Part-time study
There are times in our lives when it's not possible to study full-time. This is why Leuphana offers students at the College and Graduate School the chance to study on a part-time basis. For example, those who want to combine studying with a job, family life, social or academic commitments, or students who are unable to study full-time as a result of serious illness or disability can apply to study part-time.
The student counseling service at the College and Graduate School can inform and advise you before you start studying part-time, and it continues to offer support and guidance throughout your studies.
You must apply to the Student Service for permission to study part-time.
If you have a residence permit for studying in Germany, please enquire about the effects on your residence permit at the relevant Foreigners' Registration Office in your place of residence BEFORE applying for part-time studies. Further details can be found in the regulations governing part-time studies.
(only German versions)
- New announcement of the regulations governing part-time studies for the Leuphana Bachelor's degree, the Bachelor's degree in Teaching and Learning, the Bachelor's degree in Vocational Education in Social Pedagogy and the Bachelor's degree in Business and Human Resource Education at Leuphana University Lüneburg (12 March 2021)
- Second Amendment to the Regulations governing part-time studies for the Leuphana Bachelor's degree, the Bachelor of Teaching and Learning, the Bachelor of Professional Education in Social Pedagogy and the Bachelor of Business and Human Resource Education at Leuphana University Lüneburg (12 March 2021)
- Regulations governing part-time study for the Leuphana Bachelor's degree, the Bachelor's degree in Teaching and Learning, the Bachelor's degree in Vocational Edcuation in Social Pedagogy and the Bachelor's degree in Business and Human Resource Education at Leuphana University Lüneburg (14 March 2008)
All students enrolled at the College and Graduate School can apply to study part-time. When applying for permission, you must indicate and prove that you have important reasons for wanting to study part time, for example:
- you want to combine studying with a job / professional practice
- you want to combine studying with family responsibilities
- you want to combine study with outstanding social and civil commitment to sport, culture, social affairs and society
- involvement in student councils and administration
- serious illness and disability
- other reasons
Before starting part-time study, you should acquaint yourself thoroughly with the terms and conditions of part-time study. These are described in the regulations governing part-time Bachelor degrees and the General Examination Regulations for your respective course of study as well as in the information published here.
If you wish to switch from full-time to part-time study, you are required to consult the tutor in charge of your major subject / director of studies to discuss the order in which you should take modules. We also recommend you consult the following advisory services:
If you wish to study part-time at the start of your studies in the first semester, you should consult the Central Student Counseling Service and acquaint yourself with the general conditions of part-time study. We also advise you to consult the Central Student Counseling Service or the tutor responsible for your major subject or your director of studies during the orientation phase which lasts four semesters.
You are integrated in the normal study schedule and procedure, which means that no special classes or time slots are allocated to part-time students. The classes are held in weekly cycles on the different days of the week or, in some cases, in the form of blocks of classes.
If you are studying part-time, you take half of the modules usually planned for one semester; you can then take the remaining modules in the following winter or summer semester.
The "right to pre-selection" offers part-time students and students with children the chance to be admitted to certain classes before the random selection procedure takes place.
You can find out more about the right to pre-selection and relevant deadlines on the pages of the Office for Women's Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
It's possible to switch between full and part-time study. If necessary, you can also switch between full and part-time study several times. In this regard, please refer to the terms and conditions laid down in the respective regulations governing part-time Bachelor degrees.
Because the course content of a regular semester is taught over a period of two semesters and some classes are only offered in the winter or summer semester, part-time study should be selected for a period of at least four semesters. However, you only have to commit yourself for 2 semesters (1 academic year). You can apply to switch by the 15th July every year for the following winter semester.
Amendments to examination regulations that affect part-time study are contained in the respective General Examination Regulations. Statements concerning Leuphana Bachelor degrees are contained in § 3a. For teacher education degrees, specifications are laid down in the General Examination Regulations for Bachelor and Master Degree Programs; § 8 specifies the requirements for teaching training. In particular, this specifies that coursework and graded work amounting to 15 credit points have to be completed and that the orientation phase is extended to 4 semesters.
The remaining terms and conditions of the General Examination Regulations also apply to part-time study.
University fees of € 250.- are charged for every semester for part-time study.
The contributions that are payable upon registration or re-registration (contribution towards administrative expenses, student body contribution and Studentenwerk contribution), shall remain unaffected by this.
Doctoral students are not required to pay university fees applicable throughout Lower Saxony, however they must pay registration and re-registration fees.
The individual standard period of study is extended by one semester for every two semesters of part-time study. Fees for long-term students would be charged later according to this regulation.
Part-time students are not eligible for the state education grant BAföG. This means: Students who receive BAföG lose their BAFöG entitlement when they start studying part-time. BAföG cannot be interrupted for a period of part-time study and later received again when the student resumes full-time study.
However, BAföG itself offers full-time students a number of exemptions which lead to an extended funding period beyond the standard period of study. These include parenting, illness and disabilities and commitment to student councils and administration. If you have taken out a student loan from a bank, you may be required to discuss your part-time study with the provider of your loan.
If you have taken out a tuition fee loan from the N-Bank to cover university fees, the reduced amount of € 250.- is provided by the N-Bank. The N-Bank transfers the exact amount charged by the university every semester. If the university fees change, this is coordinated automatically by the university.
If you have taken out a student loan from a bank to cover your cost of living, you may need to consult your bank to find out whether it will continue to pay your loan.
Applications to start an officially regulated part-time study program may be submitted by 15th July of every year for the following winter semester.
Students who wish to start studying part-time in their first semester must submit their application before enrolling for the respective winter semester.
To apply for part-time study, use Leuphana University's application form.
If you are switching from full-time to part-time study, you should enclose with your application form confirmation that you have consulted the tutor responsible for your major subject or your director of studies.
The application for permission to study part-time must be submitted by the due date to the Student Service together with the necessary documents.