2023-11-02 Digital and hybrid teaching formats as well as blended learning have rapidly gained in importance during the coronavirus pandemic and are now an integral part of a future-oriented learning culture. In addition to numerous positive developments, this has also given rise to technical, social and legal challenges that need to be addressed. In the weekly 10-minute series of the "Leuphana: Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning" project (funded by the Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching), new technologies and innovative teaching and learning formats are presented and trends and forecasts for the future of digital teaching are highlighted. The entertaining lecture series is aimed at all interested lecturers, students and administrative staff.

©Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
VR test in the auditorium corridor

In the opening event on October 24, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wenzel shed light on the topic of e-assessments at Leuphana with perspectives for now and the future. The short lecture dealt with new types of tasks in digital examination forms, the role of AI language models and deception detection, as well as technical scalability and future prospects (e.g. "bring your own device" approaches).

In the winter semester 2023/24, the lecture series will take place every Tuesday from 12 to 12:10 p.m. in HS4. An overview of all topics (e.g. AI, virtual reality, digital learning games) and lecturers from various disciplines (e.g. Prof. Dr. Henrik von Wehrden, Prof. Dr. Poldi Kuhl, Prof. Dr. David Loschelder, Prof. Dr. Steffi Hobuß) can be found at https://www.leuphana.de/en/teaching/exchange-formats/10-minutes-digital.html

At the next event on 7.11. at 12 noon, Jun. Prof. Dr. Kira Weber and Lucas Jacobsen will talk about a topic that is equally relevant for teachers and students: Student feedback through artificial intelligence - a revolution in higher education?

Come along to HS4 in large numbers and be inspired by the impulses for the digital transformation of university teaching!

About the DigiTaL project:

The DigiTaL project (Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning) is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education and has been running at Leuphana since 2021. With the project, Leuphana is creating a systematic and integrative place to strengthen digital teaching and learning. 11 sub-projects are working in the three clusters Digital Teaching-Learning Innovations, Digital Literacy and Digital Internationalization as well as at the overall project level on the transformation of digital teaching at Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

The Digital Transformation Lab creates new spaces for interaction for the professional development of teaching innovations, the promotion of strategic developments and the exchange and transfer of results. The project thus makes a significant contribution to critically reflecting on the experience gained with digital teaching and learning during the corona semesters and strategically developing innovations in line with the educational aspirations and self-image of Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Further information can be found at Leuphana DigiTaL.