Student partraits: Bachelor Psychology

Major in the Leuphana Bachelor

On this page you will find experience reports from our students in the Leuphana Bachelor with the major Psychology.

Comprehensive insight into different topics

Charlotte Dierke ©Charlotte Dierke
Charlotte is studying Psychology in combination with the Business Psychology Minor.

What combination of subjects are you studying at college?
I’m studying Psychology as my Major and Business Psychology as my Minor. I first majored in Political Science and then realised that political parties or larger structures simply don’t interest me as much as the individual.  I’m delighted by the combination of Psychology and Business Psychology because I have the feeling that I am gaining some comprehensive insight into different topics.

What do you think of the Bachelor's programme at the college?
Well, one clear advantage is without doubt the interdisciplinary work involved. The Bachelor’s programme at Leuphana College is about adopting an interdisciplinary approach, embracing diversity and thinking outside the box. It’s not about ploughing straight ahead all the time: I can also take my time to look left and right, especially through the complementary studies and the Leuphana Semester. I feel that I can develop here and take a good look around if I want to.
With regard to the Master’s degree, however, this means that you may miss out on some credit points due to the interdisciplinary study model, as the Psychology Programme at the College does not comprise 180 credit points. This is not necessarily due to Leuphana: Many universities have strict admission criteria for Master’s degrees, such as a minimum number of credit points in a certain field. You have to deal with that in advance.
Within your complementary studies, there is the possibility to choose Psychology as a specialisation. And that’s what I did. This was truly helpful because I got to know more methods while also being able to collect credit points at the same time. During my semester abroad, I will also take one or two Psychology courses so that I have all the credits I need for the Master’s programmes I have chosen.

Who would you recommend to study at the College and why?
I recommend studying at the College to anyone who does not want to follow the classic path of Clinical Psychology, but who wants to learn about the social significance of Psychology.
I believe that Leuphana College is the right place for anyone who does not want to become a psychotherapist and is interested in other subjects besides Psychology. The topic of sustainability, for example, is given particular emphasis at Leuphana.

Can you tie in topics from Psychology with your Minor in Business Psychology?
The topics sit close to each other and yet I have the feeling that, in my Minor, it is mainly the economic perspective that comes into play. The first round of courses covers the basics – such as Business Administration and Marketing. That was very exciting because the Business Psychology lecturers often work with a disciplinary overlap and come, in part, from Business Studies. This generates additional input. I have covered a variety of topics in my Minor, from Consumer- and Market Research to Occupational- and Engineering Psychology. The Minor is an exciting addition and draws my focus to a different perspective.

What are your academic interests?
For example, I am enthusiastic about Social Psychology: It’s about the individual in different group contexts. This is also relevant for society. I also find Sustainability Psychology stimulating. Leuphana is known for its focus on sustainability. I find it hugely exciting to highlight sustainable aspects from a psychological perspective.

What has been your experience with the Bachelor’s programme at the College so far?
I think that the studies at the College are well-structured on balance. I especially like the split into a Major and Minor. This allows me to pursue my interests. In addition, I can exchange ideas in the Minor with students who have a different Major.
Complementary studies are very refreshing because I have a course every semester that is not a key focal point in my subjects. For example, I had the chance to take two complementary Spanish programmes. It was a great experience to write a term paper entirely in Spanish. That’s why I would definitely say that I quite like it overall, because it’s characterised by a good interplay of different parts.

How did you like the Leuphana Semester?
I found it enriching that I not only got to know people from my Major during the Leuphana Semester, but also many others. This afforded me an overview of everything that is offered at our university, and I got to know many fantastic students.

