Career prospects: BSc Psychology

Bachelor programme

In the Psychology major at Leuphana College, you acquire sound knowledge within the basic psychological subjects, empirical-scientific methods, and psychological diagnostics.

Employment opportunities with BSc Psychology

In addition to comprehensive specialist knowledge, you acquire an expertise profile in various fields of psychological practice within society. Whether you work as a psychologist in business companies, as an employee in educational institutions, as a psychological advisor in political organisations, or as a psychologist in the public sector – the knowledge you gain at Leuphana's psychology programme will prepare you for your future professional life.

Thus, after completing your studies, you will be able to work on the national and international job market and in different (non-clinical) professional fields, manage projects independently, develop sustainable solution strategies, and present your work convincingly.

In combination with the minor Psychology & Society, you will develop a profile for responsible tasks in various areas of social activity, such as politics, education, counselling, social work, campaign work or human resources.

With the minor Business Psychology you will qualify in particular for jobs in human resources, professional training, the advertising industry, marketing, and research and development in the field of psychological ergonomics.

During your psychology studies, you can get to know relevant fields of employment through qualified internships as well as your own research and practical projects, and find out which field of activity you are enthusiastic about.

Please note

Given its international orientation and its focus on societal issues, the curriculum does not qualify students for the field of practice as a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist in Germany.

Fields of activity

  • Politics
  • Education
  • Consulting
  • Social work
  • Campaigning
  • human resources
  • professional training
  • advertising industry
  • marketing
  • research and development in the field of psychological ergonomics 

Advice and Consulting

The course qualifies you for psychological management consulting in areas such as human resources and organisational planning or organisational development.

In this field you can work in the following areas, among others:

  • Management Consultant: Analyses as an external service provider the processes and structures in companies, e.g. to increase and expand profitability.
  • Career Counsellor: Informs and advises on occupations, training paths, occupational requirements, the labour market, and employment opportunities.
  • Mediator: Supports disputing parties in conflicts of various kinds in order to reach consensual, extrajudicial solutions.
  • Job Coach: Supports people with the integration into the job market, in processes of professional change, career planning or with overcoming difficulties in everyday working life.
  • Supervisor: Offers a method of counselling where questions regarding everyday working life and progress, as well as questions about cooperation and collaboration within a team or a group, are discussed in the form of structured conversations.
  • Intercultural Communication Consultant: Facilitates the interaction of individuals from different cultures in companies.

Human Resources

In this field of activity, the company mainly organises the recruitment and administration of personnel and provides for the training and further education of employees. In this field you can work in the following areas, among others:

  • Labour Market Manager: Works for example in an employment agency; is responsible for the placement, advising and integration of employee clients as well as for advising and supporting employer clients in all matters of personnel recruitment.
  • Occupational Scientist: Analyses technical, organisational, and social conditions of work processes.
  • Personnel Consultant: Provides services for companies in the search and selection of suitable specialists and executives.
  • Personnel Dispatcher: Is responsible for the selection of suitable employees for companies in the area of personnel services and supervises them during the assignment.
  • Personnel Developer: Takes care of personnel requirements planning, personnel recruitment and assessment as well as training and further education.
  • Personnel Officer: Is responsible for the selection and recruitment of personnel as well as personnel support and development.
  • Recruiter: In the field of personnel services, they search and recruit new employees on behalf of other companies.
  • Relocation Specialist: Assists professionals and managers as well as private individuals when they change their place of work or residence, handles all formalities connected with the move.
  • Behavioural and Communication Trainer: Teaches the basics of successful communication and constructive behaviour e.g. in seminars or coaching sessions in companies, and practices them with the participants.

Advertising Industry and Marketing

In this field of activity, market and needs analysis are in the foreground as well as the conception of advertising strategies, with the aim of market and customer-oriented corporate management.

  • Market Researcher: Carries out market and competition analyses.
  • Employee/Head of Marketing: Is responsible for development, implementation, and evaluation of strategies, concepts, and measures for planning, managing, and controlling demand. 
  • Media Planner: Designs and creates advertising campaigns.
  • Media Manager: Plans, organises and realises media projects, e.g. for film, radio, television and interactive multimedia applications.
  • Online Marketing Manager: Coordinates advertising measures on the internet and develops marketing strategies for virtual sales rooms, acquires customer groups, and designs business processes in the field of online shopping.
  • POS-Manager: Fulfils a business management consulting function as a sales representative at the point of sale and implements measures to increase the turnover of goods at all relevant points of sale.
  • Product Manager: Develops marketing strategies for a specific product and positions it on the market, analyses market research data, prepares forecasts, and develops prototypes or product variants.
  • Advertising Manager: Plans, organises, coordinates, and monitors advertising concepts and activities of companies in consultation with the management committees. 

Work and Technology

In this field of activity, the focus is on the analysis of work equipment and work situations. In this field, you can work in the following areas, among others:

  • Occupational Scientist: Analyses the technical, organisational, and social conditions of work processes with the aim of improving them.
  • Specialist for Occupational Safety: Advises and supports companies in questions of occupational safety, accident prevention, and ergonomic design of work processes.
  • Occupational Psychologist: Investigates the causes and consequences of work stress.
  • Statistician: Collects and analyses empirical data, processes and depicts them clearly, e.g. in the fields of market and opinion research, in the insurance industry, medical and pharmaceutical research, social services or quality management.

Careers and professional focus

Tailored placements and personal research and practical projects during your psychology degree introduce you to relevant areas of work and give you a taster of what professions you might consider even before you have graduated.

Practical experience while you study

Students at Leuphana College can integrate practical experience into their degree with the Complementary Studies Practical Phase Basic Programme.

Career Service

The Career Service provides professional and careers advice and assistance:

Masters programmes after the BSc Psychology

After graduating with a Bachelor degree, your scientific qualification allows you to deepen your psychological knowledge in a Masters programme at a German or international university.

The Psychology major qualifies you for consecutive Masters programmes in the field of psychology, provided that these do not ask for knowledge of Clinical Psychology as an admission requirement.

The admission criteria for psychological Masters programmes at other universities (regarding in-depth knowledge in the basic psychological subjects and methodological competences in psychological research and diagnostics) are generally fulfilled by the study contents of the Psychology major at Leuphana College.

You can also continue your studies in a Masters programme at the Leuphana Graduate School:


Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Building 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 - 16 h
Fr 9 - 12 h

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wallot