
Interdisciplinary Bachelor Degree

Why do you want to study? What do you expect from studying? First of all, these are the most important questions.

What to do with all the theory that the sciences are striving for? Our answer is: In life you will always be faced with complex challenges and problems that can only be unfolded with a theoretical approach - through analysis. And the most thorough analysis is provided by the sciences.

But there is more to studying than that. It is about suggestions, even irritations, to think for yourself and to search for yourself. Understanding is a path you have to take yourself. It requires freedom, time and confidence. And these things you will get at Leuphana College. We call it liberal education.

Leuphana Semester

Start your studies with your own questions to the sciences: What is their purpose and how do they proceed? Where are their limits and how far does their responsibility extend?

Our academic community offers you an imaginative start to your studies, where you can discover the value of scientific work for yourself.

And once you are interested in the scientific problems, your questions will help to advance their solutions. This is what we understand by research-based learning. It begins at Leuphana with the first semester.

Academic work is allowed to raise questions in the first semester: What's the point? Why the struggle for precision, why the multitude of methods, why the technical terms and theories?

Science and reasearch are complicated and often appear unnecessarily complicated from the outside. In our opinion, to understand why dealing with complexity is worthwhile and rewarding, is an essential experience for a successful study.

Therefore the Leuphana Semester aims at such experiences. All students learn how to use quantitative and qualitative methods. They also deal with the limits and responsibilities of the sciences. Thus, the Leuphana Semester aims at something that is characteristic for the entire study model of the college: the critical reflection of what has been learned.

In the Leuphana Semester, students form a community of learning and experience that carries through the entire course of study at the college. Instead of only coming into contact with students of their own study programme, they experience from the very beginning the meaning of and the benefit from interdisciplinarity.. 


Opening Week

Arrive at the university and feel the urge to discover something new: How important are first learning successes and enriching experiences! How important is the first impression of the role the sciences can play in managing global challenges!

Because we have great confidence in you, you will immediately start addressing the big questions of the present. Not in order to answer them, but to experience how your desire to understand will take you forward and make you discover the unexpected.


Since the founding of Leuphana College in 2008, the starting week has been an essential part. Topics such as the common good, digitality, diversity, urban development, and health formed the framework for the entry into academic work.

The starting week is always also a signal for the city of Lüneburg: 1300 new, curious people full of zest for action come here. They not only enliven the campus, but also the entire city. 

Conference Week

How convincing is a solution? How do you deal with controversy? What does action-oriented mean anyway?

At the end of the Leuphana Semester, the students organize a conference with prominent guests from the public on their own responsibility. They will present their own solutions for a better future. And possibly, they will manage to answer the above-mentioned questions themselves. After all, the most valuable answers are those that you have found yourself.

The conference week is by students for students. It is about their questions, their approaches and how to deal with helpful criticism. The guests from politics, business, culture, and science contribute their suggestions and experiences with enthusiasm to encourage and raise critical reflection. Thus, every year a unique conference with unpredictable learning successes is created anew.

Complementary Studies

Having an angle is good. But some issues and problems are so complicated that it is worthwhile to look at another point of view to see a possible solution. And in the best case this is a completely different one compared to the perspective you are used to. 

This is why you can choose for yourself in complementary studies which new point of view should enrich your familiar one. The more unusual it will be, the better.

 In order to get to know as many perspectives as possible during your studies, the complementary studies are divided into different areas:

  •      social science perspective
  •      humanities perspective
  •      scientific perspective
  •      inter- and transdisciplinary perspective

These are also interlocked with different approaches:

  •     method-oriented
  •     practice-oriented
  •     media-oriented

Thus, in sum, a totality analogous to a color circle is created, in which one's own perspective can be clearly recognized and assigned.


Combining Major with Minor

You know best what interests you. And that's why you may dare to freely combine your major and minor subjects. Either you choose a classic combination of subjects or something unusual that combines your interests. You decide what makes sense.

At Leuphana College, your individual study program is created from major, minor and complementary studies.

In our combiner you can see at a glance which major you can freely combine with which minor. If you would like to study a combination not listed, this will be possible on request.

To the Major-Minor-Combinator

Contact and Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

contact Leuphana College

Building 8, first floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg

Student dean: Prof. Dr. Emer O'Sullivan
Managing Director: Dr. Michaela Wieandt
Academic Director: Dr. Steffi Hobuß
Coordination: André Bader
Administration: Dirk Schulze
Adm of temporary teaching contracts: Sybille Pöppel