What do you think of the College admission process?
I think it’s extremely fair because it doesn’t just depend on the final grade, other criteria are also taken into account. In Psychology, I know some who got a place because they performed well in the selection test and showed a lot of commitment outside of school. I think it’s really great that the admissions process is not just about grade point average. Sure, the best will get in directly because of such a grade. I think that’s good too that they have an advantage. However, not only those who have an extremely high average mark are admitted.
It’s good when there are not only students with a great average mark in a study programme who are purely interested in achieving the top grades. I think Psychology is a choice of course that sees tremendous competition to get in at other universities. I have the feeling that this is not the case with us thanks to the selection process.

How did you experience the admission procedure? Did you take the admission test?
I was lucky. I slipped in thanks to my average mark. However, I also started with Political Science at that time, and that’s why I didn’t go through the selection process or take the test.

What happens after graduation? Do you have any plans in place already?
I’m going abroad now and then I’ll do a blend of internships and travel for another six months. During my internship, I would really like to look at a larger business enterprise or a consultancy that deals with leadership development. I might also go to a social welfare advisory centre.


Thinking outside the box

Marie studies Psychology major in combination with the minor in Psychology and Society

When I applied at the Leuphana University I knew that I wanted to study psychology, so that is why I chose the major in Psychology. If you choose the Psychology major, there are only two possible minor combinations, the minor in Business Psychology and the Psychology and Society minor.

I chose the minor in Psychology and Society for two reasons: one reason being that I wanted all my courses to be in English (Psychology and Society is taught in English, Business Psychology in German). The second reason is that in this minor the focus is on how to apply psychology in a societal context, while dealing with socially relevant issues and challenges. “Psychology and Society” concerns itself with topics regarding environmentally friendly behaviour, educational psychology, the psychology of healthy behaviour, and much more.

What topics did you deal with during your studies?

The study programme can be summarised into three focal points: methods and statistics, basic theories and concepts of different disciplines of psychology, and the application of psychology in real life.

At first methods and statistics did not seem that interesting to me, but I learned that they are an important step towards understanding the structure of psychological papers and being able to conduct your own psychological research. Learning about the basic disciplines of Psychology (General Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Biological Psychology and Differential (Personality) Psychology) gives you a good overview about psychological topics and also helps figuring out your own interests. The third main focus is the applied perspective that shows the relevance and importance of how Psychology affects our everyday life.

Were you able to tie in the topics from the major in the minor and/or vice versa?

The minor in Psychology and Society is all about the applied perspective of psychology, which is why there is quite a bit of overlap between my major and minor. The theories and basic principles I learn in the major are used and looked at in an applied context, which helps me to understand them better. Methods and statistics are a part of both, even though applied research often uses different parts of psychological methods, but the basic understanding is the same.

What are the advantages / disadvantages of studying at Leuphana College?

One advantage is that the programme is in English, which gives you more opportunities once you are done with your Bachelor degree and makes the student body more diverse. Another advantage is the applied perspective, which makes university studies more educational, interesting, and graspable.

Leuphana College also has a disadvantage for people, who want to go in a clinical direction or are very interested in clinical psychology, because there is only one clinical psychology module. Thus, psychology students from Leuphana cannot qualify for clinical Masters programmes. However, by choosing the Psychology major and Psychology & Society minor, the admission criteria for all general Masters programmes in Psychology are met (because this combination is certified by the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie”).

Concerning the Complementary Studies at Leuphana, it is nice to have the opportunity to learn a lot about different topics, gaining a transdisciplinary perspective and meeting a lot of different people from different study programmes.

What is your take-away of the undergraduate programme at Leuphana College so far?

I really like the Bachelor programme because you can touch upon a lot of different topics. In the Leuphana Semester you can choose between many different courses. Throughout the major and minor programme and the Complementary Studies there are further opportunities to choose topics you are interested in.

 I also like that the Leuphana is not a big university, where everything is anonymous, so you are able to connect to your fellow students. Most professors are motivating us and design their lectures as fun and interesting as possible. Overall, I really enjoyed the classes, especially because I think the lecturers always try to take different perspectives and keep their course material up to date.

Why and whom would you recommend to study at the Leuphana College?

