Student portraits

On this page you will find testimonials on the Bachelor of Law programme.

Bettina's experiences

©Leuphana College
Bettina is studying law (corporate and commercial law) with a minor in business psychology. She would like to go into business and is focusing on labour law in her studies. When looking for a suitable study programme, the College study model convinced her.

Why did you decide to major in law?
I am studying law because I have always been interested in the subject of law. I went to school in Bavaria and already had law as a subject in in highschool. But I didn't just want to do law, which is why I became aware of Leuphana. I then decided on the combination with the minor in business psychology because I find psychology fundamentally very interesting.

Why did you decide to study law at Leuphana College?
I knew from the start that I didn't want to become a public prosecutor or a judge, but wanted to go into business. That's why law with a state examination was ruled out right away. Some Bachelor's programmes offer the normal law lectures and the normal business lectures in parallel, but for me there was actually no real intersection. I didn't want to go to a university of applied sciences because I wanted the freedom and opportunities that a university offers. Then there weren't so many study programmes left, and of those, Leuphana simply has the best model. I liked the major-minor model. That's what convinced me most of all.

  • Academic interests
  • Minor business psychology
  • My studies
  • Leuphana Semester
  • Complementary studies
  • Admission process
  • Internship & engagement
  • Lüneburg as a city to study
  • My future

Academic interests

What are your academic interests?

I find labour law totally exciting and plan to focus on it from the fourth semester onwards. In general, I find it interesting to think in terms of business or corporate law and to consider how these aspects could be implemented in concrete terms.

So what has to be taken into account so that it is the way you would like it to be, but also so that the rights of someone else or also generally the rights we have are not restricted. I always find this question interesting.

Minor business psychology

Can you tie in with the topic of labour law in the business psychology minor?

Yes, it's actually the same thing, but from different perspectives. One is labour law, so to speak, as it is shaped by legislators and case law. And on the other hand, business psychology sheds light on how people can work best.

The legal things can reflect what has been found out in business psychology. That's why the combination is quite exciting.

My studies

What are the advantages of the Bachelor's programme at Leuphana College?

On the one hand, the advantages are that I can pursue my interests very individually, but everything is still well-founded. So, it's not like you just pick something together and then study it, but each individual element has its focus. Despite my varied interests, I have the opportunity to develop a profile instead of just mixing everything together. In my subjects, I notice that the professors have a lot of experience and also practical experience, so I get taught the applied theory.

Where do you see the advantages of a university compared to a university of applied sciences?

Above all, the freedom of choice. At university, I can still do a lot on the side: I found the initiatives or things that run alongside the courses more varied at a university than at a university of applied sciences.

For whom is studying at the college recommendable?

It's particularly suitable for people who have many different interests and want to combine them in a meaningful way. The college is definitely good for that.

In addition, you can combine a lot of things at the college without losing quality. For example, the Bachelor of Law is not "law light" just because it is a Bachelor's programme. The content covered in the programme is equivalent to a law degree.

There is a lot of emphasis on linking things together. I find that very enriching, either just as information or also personally, to be able to connect what you have learned with other things and apply it.

Leuphana Semester

How would you rate the Leuphana Semester?

The Leuphana Semester was also one of the reasons why I actually came here. In general, I thought the Leuphana Semester was good because you got to know a lot of people from different areas, i.e. Kuwis, Uwis, business students, lawyers. I found that very nice.

I also think it's important to deal with topics that would be neglected in a normal degree programme, such as sustainability. I found it very exciting to deal with topics that I might otherwise have avoided. I also got to know project work very well. That's why I found the responsibility module the most effective, because I got the broadest practical insight there.

But my comprehension module on Friday was also good because I took something philosophical. My topic was alienation and strangeness. I wrote about human alienation in the 21st century due to global capitalism. That was very exciting. I would never have done that otherwise. The lecture itself was also very exciting, it was about a lot of philosophers. But I was glad that I didn't have to deal only with that throughout my studies.

