Political Science Minor

Leuphana Bachelor

Europeanisation and globalisation are creating a new framework for political structures and processes, the way in which politics operates and the impact it has. The minor gives you an overview of the discipline of political science.

Studying Political Science minor

The minor introduces you to fundamental questions and approaches in the field of political science. It also provides a more in-depth exploration of theory and methodology in traditional political science fields. These include government, comparative politics, political theory and the history of ideas, international relations and policy analysis.

The curriculum also links your studies to related social sciences and humanities subjects and to political practice.

Course content

The course starts with a general overview of key issues and fundamental concepts in political science, and the main theoretical and methodological approaches.

You will also explore the structures and functions of the political system in the Federal Republic of Germany and its development over the course of European integration. You will examine tensions between the German Basic Law and European Community law, and look at the Europeanisation of national institutions and decision-making processes. The central question here is how the German Bundestag, the German federal government and federal states, parties and associations approach the challenge of Europe.

This then forms the basis for a systematic investigation of the political systems of other countries and other eras, and an exploration of different theoretical and methodological approaches. Classes cover traditional questions of political philosophy and the history of ideas and the most important concepts of modern political theory – including their basis in social theory.

In policy analysis, you will explore how societal problems in modern democracies are discussed and addressed using political programmes and measures. You will also gain an overview of theories and perspectives for the analysis of international political relations.

Leuphana Bachelor: Studying at College

In the Leuphana Bachelor with Political Science minor, you combine specialist knowledge with solution-oriented thinking and responsible action. The Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies provide the framework for dealing with socially relevant topics outside your chosen major/minor combination. They are an integral part of the Leuphana Bachelor and give you the freedom to immerse yourself in different fields of knowledge and to develop viable solutions for the challenges of the future together with other college students.

Possible major combinations for Political Science minor

The Political Science minor can be studied in combination with one of the following Major:

Language of instruction

ENG English-language major: no German required
GER German-language major: German required

Compulsory modules

The Political Science minor (30 CP) is embedded in the Leuphana Bachelor with Leuphana Semester, Major and Complementary Studies. You start your Bachelor studies with the Leuphana Semester (30 CP). The first semester at Leuphana College gives you the opportunity to deal fundamentally with science. The Minor deepens or supplements your Major (90 CP) with another subject area. In Complementary Studies (30 CP) you have the freedom to pursue your thirst for knowledge individually by immersing yourself in a different field of knowledge each semester.

Compulsory modules

Leuphana Semester

  • Responsibility and Sustainability
  • Humanities
  • Methods I
  • Methods II: Disciplinary Methods
  • Introduction to the discipline

2. Semester

  • Introduction to Political Science
  • 4 major modules
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

3. Semester

  • The German Political System in the European Context
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

4. Semester

  • Political Theory and History of Ideas
  • Comparative Politics
  • 3 major modules
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

5. Semester

  • International Relations
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • 3 major modules
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

6. Semester

  • Bachelor dissertation
  • 1 major module
  • 2 Complementary Studies modules

Please note

Political Science is a German-language minor (subsidiary subject). You can study the Political Science minor entirely in English.

Study regulations / Subject-Specific Schedule

Study objective

Students on the Political Science minor learn theoretical and empirical skills (subject-specific hard skills) and how systematically and critically to reflect on political processes, institutions and players from a theoretical and empirical perspective (methodological skills).

The minor therefore helps to develop your ability to argue on a sound scientific basis (social skills) and to place your standpoint in a global context (intercultural skills). The course thus forms the basis for developing independence, motivation and social responsibility (personal skills).

At a glance

  • final degree: Political Science minor can only be studied in combination with a major
  • admission restrictions: no
  • number of student places: 59
  • teaching and examination language: German / English*

*German-language minor can also be taken in English.


Events for prospective students

Student counselling service

Clarify your questions in a personal conversation during the Open Advisory Service. You can take advantage of digital counselling at short notice without registering. The College study advisors will be happy to help you:

  • Wednesdays from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (in person on campus)
  • Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. (digitally via Zoom)

Find out more

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Koß