I would advise everyone who does not only want to study psychology but also likes to think outside the box to study at the Leuphana College. Leuphana is also the University for you if you are looking for a university that has familiar atmosphere, with a smaller student body.

If you are interested in an applied perspective to psychology and like to tie a lot of different topics together, this is the right university for you.

What do you think of the College admission process?

For me it was refreshing to see that not only grades were important, but also experiences abroad or social engagement play a role. I think this leads to a more diverse student body and it is nice to meet so many people with interesting stories at one place.

I am a bit partial about the admissions test though because I think it is in some way unfair, as some students had Psychology as a subject at school. The test can be a chance for some students, but can also be a challenge for others.

How did you experience the admission process?

For me the admission process was fairly easy because I applied in times of corona, I did not need to do the admissions test. I also already had certificates for my English capabilities which made it easier for me, I heard from a lot of other students that this was sometimes very stressful and hard to get.

Have you already completed internships during your studies?

No, but I plan do to one in my 5th or 6th semester. I think doing an internship is a great opportunity to get insights into the field of work. It is also fairly easy to integrate an internship into your studies at the Leuphana because you can do it as part of your complementary studies.

Do you work while you study?

Yes, I work as a student research assistant in the Institute of Psychology. I decided to work as a student research assistant, because I wanted to learn how psychological research is done in practice and it is also very compatible with my studies as I have very flexible working hours.

Do you volunteer besides your studies?

Yes, I am part of the student council for psychology and I am volunteering in the student initiatives Amnesty International and Sustainability & Psychology. I strongly recommend you to join some initiatives and councils to meet new people, have fun, and also change something on campus or in Lüneburg. But I would also make sure to not join too many initiatives, because it is also important to still have some time to relax.

How do you like Lüneburg as a place to study?

When I first applied for a study programme, I wanted to study in a big city, because I come from a small village and wanted to see how life is in a big city. But somehow, I landed here in Lüneburg and now I am really glad I am here.

Lüneburg is not only a beautiful city with a lot of surrounding nature in which you go for a hike, the Ilmenau and the Kreidebergsee in which you can go swimming in the summer, but also the city with the highest pub density in Europe after Madrid. If you want to go clubbing, Hamburg is just 35min away by train.

What happens after graduation? Do you have any plans in place already?

After I finish my studies here, I plan to go abroad to do my Masters

open to many different perspectives

Alina studies Psychology major in combination with the minor in Psychology and Society

I heard about the major in Psychology first, and decided that I liked the construct around it, with the additional Complementary Studies, a minor, and the Leuphana Semester at the beginning. It sounded different to other universities, more practical and open to many different perspectives I could want to include in my Bachelor studies. When skimming through the potential minors, I chose Psychology and Society, because it added the optimal focus to my major of psychology, which covers basically all general areas of psychology. By choosing the minor, I wanted to add a more social and holistic perspective of psychology on human society.

What topics did you deal with during your studies?

In my studies at Leuphana, I would call the broad focus of my studies ‘Psychology’, according to my major. In the Complementary Studies, I mainly attended courses with a relatedness to psychology, such as the psychology-profile courses. To be a bit more precise with regard to my major and minor, negotiation psychology took a big part of the studies, but also areas of economic psychology and the psychology of sustainability have been in the focus.

Were you able to combine your major in economics and minor in political science during your studies?
Yes. In my opinion, the combination of the Psychology major and minor in Psychology and Society works very well together. The statistical and theoretical background from the Major is definitely helpful in the Minor, especially in a module called empirical research project, and psychological knowledge from the Minor complements the Major courses and the way I think about literature.

What are the advantages / disadvantages of studying at Leuphana College?