I think that even if it's something you don't really like, you realise that you really chose the right subject and that it's a good thing you didn't take anything else.

Complementary studies

What do you think of complementary studies?

I see the complementary studies more as a supplement. I had a module called Law and Economics. I looked at topics that I had already studied in the law major from an economics perspective and thus identified interfaces. That was very exciting.

This semester I helped organise the Ex(pear)ience Festival. I was in the accompanying seminar and in the organising team. In the organising team, we took care of the various insurances. Liability insurance, bar licences and GEMA, for example. But because that wasn't such a big part, we also took care of the catering. I made the staffing plan for the festival day myself, which didn't have much to do with law, but with practical organisation. So, what all has to be taken into account so that nothing goes wrong on the evening, such as keeping escape routes clear, etc.?

But I also got to know other interfaces, because I had a lot to do with cultural studies. So I got to know very different perspectives again. That is definitely a good addition that can build on what you already had in the main subject.

Admission process

What do you think of the admission process?

I think the admission procedure is pretty good. I've also heard from many people that they practically only got in through the test. The admission test gives them another chance to qualify for the programme.

Personally, I got in directly through the best quota. That's another reason why I think the admission procedure is very good, because those who have the very best grades are spared the test. But you can not only get credit for your grades, but also for your experience abroad. I find that very valuable, because school grades don't tell the whole story.

Internship & engagement

Did you do an internship during your studies?

I plan to do an internship, but I don't know when yet. I would prefer to do something in the field of labour law. There are a few consultancies in Lüneburg that specialise in optimising work processes. I would like to enquire about that.

Are you involved in voluntary work alongside your studies?

Yes, I'm in the law student group and in two initiatives: Rock your Life and enactus.

Rock your Life is a mentoring programme. Mentoring is about being a contact person for a student and supporting this child or young person in his or her development. It's not about tutoring or anything else, but simply about being a contact person for the mentees who doesn't come from your circle of friends. Some always meet for coffee, some always do job application training. It's very different, depending on personal needs. Then there is a super version. The mentors meet in small groups with a professional from the management consultancy that works with Rock your Life. There they reflect on how problems can be solved or generally on how things are going at the moment. Otherwise it's very individual.

At the enactus initiative, I'm involved in the 2nd Page project. In 2nd Page we produce blocks from misprints together with the Elbewerkstätten and the Lebenshilfe Hamburg-Harburg. In this way, we support the workshops for the disabled. Here at the university, we collect the paper that has misprints on one side and from which the blocks are made. We sell the 2ndPage blocks again.

Lüneburg as a city to study

How do you like Lüneburg as a place to study?

I love Lüneburg. I think Lüneburg is a beautiful city. I haven't regretted moving here from Bavaria. I think the size is perfect. I really like the small-town charm and the old town.

You can reach everything in Lüneburg by bike in no more than 10 minutes and if it does get too small and you want that big city feeling, you can be in Hamburg in half an hour.

My future

What's next for you after graduating from college? Do you already have plans?

I don't have any big plans yet. In the winter semester, I'm going to spend a semester abroad in Örebro, Sweden. That's near Stockholm, a little further inland. I'll be studying law in Örebro as part of the Erasmus programme, but with a focus on international law.

When I have finished my studies, I would definitely like to do a Master's degree. I don't know yet whether I want to do it here at Leuphana. As things stand at the moment, I would like to specialise in labour law. Here at the Leuphana Graduate School, you can do a Master's in Human Resources.

I still need to find out what's available and what the focus of the individual Master's programmes is. What interests me most and what the requirements are. But I definitely want to do a Master's degree.

Simone's experiences

©Leuphana College
Simone studied law (corporate and commercial law) at Leuphana College in combination with a minor in business administration. During her studies, she focused on financial services law, including aspects of banking law, insolvency law and insurance law. Simone wrote her Bachelor's thesis on insolvency law.

