Methodenlehre an der Leuphana

Das Lehrangebot des Methodenzentrums richtet sich an Studierende aller Studiengänge und Ausbildungsstufen sowie Promovierende der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Die Veranstaltungen haben unterschiedliche Formate, um den vielfältigen Bedarfen gerecht zu werden. Um die Methodenausbildung an der Leuphana transparenter und übersichtlicher zu gestalten, arbeitet das Methodenzentrum aktuell an einer Übersicht aller methodenorientierten Lehrveranstaltungen der Universität.

  • Ausleihe
  • Kurse von Henrik von Wehrden
  • Kurse von Dagmar Berg-Mölleken
  • Weitere Methodenkurse an der Leuphana


Wir verleihen voll-ausgestattete Moderationskoffer für die Methodenlehre. Schreiben Sie uns an oder kommen Sie einfach im Methodenzentrum vorbei, wo Sie den Koffer abholen können.

Kurse von Henrik von Wehrden

Current Courses

Prof. Dr. Henrik Wehrden

Applied Statistical Data Analysis

Comprehensive analysis of data using Python. The lecture will present and discuss general examples on the language Python, statistical models, data preparation, creation of functions, graphical representations and other essentials of Python.

Ziel: Students should be able to gain an overview on available software, and should learn to use Python as a basis for the study program.

Doctoral Colloquium of the School of Sustainability

Bachelor Thesis

This module supports you in the process of writing your bachelor thesis. While the lecture builds on a flipped classroom concept, it will be widely framed around the questions of the audience regarding the specific slots. The lecture thus helps you to find a topic, supervisors, and how to communicate with them. You will get input on time management, how to tame a topic, define research questions of hypotheses, research literature, and write a glossary. An additional emphasis will be set un creating methodological designs, pitfalls of research, and establishing a routine. We also give you help on how to overcome writer's block, norms and standards of science, and how to submit and defend your thesis. All individual steps will also be discussed more hands on in the tutorials.

Ziel: Vorlesung, Tutorium sowie der moodle-Kurs zielen darauf ab, den Prozess des Schreibens der Bachelor-Arbeit in allen Phasen von Beginn an bis zur Abgabe der BA-Thesis zu begleiten.


The lectures, the tutorials as well as the moodle course aim to support the process of writing a bachelor’s thesis from start to submission.

Methods in Sustainability Science

Tutorial I Module Bachelor Thesis - in English

In addition to the lectures, this tutorial gives you the opportunity to ask questions, discuss your topic ideas in groups, address any thesis struggles and to present your (planned) work to each other in order to receive feedback and specific help from your peers and the tutor.

Experience has shown that this structured accountability-like tutorial makes it easier to get started and stay on track so that you can get through the Bachelor's thesis process as successfully as possible. The tutorial is designed in such a way that you can benefit from it no matter which phase of the thesis (planning) you are currently in.

There is an additional "Writing Tutorial" every two weeks that you can sign up to. Here, we will exclusively focus on getting into writing/researching in a productive atmosphere.

The tutorial is accompanied by the following article on the Sustainability Methods Wiki: (ideally check out the first paragraphs prior to the tutorial), as well as uploaded documents here on MyStudy.

Ziel: You will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with all formal and content-related aspects of writing a bachelor thesis and to exchange about your process with fellow students. You will acquire the necessary skills to successfully design your bachelor thesis.

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.

Kurse von Dagmar Berg-Mölleken

Current Courses

M.Sc. Dagmar Berg-Mölleken

Reflecting on ethical values - scientific perspectives and methods

Dear students, welcome to the seminar!

Ethical values determine our actions on all levels, from individual to global decision-making. However, reflecting on ethical values in science is challenging because

- values often have an implicit effect on our actions and are therefore difficult to access, both for ourselves and for scientific research;

- values are perceived as highly subjective, and measurements are difficult to do justice to this subjectivity;

- negotiating shared values while recognizing the plurality of values requires good understanding and skilled facilitation from researchers.