An advantage is the possibility to add almost any course you want to your timetable. It is possible to attend additional courses from other majors or minors (on a voluntary basis), so as an example, you could add law courses or teacher training courses to your actual psychology courses. This freedom in choice is a very valuable part of my studies at Leuphana. Additionally, I like the size of the university and of my major and minor courses. You know your professors and peers, not everyone by name, but it still feels close and familiar. The Leuphana Semester courses in the first semester basically force you to make friends from various different major programmes, so here in Lüneburg, you usually don’t just have friends in your own major programme. This is great, because as you progress through your degree and attend courses that are not part of your major but your minor and the Complementary Studies, you usually know at least a few people in every course that you take.

A potential obstacle of the study programme here is a limited freedom of choice for future Masters programmes. Due to the very comprehensive and broadly held Bachelor degree programme, and because the focus in Lüneburg is not on clinical psychology, it is sometimes not regarded as a sufficient basis for a Masters programme at some universities outside of Lüneburg. Therefore, to increase the chances in the master application process, it is good and sensible to go abroad and/or to do internships, choose a psychology-related minor and to attend courses in the Leuphana Semester and the Complementary Studies that match your major in Psychology.

What is your take-away of the undergraduate programme at Leuphana College so far?
Overall, I had a very good study experience here at Leuphana. I felt welcomed as a student by the university, administrative problems and also class schedule difficulties were usually solved very quick and the relationship to the professors is very friendly and sincere. Also, I liked the structure of my courses and how they built on each other regarding the consecutive semesters and the interaction of the Psychology major and Psychology and Society minor. Often, knowledge from past semesters was definitely helpful, but I also realised how knowledge of the Minor, Major and Complementary Studies interacted. Furthermore, I was very happy with the support of the International Office regarding a semester abroad. Also, the many initiatives and the opportunities to engage in projects were a special and important way to gain experiences outside the lecture halls.

Who would you recommend to study at Leuphana College? Why?
In my opinion, it is suitable for anyone who is curious beyond the corners of their own field of study. If you want to learn more than just the main topics of your Major and want to live in a small town where you know and are known by many people and classmates, then studying here is a very good choice for you.

What do you think of the College admission process?
I was positively surprised by the admission procedure. Other universities only used a central website as their way of admission and only considered the high school grades as a basis for the admission decision, but here at Leuphana I liked the second look on the applicants. I was invited to the study aptitude test, which also allowed me to visit the campus properly, and was really happy to receive an acceptance letter shortly afterwards.

How did you experience the admission process?
Aside from very warm temperatures in the lecture hall during the aptitude test in summer, it was well organised, and I felt directly welcomed at Leuphana.

Have you already completed internships during your studies?
Yes, I have done internships during my Bachelor studies. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions during the last semesters, I decided to pause my courses at the university to gain experiences in different fields of psychology via internships. This allowed me to gain insights into the area of market research, but also clinical psychology. Even tough this prolonged my Bachelor studies, it will definitely help me to decide on an area of psychology I want to pursue further.

Do you work while you study?
I work as a research assistant (SHK) at the institute for psychology here at Leuphana. This allows me to gain further insights into the area of research and psychological experiments and deepen theoretical input from lectures in practice.

Do you volunteer besides your studies?
At Leuphana, I am a member of the student initiative Enactus Lüneburg e.V., which has goal of solving social or ecological problems with the help of an entrepreneurial approach, i.e., being able to support itself independently in the long term. It is great to work with students from different disciplines and stages of studies, and to see what you can build and develop as a group.

How do you like Lüneburg as a place to study?
I like Lüneburg a lot. Because of the many students compared to the size of the city, Lüneburg is basically full of students. I personally really like it, you don't have long distances, you can be in Hamburg in almost half an hour by train, and the city itself is very beautiful. That's why, in my experience, friends, family, etc. also like to visit a lot.

What happens after graduation? Do you have any plans in place already?
I plan to start a Masters programme after my Bachelor degree in another city, maybe even abroad. I haven't decided on a specific direction in psychology yet, but I hope to know soon once I write my Bachelor dissertation.

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Building 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 - 16 h
Fr 9 - 12 h

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme director

  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wallot