Economic Policy

The Department of Economic Policy Theory (Prof. Dr. Thomas Wein) focuses its research and teaching on questions of microeconomic-oriented economic policy. Examples include the Deutsche Bahn-AG, the postal service, energy policy, telecommunications and insurance. The theoretical basis is formed by approaches to natural monopolies and information asymmetries. The aim is always to link the theoretical approaches to the institutional framework and to test the resulting hypotheses empirically.


  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Wein
  • Mats Kahl, M.A.
  • Christina Korf
  • Maike Mente

Former employees

Arne Neukirch
Dr. Annika Pape
Dr. Johanna Gärtner, IT.Niedersachsen
Anne-Kathrin Last, Statistisches Bundesamt
Dr. Anja Köbrich León, Universität Kassel
Dipl. Ökonom Daniel Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Heike Wetzel, Universität Kassel