International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship BSc

Major at Leuphana College

The English-speaking major in International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship (IBAE) is designed for changemakers in the 21st century. This study programme forms your skills to analyse and act upon entrepreneurship, management in the digital age, and sustainable and responsible management as key contemporary challenges of business in global societies. While forming skills in the foundational areas of business administration such as marketing, accounting, and finance, the programme includes these topics as core features of the curriculum.

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Programme language: English
tuition fees: none
Start: each October
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A study programme by leading experts

Top 10 percent of the most research-productive universities and business schools worldwide in business and management Top 10 percent of the most research-productive universities and business schools worldwide in business and management
NO. 73 of Young Universities Worldwide IN THE Times Higher Education RANKING NO. 73 of Young Universities Worldwide IN THE Times Higher Education RANKING

Our position in the global elite of business schools and universities entails our commitment to offering a high-class study programme that is theoretically grounded and methods-based.

Business Administration for the 21st century

In your future career as a manager or entrepreneur or as future master student, you will immensely benefit from our Bachelor programme International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship (IBAE).

With its unique combination of the foundations of business administration as well as entrepreneurship, sustainability, and the digital transformation, IBAE helps you develop the managerial and entrepreneurial skills needed in today’s business environments.

Born global: Studying abroad

The observation that today’s business environments are global in nature is self-evident by now. Therefore, the international character of management and entrepreneurship is a running theme that cuts across all IBAE modules. In order to support this international character, the programme encourages stays abroad through attractive partnerships and double-degree programmes.

Thanks to the English-speaking nature of the programme, IBAE also continually hosts incoming exchange students from partnering universities and welcomes applications from international students.

  • Exchange semester: Rewarding and fun! We have attractive exchange partnerships, e.g. with La Salle-University Ramon Llull in Barcelona.
  • Double-degree programmes: One programme, two degrees. Our double-degree programme with University of Glasgow.
  • Support: Our International Office is happy to support both outgoing and incoming students.

A unique profile for change-makers: Our study concept

The study concept of the Leuphana College is nearly unprecedented. You combine your major in IBAE with a minor as well as interdisciplinary eye-openers in the Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies. This enables you to give your Bachelor an individual profile, reaching extensions and depths that other business administration programmes cannot offer.

On the Curriculum page, you will find more information on the study structure as well as on the study content in the IBAE programme at Leuphana College.

©Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
IBAE major at Leuphana College: Study concept

Your studies your way: The major-minor model

The IBAE programme at Leuphana College allows you to combine different interests and academic perspectives. When choosing a minor, you can move within traditional subject disciplines or give your IBAE studies an individual profile.

For example, are you interested in:

  • studying engineering management? Combine IBAE with the minor in Engineering!
  • extending understanding of sustainability management? Combine IBAE with the minor in Sustainability Science!
  • putting management and entrepreneurship into a broader economic context? Combine IBAE with the minor in Economics!

Explore our minor subjects

Business Law (GER)
Business Psychology (GER)
Comparative Economic Law (ENG)
Digital Business (GER)
Economics (GER / ENG)
Engineering (Fundamentals) (GER)
Museum Studies (EN)
Philosophy (GER / ENG)
Political Science (GER / ENG)
Popular Music Studies (ENG)
Psychology and Society (ENG)
Social Media and Information Systems (GER)
Spatial Sciences (GER / ENG)
Sustainability Science (GER / ENG)

Language of instruction

ENG Eng­lish-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: no Ger­man re­qui­red
GER Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: Ger­man re­qui­red
GER / ENG Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject can also be ta­ken in Eng­lish

At a glance: BSc International Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

  • Study programme: Leuphana Bachelor with International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship major
  • Programme highlights: Entrepreneurship, sustainability, and digital transformation
  • Core competencies acquired: Out-of-the-box thinking, analytical problem-solving, and entrepreneurial thinking and doing
  • Degree awarded: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Extent: 180 ECTS
  • Study places: 152
  • Language: English (no German required)
  • Fees: no tuition fees
  • Semester contribution: approx. EUR 393,09 EUR
  • Semester abroad: possible
  • Start date: Beginning of October (winter semester)
  • Application period: Mid May July 15
  • Requirements: university entrance qualification and English skills
  • Restricted admission : yes
  • Admission: own procedure at Leuphana College


Leuphana is further expanding its cooperation with the University of Glasgow: Students of the Bachelor programme International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship will be able to obtain a degree at both universities in the future. Learn more

Living in Lüneburg

Lüneburg is a university town and home to 9.000 students who play a major role in public life. Should you occasionally crave the big city life, the busy metropolis of Hamburg is only a thirty-minute train ride away. Living in Lüneburg

Applications and admissions

Leuphana College accepts new students each winter term. If you wish to be considered for a Bachelor degree programme, your application must be received by July 15.

For applicants from EU and EEA countries the University operates a special admissions procedure for the award of places. It considers not only applicants' grades, but also special skills, experience and non-academic achievements such as periods spent studying abroad, and volunteering work.

Online applications

Online applications are possible from mid-May. Find out more about the entry requirements and specific admissions process at Leuphana College. Find out more now

Exchange students

The International Center will be pleased to assist you in planning and organising your studies abroad at Leuphana College. Study abroad at Leuphana

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wenzel
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, C6.207
21335 Lüne­burg

Programme Coordinators

Dr. Sünje Helldorff
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, C6.128
21335 Lüne­burg

Saskia Poth
Universitätsallee 1, C6.129
21335 Lüneburg