Career prospects with Bachelor Global Environmental and Sustainability Studies

At Leuphana College, the interdisciplinary bachelor's program in environmental sciences enables you to acquire not only specialist knowledge but also interdisciplinary skills.

After completing your studies, you will be able to independently develop and convincingly present solution strategies in a national and international working environment.

Already during your studies, you can get to know relevant environmental science fields of employment through qualified internships as well as your own research and practical projects and find out which field of activity you can be enthusiastic about.

The following overview shows possible fields of work for graduates of environmental sciences. Additional qualifications may be required.

Environmental Protection / Research

  • Environmental Analyst: Investigating direct and indirect effects of chemicals on the environment
  • Waste Officers: Advise operators and staff on matters relevant to waste prevention and waste management
  • Environmental Administrator (civil servants): Carry out technical environmental protection measures, e.g. in water and waste management, immission control, noise and soil protection. In doing so, they deal with administrative procedures and examine facts under environmental law
  • Water Pollution Control Officer: Control and monitor wastewater facilities and wastewater treatment processes in legally defined companies and advise operators and employees
  • Environmental Management Officer: Ensuring that the legal requirements for internal environmental protection are met
  • Environmental Scientist: Monitor and analyze environmentally relevant processes, assess ecological risks and carry out environmental impact assessments
  • Immission Control Officers: Advise plant operators or their representatives on all issues of significance for immission control, taking into account the respective operational conditions, with the aim of minimizing environmentally harmful immissions through appropriate operating procedures and technical processes
  • (Eco)Toxicologist: Responsible for the monitoring of ecotoxicological studies up to the preparation of ecotoxicological risk assessments for chemical substances such as plant protection products

(Renewable) Energies

  • Energy Consultant: Inform private households and commercial enterprises about economical and environmentally friendly energy use from an economic and technical perspective
  • Climate Protection Manager: Coordinates municipal activities and projects to save energy and emissions and informs the public about climate protection measures

Consulting / Expertise

  • Consumer Advisor: Inform, advise and support consumers in questions of consumption
  • Waste Management Consultant: Inform companies, private households, authorities and local political committees, clubs, associations, schools and kindergartens about the implementation of measures for waste prevention, recycling and disposal
  • Management Consultant: As an external service provider, analyze the processes and structures in companies, e.g. to secure and expand the economic success of the company
  • Environmental Auditor: Plan and carry out internal audits in accordance with the European Eco-Management and Audit System (EMAS) In addition, they check compliance with the corresponding requirements with regard to environment-related corporate policy
  • Environmental Verifiers: certify organizations according to the European Eco-Management and Audit System (EMAS) and provide expert opinions on the quality of the so-called environmental performance of a company

Public Relations / Foundations & Institutes

  • Expert in environment and sustainability in PR departments: Planning, developing and implementing measures that serve to enhance the image of companies, authorities, associations and other institutions
  • Project manager for environmental projects of foundations/NGOs: supervise projects from conception to technical and organizational implementation within the framework of defined specifications

Education / Adult Education

  • Expert in the field of education/adult education: There are various professional opportunities for environmental scientists in the field of education, for example in the area of school or vocational environmental education. A further focus is on education for sustainable development. In addition to teaching activities, their tasks include developing concepts and organizing and conducting courses and seminars. These posts can be located in both government and private facilities. These include above all:
  • public administrations at the various levels of government (including nature conservation and environmental protection agencies),
  • Associations, clubs, foundations and corporations,
  • research institutions and
  • political organizations
  • Speaker for Environmental Education for Multipliers: Environmental education by indirectly influencing the population with the help of multipliers who, through their professional or social position, can influence the masses and act as catalysts for environmental education

master degree

After completing your bachelor's degree, you have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge with the consecutive degree programme of Leuphana Graduate School. There you will find five superordinate programmes: Education, Governance and Law, Cultural Studies, Management, Psychology and Sustainability.


Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

Prof. Dr. Henrik von Wehrden
Universitätsallee 1, C11.005b
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1694