
The scholarships from the state of Lower Saxony are intended for particularly talented students from so-called ‘educationally disadvantaged backgrounds’, first-generation students and students who have particularly difficult starting and general conditions for studying due to their flight. This year, due to the war in Ukraine, special consideration is being given to Ukrainian refugees. Social reasons, e.g. the strained financial situation of families with many children, as well as outstanding voluntary work may also be relevant.

Application period
The next application period is from 19 September - 9 October 2024. The written application is submitted via an online portal of Leuphana, where you must register and which is activated during the application period.

Authorisation to apply

  • 1. Immatriculation in the winter semester
  • 2. above-average academic performance
  • 3. examination performance at least 50%
  • 4. within the standard period of study (+2)
  • 5. No semester of leave
  • 6. no double funding
  • 7. fulfil at least one of the 3 main criteria:

Authorisation to apply

Students who fulfil all of the following requirements are eligible to apply:

1. Immatriculation in the winter semester

  • Students who are enrolled at Leuphana University of Lüneburg in the winter semester 2024/25 in Bachelor's degree programmes of the College from the 3rd semester onwards or in Master's degree programmes of the Graduate School from the 1st semester onwards.
  • International students are only eligible to apply if they are pursuing a degree in the respective degree programme.

2. above-average academic performance

  • Scholarships are awarded on the basis of special achievements or outstanding aptitude. The assessment of performance or aptitude is based on the submitted transcripts. In the event of equal marks, the number of credit points (CP) will be included in the selection decision.

3. examination performance at least 50%

  • Students who have earned at least 50% of the regular credit points (CP) in the previous semesters. Proof of achievement should be provided in the form of a transcript of records from Leuphana University Lüneburg.
  • Students in their first Master's semester or in the first semester of a second degree programme provide proof of this via a Bachelor's certificate or a certificate of an equivalent degree.

4. within the standard period of study (+2)

  • Students who have not exceeded the standard period of study plus two semesters of full-time or part-time study at the start of the winter semester in which the scholarship is awarded.
  • In the case of part-time study, the standard period of study will be extended in accordance with the scope of study. Special cases of hardship can also be taken into account on application.

5. No semester of leave

  • Students who are not in a semester of leave.

6. no double funding

  • Students who, in the winter semester in which the scholarship is awarded, are not already being funded via scholarships that are paid over several months (e.g. the Deutschlandstipendium) or are receiving a scholarship under the scholarship programme for foreign students.

7. fulfil at least one of the 3 main criteria:

  • First-generation students, i.e. those whose parents do not have a (specialised) university degree.
  • Students whose parents both have no qualifications higher than a lower secondary school leaving certificate.
  • Students who have particularly difficult starting and general conditions for studying due to their flight. For example, students who have fled Ukraine due to the war can also be considered.

Secondary criteria

The following secondary criteria can also be taken into account in the selection process:

8. social circumstances

  • Students who come from families with more than three children,
  • students who, due to chronic illness
  • the single parenting of children or
  • caring for close relatives

are restricted in their ability to study.

9. voluntary work

  • Students who are active in student or academic self-administration or in general through outstanding voluntary work.

Contact Information

Dörte Krahn

Katharina Mittrach

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Private Hochschulförderung
