Best Paper Awards Schools 2013-2015

Awardee 2015:

Valeria Smirnova (University of Cologne): To ´Comply´ or ´not comply´? Explanation of GRECO´s success in reforming national regulation on political finance

Tristan Vellinga (University of Florida): Accession and Realignment in Turkey: 1990-2007


Awardees 2014:

Sarah Engler (University of Bern): The Role of Corruption in Explaining the Electoral Success of New Political Parties in Central and Eastern Europe

Berna Öney (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg): Mainstream Parties’ Strategies toward Ethnic Niche Parties: How do political parties in Turkey respond to the Kurdish issue?

Awardees 2013:

Tristan Vellinga (University of Florida): Accession and Realignment in Turkey: 1990-2007

Gregor Zons (University of Cologne): The Programmatic Profiles of Niche Parties