Systems Strategic Voting with Two Ballots: A Cross-National Experiment (Doctoral dissertation)
May - August 2007
Jessica Fortin, Department of Political Science, PhD cand., McGill University, Canada; B.A. and M.A. Université de Móntréal. Research topic: Post-communism or Post-colonialism? Soviet Imperial Legacies and Regime Diversity in East Europe and the former USSR (Doctoral dissertation)
January - December 2006
Katja Michalak, Department of Political Science, PhD candidate, Ohio State University, M.A. Ohio State (Fulbright Scholarship). Research topic: Comparative Politics / Central Eastern Europe, "Patterns of Civil Service Reform in Romania: A Multi-Dimensional State Analysis." (Doctoral dissertation)
July - September 2006