Language Proficiency

For applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification

In addition to a valid university entrance qualification, you also need to demonstrate language proficiency. Applicants for teacher training in music and physical education must pass a qualifying examination or aptitude test. Select your chosen programme to find out about any specific entry requirements.

Teacher training courses

Wirtschaftspädagogik / Business Education (for vocational schools)
Sozialpädagogik / Social Education (for vocational schools)
Lehren und Lernen / Teaching and Learning (for primary, lower secondary and intermediate schools)

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)