Political Science

Leuphana Bachelor

Every day politics is faced with new challenges. Whether economic globalisation, cross-border migration or ongoing climate change: complex problems of society do not only call for comprehensive and effective solutions, but must also be tackled within the framework of democratic structures and processes.

Please note

The Political Sciencemajor is offered in the German language and is thus directed at prospective students with a good command of German. The programme’s German-language web pages provide detailed information needed on the content of the course and application procedures.

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Leuphana Bachelor: Studying at College

In the Leuphana Bachelor with Political Science major, you combine specialist knowledge with solution-oriented thinking and responsible action. The Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies provide the framework for dealing with socially relevant topics outside your chosen major/minor combination. They are an integral part of the Leuphana Bachelor and give you the freedom to immerse yourself in different fields of knowledge and to develop viable solutions for the challenges of the future together with other college students.

Possible minor combinations

Business Administration (GER)
Business Law (GER)
Business Psychology (GER)
Comparative Economic Law (ENG)
Digital Media / Information Technology & Culture (GER)
Economics (GER / ENG)
Educational Sciences (GER)
Museum Studies (EN)
Philosophy (GER / ENG)
Spatial Sciences (GER / ENG)
Sustainability Science (GER / ENG)

The Leuphana Bachelor enables the combination of different interests through major and minor. With the minor choice you can move within traditional disciplines or give your Bachelor an individual profile. You can also choose a minor that is not listed in the overview.

Language of instruction

ENG Eng­lish-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: no Ger­man re­qui­red
GER Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: Ger­man re­qui­red
GER / ENG Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject can also be ta­ken in Eng­lish

Course Structure

The Political Science major is embedded in the interdisciplinary College study model with Leuphana Semester, Minor and Complementary Studies. You start your Bachelor studies with the Leuphana semester. The first semester at Leuphana College gives you the opportunity to deal fundamentally with science. The Minor deepens or supplements your Major with another subject area. In Complementary Studies you have the freedom to pursue your thirst for knowledge individually by immersing yourself in a different field of knowledge each semester.

Possible combinations of minors (subsidiary subjects)

The Political Science major can be stu­di­ed in com­bi­na­ti­on with one of the fol­lo­wing minor:

Language of instruction

GER Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: Ger­man re­qui­red
GER / ENG Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject can also be ta­ken in Eng­lish

At a glance

  • Study programme: Leuphana Bachelor with Political Science major
  • Degree awarded: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Extent: 180 ECTS
  • Study places: 71
  • Language: German
  • Fees: no tuition fees
  • Semester contribution: approx. EUR 393,09 EUR
  • Semester abroad: possible
  • Start date: Beginning of October (winter semester)
  • Application period: Mid May July 15
  • Requirements: university entrance qualification and English skills
  • Restricted admission : yes
  • Admission: own procedure at Leuphana College

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Koß