Methodology at Leuphana
The courses offered by the Center of Methods are aimed at students of all degree programs and training levels as well as doctoral students at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The courses have different formats in order to meet the diverse needs. In order to make methods education at Leuphana more transparent and clearer, the Center of Methods is currently working on an overview of all methods-oriented courses at the university.
We lend out fully-equipped moderation cases for teaching methods. Write to us or simply drop by the Center of Methods, where you can pick up the case.
Henrik von Wehrden's courses
Current Courses
Prof. Dr. Henrik Wehrden
Applied Statistical Data Analysis
Comprehensive analysis of data using Python. The lecture will present and discuss general examples on the language Python, statistical models, data preparation, creation of functions, graphical representations and other essentials of Python.
Ziel: Students should be able to gain an overview on available software, and should learn to use Python as a basis for the study program.
Applied Statistical Data Analysis
Comprehensive analysis of data using the Python programming language. The tutorial will focus on practical application of Python to solve data analysis problems, such as statistical modeling and model selection, data preparation, creation of functions, graphical representations and other essentials of the Python language. The didactical concept is to provide the required background knowledge of solving a particular problem 'as we go', i.e. there will usually be a combination of theory input, worked examples, and practical excercises. Note that this is not your programming 101 course, so the focus will be less on coding per se, but on understanding the statistical concepts required for data analysis using Python.
Ziel: Practicing and gaining experience in the analysis of data using Python.
Methods of Environmental Sciences
The module conveys basic knowledge and practical research examples through which the diversity of methods available in environmental & sustainability science is exemplified and contextualized. The module presents an overview of approaches to obtain, analyse and interpret data within science, and embeds these into a broader ontological framework. While the focus is generally on how methods can aid and enable the production of knowledge, a connection to the history of science, including the origin and development of each specific method is part of the lecture.
Ziel: The study of environmental & sustainability sciences aims to combine topics that are engaged from different and diverse perspectives, yet is certainly more than the sum of its parts. Environmental & sustainability sciences engage in a holistic perspective and take normative dimensions as well as a focus on transformative knowledge strongly into account. Within this module students will learn to embed methods into the context of knowledge production, spanning across system, normative and transformative knowledge. Students will begin to understand that the choice of and experience in applying methods is a precondition of research. In addition, students will be enabled to recognize the normative dimension of scientific methods by starting to reflect about drawbacks and benefits of specific methods, and how the choice of methods may influence the process of knowledge production.The students will acquire basic skills in the methods of environmental & sustainability sciences, and embed this knowledge into the broader context of methods in science, starting with an introduction into developing study designs building on the application of methods. Through the application of simplified hands-on experience with the specific methods the students will get an initial understanding of the benefits and challenges of the individual methods. The knowledge acquired in the module and applied to exemplary case studies of publications, thereby enabling students to start to get engaged with the scientific canon. By engaging students through blended learning - building on an extensive Wiki as well as Video and podcast formats, which students are expected to engage with in order to pass the exam - they further learn to participate in the scientific discourse.
Doctoral Colloquium of the School of Sustainability
Bachelor Thesis
This module supports you in the process of writing your bachelor thesis. While the lecture builds on a flipped classroom concept, it will be widely framed around the questions of the audience regarding the specific slots. The lecture thus helps you to find a topic, supervisors, and how to communicate with them. You will get input on time management, how to tame a topic, define research questions of hypotheses, research literature, and write a glossary. An additional emphasis will be set un creating methodological designs, pitfalls of research, and establishing a routine. We also give you help on how to overcome writer's block, norms and standards of science, and how to submit and defend your thesis. All individual steps will also be discussed more hands on in the tutorials.
Ziel: Vorlesung, Tutorium sowie der moodle-Kurs zielen darauf ab, den Prozess des Schreibens der Bachelor-Arbeit in allen Phasen von Beginn an bis zur Abgabe der BA-Thesis zu begleiten.
The lectures, the tutorials as well as the moodle course aim to support the process of writing a bachelor’s thesis from start to submission.
Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.Christoph Wegener's courses
Current Courses
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wegener
Research Seminar in Economics
Vorträge zu laufenden Forschungsarbeiten von Promovierenden und Wissenschaftlern des Instituts sowie von auswärtigen Gästen.
Die Referenten sollten möglichst min. eine Woche vor dem Vortrag ihr Papier an Boris Hirsch schicken, der es dann für alle Teilnehmer zugänglich in MyStudy hochladen wird. Hierdurch sollen tiefergehende Diskussionen der Papiere ermöglicht werden.
* im Seminarplan: Externe Gäste, mit denen wir vermutlich am Dienstagabend Essen gehen werden, wozu alle Interessierten gerne mitkommen können (Info bei Boris Hirsch).
Ziel: Kolloquium (Vortrag) im Rahmen des Promotionskollegs VWL gem. §6 Abs. 4
Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.Dagmar Berg-Mölleken's courses
Current Courses
M.Sc. Dagmar Berg-Mölleken
Reflecting on ethical values - scientific perspectives and methods
Methods in Sustainability Science
Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.