Digital Media

Major at Leuphana College

Do you want to help shape the digital future? Are you convinced that our culture will be defined and transformed by digital media? Whether it's net culture or the media economy: in the Digital Media Bachelor programme you will analyse the ideas, approaches and history, as well as the technical foundations and tools that define digital media. At the same time, you will develop and implement your own practical projects in video, audio, games, apps or mash ups. In the study programme you will study the theoretical foundations of digital media, analyse digital media critically and test its applications in real life.

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Studying Digital Media at Leuphana College: Study concept

In the Leuphana Bachelor with Digital Media major, you combine specialist knowledge with solution-oriented thinking and responsible action. The Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies provide the framework for dealing with socially relevant topics outside the chosen major/minor combination. They are an integral part of the Leuphana Bachelor and give you the freedom to immerse yourself in different fields of knowledge and to develop viable solutions for the challenges of the future together with other students.

Digital Media study concept at Leuphana College ©Leuphana
Digital Media major at Leuphana College: Study concept

Possible minor combinations

Business Administration (GER)
Business Law (GER)
Business Psychology (GER)
Comparative Economic Law (ENG)
Digital Business (GER)
Economics (GER / ENG)
Educational Sciences (GER)
Engineering (Fundamentals) (GER)
Museum Studies (EN)
Philosophy (GER / ENG)
Political Science (GER / ENG)
Popular Music Studies (ENG)
Psychology and Society (ENG)
Social Media and Information Systems (GER)
Spatial Sciences (GER / ENG)
Sustainability Science (GER / ENG)

The Leuphana Bachelor enables the combination of different interests through major and minor. With the minor choice you can move within traditional disciplines or give your Bachelor an individual profile. You can also choose a minor that is not listed in the overview.

Language of instruction

ENG Eng­lish-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: no Ger­man re­qui­red
GER Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: Ger­man re­qui­red
GER / ENG Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject can also be ta­ken in Eng­lish

Studying Digital Media Bachelor Programme

The Digital Media degree programme combines a theoretical engagement in media studies and history with a practical introduction to the foundations of programming and the creative application of digital media. Over the course of your studies, you will acquire academic expertise in the field of digital media as well professional qualifications. You will learn not only about new theories, analyses, tools and trends, but but will also be able to accompany and drive forward the rapid pace of change in ever new, critical and creative ways.

Leuphana and the Hamburg Media School

Around half of the courses take place at the Hamburg Media School, the other half on the campus of the Leuphana University Lüneburg. The lecturers of the Digital Media programme are among the more than 100 academics conducting research on the future of digital media at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. You will develop your projects in the context of the latest international research. In addition, you will have access to events with the world's leading researchers on digital culture.

International Programme in Digital Media

The degree programme is internationally oriented. Courses in the Digital Media major are held in English. The programme focuses on the latest discussions about digital media, whether they are coming from Germany, the USA, India, Japan or China.

Exchange programme with Hong Kong

One of the great opportunities that comes with studying Digital Media at Leuphana University of Lüneburg is the chance to get two single degrees, one from Leuphana and one from the City University of Hong Kong. At CityU, you can study at the School of Creative Media for two years in order to earn a second degree. The School of Crea­ti­ve Me­dia is lo­ca­ted in West Kow­loon, Hong Kong’s cul­tu­ral hub, and it has so­phis­ti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gi­cal fa­ci­li­ties at its dis­po­sal, such as a 3D mul­ti­me­dia thea­ter, a pro­duc­tion stu­dio and the Fu­ture Ci­ne­ma Stu­dio as well as the Crea­ti­ve Me­dia Cent­re (CMC) gal­le­ry. If you ex­tend your stu­dies at the City Uni­ver­si­ty of Hong Kong for two ye­ars, then you can com­ple­te a se­cond, in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly re­co­gnis­ed de­gree. Exchange programme

Why study Digital Media at Leuphana?

Whether digital agencies, television stations, publishing houses or internet service providers - Leuphana University and Hamburg Media School count almost all of Germany's major media companies among their practice partners. Ideal conditions for completing goal-oriented internships in leading media companies.

If you are interested in working with German and international civil society or political organizations: The Centre for Digital Cultures can open doors here too! Or are you more interested in artistic projects? The digital future is open to you.

Exchange students

The International Office will be pleased to assist you in planning and organising your studies abroad at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Study abroad in Lüneburg

At a Glance

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Art (B.A.)
Restricted admission: yes
Application period: from mid may to 15 July
Duration: 3 years
Start date: Beginning of October
Number of study places: 36
Language: English (no German required)
Semester abroad: possible

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Applications and admissions

Leuphana College accepts new students each winter term. If you wish to be considered for a Bachelor degree programme, your application must be received by July 15.

For applicants from EU and EEA countries the University operates a special admissions procedure for the award of places. It considers not only applicants' grades, but also special skills, experience and non-academic achievements such as periods spent studying abroad, and volunteering work.

Online applications

Online applications are possible from mid-May. Find out more about the entry requirements and specific admissions process at Leuphana College. Find out more now

Exchange students

The International Center will be pleased to assist you in planning and organising your studies abroad at Leuphana College. Study abroad at Leuphana

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme director

  • Prof. Dr. Jan Müggenburg