Economics BSc

Major at College

What is the best way out of a financial and economic crisis? Should railroads and postal services be privatized and banks nationalised? How are digitalization and artificial intelligence changing the world of work and what impact will this have on economic and financial policy? Should indebted EU countries be financially supported by other EU members? Should politicians introduce a nationwide minimum wage? If you decide to study Economics at the Leuphana University, you want to gain a better understanding of economics, politics, corporate strategies and human behavior. The Economics Bachelor's degree program is internationally oriented and is taught in English.

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Bachelor Sc. Economics

The goal of economics is to efficiently use and distribute scarce resources (e. g. money, time, natural resources such as clean air or petroleum), in order to promote the sustainable economic growth of countries and at the same time maximise the welfare of the population.

In the Bachelor of Economics, you therefore deal with the production and distribution of products and services that improve the well-being of people. For this purpose, you will acquire the necessary mathematical and communicative skills in your English-taught economics bachelor studies. In this way, you can represent the essential features of complex economic relationships in an abstract and simple way in order to solve real-world problems.

In the economics bachelor programme, you will therefore deal with the following aspects, among others:

  • Inflation, unemployment and economic growth
  • Effects of the monetary policy on consumption and the savings rate
  • The influence of investment in education on economic growth
  • The role of globalisation and free trade on the prosperity of different countries
  • Economic policy instruments for solving environmental problems
  • Effective and efficient design of e.g. organ donation
  • Role of social norms or preferences for fairness in economic decision formation

If you are interested in researching these kinds of questions, the Economics major at Leuphana College is the right choice for you. Further research fields can be found at the Institute of Economics.

Empirical economic research

A large part of economic research is conducted empirically, which is why you learn to apply mathematical models as well as their graphical representation to real-world phenomena and public policy in the Economics bachelor programme. In this way, you will familiarise yourself with suitable statistical methods and computer programmes in order to work independently on economic issues.

Economics as an international science

In the fifth semester, you have the opportunity to spend time abroad at a partner university. With this, you not only expand your subject knowledge, but also further develop your intercultural, linguistic and social skills. This qualifies you for a wide range of professional fields as well as Masters programmes at German and international universities.

Prospects with the Bachelor Economics

The Bachelor of Economics qualifies you for the scientifically sound conception, implementation and evaluation of economic policy strategies and measures. In small learning groups, you will acquire research- and practice-relevant competences as well as innovative tools for diverse activities in business, politics, research, education, IT and healthcare.

Experiences of the Economics bachelor programme at Leuphana college

“During my Bachelor degree, I spent a semester at the University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania. This experience contributed significantly to my career.“
FLORIAN works at the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and is doing his PhD at the University of Connecticut.
©©2020 Peter Morenus/The University of Connecticut
“As well as the exciting course content, I particularly liked the fact that the course is designed for a manageable cohort and a very good supervision ratio.“
STEVEN works as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sussex.
©Stuart Robinson / University of Sussex

Studying the economics bachelor at Leuphana College: study concept

In the Economics bachelor programme at Leuphana College, you combine specialist knowledge with solution-oriented thinking and responsible action. The Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies form the framework for dealing with socially relevant topics outside your chosen major-minor combination. They are an integral part of the Economics bachelor programme and give you the freedom to immerse yourself in different fields of knowledge and develop viable solutions for the challenges of the future together with other students.

On the Curriculum page, you will find more information on the study structure as well as on the study content in the Economics bachelor programme at Leuphana College.

Economics major at Leuphana College: Study concept

Studying the bachelor programme in economics at Leuphana is the ideal way to get to the core of fundamental phenomena in economics. At the same time, the study concept makes it possible to organise one's own studies as much as possible, so that I was able to get to know other disciplines and gain insights into the work of different disciplines.

Sascha, graduate of the Economics bachelor programme at Leuphana College


Possible minor combinations

The Economics bachelor programme at Leuphana College allows you to combine different interests and academic perspectives. When choosing a minor, you can move within traditional subject disciplines or give your economics studies an individual profile. You can combine the Economics major with any minor offered at Leuphana College.

Business Administration (GER)
Business Law (GER)
Business Psychology (GER)
Comparative Economic Law (ENG)
Digital Media / Information Technology & Culture (GER)
Educational Sciences (GER)
Engineering (Fundamentals) (GER)
Museum Studies (EN)
Philosophy (GER / ENG)
Political Science (GER / ENG)
Popular Music Studies (ENG)
Psychology and Society (ENG)
Social Media and Information Systems (GER)
Spatial Sciences (GER / ENG)
Sustainability Science (GER / ENG)

Language of instruction

ENG Eng­lish-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: no Ger­man re­qui­red
GER Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: Ger­man re­qui­red
GER / ENG Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject can also be ta­ken in Eng­lish

At a glance: Bachelor Sc. Economics

  • Study programme: Leuphana Bachelor with Economics major
  • Degree awarded: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Extent: 180 ECTS
  • Study places: 55
  • Language: English (no German required)
  • Fees: no tuition fees
  • Semester contribution: approx. EUR 393,09 EUR
  • Semester abroad: possible
  • Start date: Beginning of October (winter semester)
  • Application period: Mid May July 15
  • Requirements: university entrance qualification and English skills
  • Restricted admission : yes
  • Admission: own procedure at Leuphana College

Major Economics

Events for prospective students

Student counselling service

Clarify your questions in a personal conversation during the Open Advisory Service. You can take advantage of digital counselling at short notice without registering. The College study advisors will be happy to help you:

  • Wednesdays from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (in person on campus)
  • Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. (digitally via Zoom)

Find out more

Ask a Student

Would you like to know what it's like to study at Leuphana College and what life is like in Lüneburg? Then make an appointment for a video conversation with Yelmurat. Yelmurat is an international student studying the Major Economics and talks about his personal study experiences at Leuphana College and life in Lüneburg. For a video talk with Yelmurat, you can simply register by email: Please include "International + Major Economics" as the subject of your email. 

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Boris Hirsch

Programme Coordinator

  • Miguel Abellán-Ossenbach