In this seminar, we jointly adopt different perspectives on ethical values and value concepts and try out scientific methods and interventions suitable for approaching value-related questions. We refer to the value perspectives according to Horcea-Milcu et al. (2019) “Values in transformational sustainability science: four perspectives for change.” The primary methods we use are qualitative interviews, quantitative questionnaires, and group discussion formats. These methods will be linked to various interventions, such as i.a. serious play, walking exercises, causal loops, thought experiments, etc. All methods will be applied in the classroom to collect, analyze, and interpret data based on our own experiences and thoughts.

Ziel: Please review the following learning goals and competencies for this seminar. They will help you decide if this seminar offers the relevant building blocks for your individual learning and development.

The learning objectives for this course are:

I. You engage with core concepts and perspectives on ethical values. You systematically connect your own experiences and reflections on ethical values to scientific discourses. You discuss and reflect on those connections.

II. You identify and categorize different scientific methods according to the design criteria for methods you learn in the lecture. In practical exercises, you apply these methods and systematically discuss their characteristics to choose appropriate methods for your group work and future scientific work.

III. You work in groups to develop your own research question on a topic related to ethical values using appropriate scientific methods. You translate your research interests into scientific questions, select a method based on discussed criteria, and develop a mini research design.

IV. You practice core skills of reflective scientific presenting and writing by presenting and justifying your research design in groups according to the criteria of good scientific practice. These skills are essential for your ongoing studies and careers.

This seminar is a space designed to train the following competencies:

Subject-specific competencies: You gain insight into different scientific discourses on ethical values and learn to locate your own experiences and reflections in those discourses. You train your ability to research and present relevant literature. A special emphasis is on learning and practicing presentation skills.

Methodological competencies: You take the first steps in planning a research project. You choose appropriate methods for a research question and reflect on your choice critically.

Social competencies: You practice working jointly on a question and presenting your group work together.

Self-competencies: Your learn to reflect on yourself in relation to the topic and your group work.

Methods in Sustainability Science

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.

Weitere Methodenkurse an der Leuphana

Bachelor-Arbeit vorbereiten und Schreiben (Schreibgruppe), Fr, 08.11.2024, 12.15–13.45 h, Raum C14.027 und Mo, 03.02.2025, 10:15 – 11:45 h, C 40.501 
Master-Arbeit vorbereiten und Schreiben (Schreibgruppe). Fr, 08.11.2024, 10:15-11:45 h, C 14.027 Seminarraum und Mo, 03.02.2025, 12:15 – 13:45 h, C 40.501 
Getting Started on Your Proposal: A Hands-on Workshop for Master’s Students, 13.12.2024, 10.15–11.45 h, C5.012
LinA-Lab: Transkriptions-Workshop f4transkript, Di, 17.12.2024, 12:15 - 13:45 h, C 1.114/Online
LinA-Lab: f4analyse, Do, 19.12.2024, 10:15 - 11:45 h, C 1.114/Online
LinA-Lab LimeSurvey, Mo, 06.01.2025, 12:15 - 13:45 h, C 1.114/Online
LinA-Lab AntConc, Di, 07.01.2025, 12:15 - 13.45 h, C 1.114/Online
Zitieren und Paraphrasieren in der ersten Hausarbeit (Leuphana Semester) (WS), Do, 09.01.2025, 16:15 – 18:15 h, online
LinA-Lab SketchEngine, Di, 14.01.2025, 10:15 - 11:45 h, C 1.114/Online
Getting Started on Your Writing Project (WS), Mi, 22.01.2025, 10:15 – 11:45 h, C 5.012
Ins Schreiben kommen. Anfangen (WS), Mi, 22.01.2025, 14:15 – 15:45 h, C 5.012
Schreibblockaden identifizieren und überwinden (WS), Mo, 27.01.2025, 10.15–12.30 h, C5.012
KI-unterstützte Themenfindung und Literaturrecherche (Kooperation mit MIZ) (WS), Mi, 29.01.2025, 15:00 – 17:15 h, C 5.012
Lange Nacht des Schreibens 2024 (WS), Do, 20.02.2025, 16:00 - 22:00 h, Raumangabe folgt
Schreibmarathon (WS), Mo, 03.03.2025, 9:00 h - Fr, 07.03.2025, 17:00 h, C5.019 und 109, 111, 124