My studies at Leuphana College

If you have any questions about the administrative procedures during your Bachelor studies, the Administration and Examination advisors of the Student Services will be happy to help you. Among other things, they will take care of re-registration, leave of absence, change of study programme, double and part-time studies as well as questions about assessments.

Information and Forms

  • Transferring the semester contributions
  • Changing your major subject
  • Changing your minor subject
  • Major and Minor Combinations
  • Changing your special subject in Cultural Studies major
  • Certificate: Intercultural Communication and Languages
  • Leave of absence
  • Changing your personal details
  • Replacing the student ID card
  • De-Registration
  • Download

Information and Forms

Transferring the semester contributions

  • Studentenwerk contribution: 114,00 €
  • Contribution towards administrative expenses 75.00 €
  • Student body contribution: 204,09 € (of which € 176.40 for the semester ticket, € 17.90 contribution for student self-administration, € 9.79 for StadtRad etc.)
  • TOTAL: 393,09 €

For the summer semester 2024, the following contributions are payable at Leuphana University of Lüneburg for:

  • Studentenwerk contribution: 114,00 €
  • Contribution towards administrative expenses 75.00 €
  • Student body contribution: 204,09 € (of which € 176.40 for the semester ticket, € 17.90 contribution for student self-administration, € 9.79 for StadtRad etc.)
  • TOTAL: 393,09 €

These fees are payable upon registration or re-registration for the following semester. The amounts should be transferred to

IBAN: DE 26 2505 0000 0199 916 917

Purpose: matriculation number, surname, first name

Changing your major subject

Changing your major

If you want to change your major, you must apply online for a new major.

If you have already passed examinations that you would like credited for continuing your studies at College, you can apply for a higher semester.

Changing your minor subject

If you wish to change your minor, you can seamlessly make the change through the interface of myCampus.

Changing your special subject in Cultural Studies major

Certificate: Intercultural Communication and Languages

The Certificate in Intercultural Communication and Languages (ZiKS) is a voluntary offer for all students. It enables you to communicate and work together successfully, professionally and effectively in an intercultural context.

Information about the certificate (only in German)

Application form for certificate


If you wish to leave the university and have not yet completed your studies, please apply for de-registration immediately. Otherwise you will be de-registered by Student Services at the end of the current semester due to lack of re-registration. Upon de-registration, students lose their membership of the university and thus all rights and obligations.

Please send us the completed application for de-registration.

If you have successfully completed your degree programme, you will be automatically de-registered by Student Services at the end of the semester in which you have completed your LAST examination. In this case, it is not necessary to apply for de-registration.

If you would like to be de-registered on the date of your last examination or at any other time during the current semester, please submit an application for de-registration.

Students cannot apply for de-registration on a retroactive date!

Exmatriculation is possible if you have completed ALL the coursework and examinations required for your successful graduation (incl. thesis and defence, if applicable) and are only waiting for the examination results or the degree certificate and diploma.

Please note that the examination date (graduation date) can be used by organisations outside the university (e.g. health insurance companies) as a basis for granting benefits, despite the different enrolment period.

A full refund of the semester fees is possible if you exmatriculate in good time before the start of the semester or at the latest one month after the start of lectures by handing in your student ID card with semester ticket. Otherwise, no refund is possible for a current semester.

According to the enrolment regulations of Leuphana University of Lüneburg, you are no longer entitled to attend courses, complete coursework and examinations after exmatriculation. Any credits earned after the date of de-registration will neither be recognised nor credited!


If you have any questions about exmatriculation that differ from the above-mentioned regulations, please contact the responsible administrative office or send an email to (please ALWAYS state your matriculation number and degree programme in the email text).

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Building 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 - 16 h
Fr 9 - 12 h

Assessment matters

Examination Office (Student Services)
Building 8, 2nd floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Opening hours
Term time: Mon, Tue, Thu 10-12 h and Thu 14-15 h
Term break: Thu 10-12 h and 14-15 h