Looking back, how would you rate your studies at Leuphana College?
Entertaining. Six semesters flew by, and yet you learned and experienced a lot. The university offers so many opportunities - you just have to use them.

What do you see as the advantages/disadvantages of studying at Leuphana College?
Studying at Leuphana College gives you the opportunity to organise your studies individually and to adapt them to your own interests. You get an interdisciplinary education that opens up a broad horizon. However, you also have to know how to use this opportunity. You have to be aware that you will never get a comprehensive degree in one subject area, as you will always study different subjects due to the major/minor/complementary model. It should also be borne in mind that other universities in Germany are not as progressive in their study models, which reduces the ability to connect to a Master's degree.

  • Major-Minor combination
  • My studies
  • Internships & engangement
  • Lüneburg as a city to study
  • Bachelor thesis
  • My future

Major-Minor combination

You studied the major in law (corporate and commercial law) and the minor in business administration at Leuphana College. Why did you decide on this combination?

I knew that I didn't want to study either traditional law or business studies - yet I was very interested in both subjects. Leuphana finally offered me the opportunity to "combine the best of both worlds" with its flexibly configurable major/minor model.

Were you able to pick up on topics/aspects/focuses from the major in the minor and/or vice versa?

Apart from the fact that knowledge of business administration is always useful in business law and vice versa, I took a course in the elective compulsory area in the minor that tied in with the content of my elective compulsory module in insolvency law in the major. If you want to combine the content of the major and the minor, you are the architect of your own luck: With the wide selection of courses, especially in the elective area, you have to pick out the topics that interest you and pursue them yourself.

My studies

What topics / aspects / focal points did you deal with during your studies?  

Although we no longer have the classic "focal points" in the law major, I still chose my elective modules from a complex of topics: Financial Services Law. This includes modules such as banking law, insolvency law and insurance law.

Why and for whom is studying at Leuphana College recommendable?

Studying at Leuphana College is recommended for people with a wide range of interests who want to organise their studies independently and are prepared to deal with larger or non-specialist issues (Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies). Leuphana is a place for people who want to do more than just graduate. The university offers so many opportunities to get involved alongside your studies, whether to advance your own career or to help other people. There are student initiatives or opportunities to work as a student assistant for all interests. If you prefer a small, rather university with a cordial athmosphere and don't want to get lost in the crowd, Leuphana is the right place for you.

Internships & engangement

Did you do one or more internships during your studies?

In the sixth semester, I did an internship in a restructuring consultancy for just under three months. With the combination of business studies and insolvency law, the area of restructuring came to my attention when I was looking for an internship. I came into contact with the company through the Career Service's recruiting dinner.

As an intern, I was fully integrated into the team, taken to the client's offices and was able to help directly with the preparation of restructuring reports, etc. I was also able to gain practical experience in the field of insolvency law. Gaining practical experience was the best thing I could do in my Bachelor's degree - seeing where all the learning can lead is the biggest motivator.

Lüneburg as a city to study

How did you like Lüneburg as a place to study?

Lüneburg is a great student city. As a campus university, everything important is in one place, and the city and other places can all be reached by bike. You get the feeling that everyone knows everyone here - and if that's too much for you, you can take the Metronom to Hamburg for that big city feeling.

Bachelor thesis

What did you write your Bachelor's thesis on?

I wrote my Bachelor's thesis on insolvency law. While researching current developments in this area of law, I came across a law on national group insolvency law that had just come into force.

The topic was particularly interesting because, although a large number of German companies are organised in groups, binding regulations for dealing with group insolvency have only just been introduced.

My future

What's next for you after graduating from college?

After graduating from Leuphana, I'm going straight into a Master's programme. For this, however, I will go to another university, on the one hand because I want to study again in another city, and on the other hand because of the Master's programme. There I can reverse my subjects: Business studies will be in the foreground and law in the background.

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Building 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 - 16 h
Fr 9 - 12 h

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Axel Halfmeier, LL.M. (Michigan)