Malte Pelleter
Malte Pelleter, M.A. is a researcher at the Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM) at Leuphana University Luneburg, Germany. His main research interests are in theory and aesthetics of auditive media-cultures and especially electronic and digital musics. He’s currently working on a dissertation on the techno/cultural history of drum-machines and their status as media-epistemic apparatuses of breakbeat-science (Kodwo Eshun).
Simulation in Digital Environments for Auditory Design
In cooperation with Prof. Rolf Grossmann (MECS In-House Fellow 2015). More information.
Last Publications: »Grammophon-Erziehung und Beat-Bildung. Szenen medien/musikalischer Bildungs-Phantasmen«. In: Othmer, Julius; Weich, Andreas (Hg.): Medien – Bildung – Dispositive. Wiesbaden: Springer. S. 141-155; »Computer als Klangmedium«. In: Schröter, Jens (Hg.): Handbuch Medienwissenschaft. Stuttgart: Metzler. S. 328-333 (zus. m. Rolf Großmann).