- 429 Joachim Wagner: Data Observer – A guide to data that can help to inform evidence-based policymaking, April 2024
- 428 Joachim Wagner: Digitalization Intensity and Extensive Margins of Exports in Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries - Evidence from Kernel-Regularized Least Squares Regression, April 2024
- 427 Joachim Wagner: Cloud Computing and Extensive Margins of Exports - Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries, February 2024
- 426 Joachim Wagner: Robots and Extensive Margins of Exports - Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries, January 2024
- 425 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2023, January 2024
- 424 Joachim Wagner: Estimation of empirical models for margins of exports with unknown non-linear functional forms: A Kernel-Regularized Least Squares (KRLS) approach, January 2024
- 423 Luise Görges, Tom Lane, Daniele Nosenzo and Silvia Sonderegger: Equal before the (expressive power of) law? November 2023
- 422 Joachim Wagner: Exports and firm survival in times of COVID-19 – Evidence from eight European countries, October 2023
- 421 Joachim Wagner: Big Data Analytics and Exports - Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries, September 2023
- 420 Christian Pfeifer: Can worker codetermination stabilize democracies? Works councils and satisfaction with democracy in Germany, May 2023
- 419 Mats Petter Kahl: Was the German fuel discount passed on to consumers? March 2023
- 418 Nils Braakmann and Boris Hirsch: Unions as insurence: Employer–worker risk sharing and workers‘ outcomes during COVID-19, January 2023
- 417 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2022, January 2023
- 416 Philipp Lentge: Second job holding in Germany – a persistent feature? November 2022
- 415 Joachim Wagner: Online Channels Sales Premia in Times of COVID-19: First Evidence from Germany, November 2022
- 414 Boris Hirsch, Elke J. Jahn, Alan Manning, and Michael Oberfichtner: The wage elasticity of recruitment, October 2022
- 413 Lukas Tohoff and Mario Mechtel: Fading Shooting Stars – The Relative Age Effect, Misallocation of Talent, and Returns to Training in German Elite Youth Soccer, September 2022_updated June 2023
- 412 Joachim Wagner: The first 50 contributions to the Data Observer Series – An overview, May 2022
- 411 Mats Petter Kahl and Thomas Wein: How to Reach the Land of Cockaigne? Edgeworth Cycle Theory and Why a Gasoline Station is the First to Raise Its Price, April 2022
- 410 Joachim Wagner: Website premia for extensive margins of international firm activities Evidence for SMEs from 34 countries, March 2022
- 409 Joachim Wagner: Firm survival and gender of firm owner in times of COVID-19 Evidence from 10 European countries, March 2022
- 408 Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge and Claus Schnabel: Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare? February 2022
- 407 Lena Dräger, Michael J. Lamla and Damjan Pfajfar: How to Limit the Spillover from the 2021 Inflation Surge to Inflation Expectations? February 2022
- 406 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2021, January 2022
- 404 Boris Hirsch and Philipp Lentge: Non-Base Compensation and the Gender Pay Gap, July 2021
- 403 Michael J. Lamla and Dmitri V. Vinogradov: Is the Word of a Gentleman as Good as His Tweet? Policy communications of the Bank of England, May 2021
- 402 Lena Dräger, Michael J. Lamla and Damjan Pfajfar: The Hidden Heterogeneity of Inflation and Interest Rate Expectations: The Role of Preferences, May 2021
- 401 Joachim Wagner: The Good have a Website. Evidence on website premia for firms from 18 European countries, April 2021
- 400 Luise Görges: Of housewives and feminists: Gender norms and intra-household division of labour, April 2021
- 399 Joachim Wagner: With a little help from my website Firm survival and web presence in times of COVID-19 – Evidence from 10 European countries, April 2021
- 398 Katja Seidel: The transition from School to Post-Secondary Education – What factors affect educational decisions?, March 2021
- 397 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2020, January 2021
- 396 Sabien Dobbelaere, Boris Hirsch, Steffen Mueller and Georg Neuschaeffer: Organised Labour, Labour Market Imperfections, and Employer Wage Premia, December 2020
- 395 Stjepan Srhoj, Vanja Vitezić und Joachim Wagner: Export boosting policies and firm behaviour: Review of empirical evidence around the world, November 2020
- 394 Thomas Wein: Why abandoning the paradise? Stations incentives to reduce gasoline prices at first, August 2020
- 393 Sarah Geschonke, Thomas Wein: Privacy Paradox – Economic Uncertainty Theory and Legal Consequences, August 2020
- 388 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2019, January 2020
- 387 Boris Hirsch, Eike J. Jahn, Thomas Zwick: Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity, and Voluntary Turnover, May 2019
- 386 Wagner, Joachim: Transaction data for Germany’s exports and imports of goods, May 2019
- 385 Wagner, Joachim: Export Scope and Characteristics of Destination Countries: Evidence from German Transaction Data, May 2019
- 384 Antonia Asorva Exchange rate pass-through to import prices in Europe: A panel cointegration approach, February 2019
- 382 Jörg Schwiebert: A Sample Selection Model for Fractional Response Variables, April 2018
- 381 Jörg Schwiebert: A Bivarate Fractional Probit Model, April 2018
- 380 Boris Hirsch, Steffen Mueller: Firm wage premia, industrial relations, and rent sharing in Germany, February 2018
- 379 John P. Weche, Achim Wambach: The fall and rise of market power in Europe, January 2018
- 378 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2017, January 2018
- 377 Inna Petrunyk, Christian Pfeifer: Shortening the potential duration of unemployment benefits and labor market outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany, January 2018
- 376 Katharina Rogge, Markus Groth und Roland Schuhr: Offenlegung von CO2-Emissionen und Klimastrategien der CDAX-Unternehmen – eine statistische Analyse erklärender Faktoren am Beispiel der CDP-Klimaberichterstattung, October 2017
- 375 Christoph Kleineberg, Thomas Wein: Verdrängungspreise an Tankstellen?, September 2017
- 374 Markus Groth, Laura Schäfer und Pia Scholz: 200 Jahre „On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation“ – Eine historische Einordnung und Würdigung, March 2017
- 373 Joachim Wagner: It pays to be active on many foreign markets Profitability in German multi-market exporters and importers from manufacturing industries, March 2017
- 372 Joachim Wagner: Productivity premia for many modes of internationalization A replication study of Békes / Muraközy, Economics Letters (2016), March 2017 [publ. in: International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics - IREE, Vol. 1 (2017-4)]
- 371 Marius Stankoweit, Markus Groth, Daniela Jacob: On the Heterogeneity of the Economic Value of Electricity Distribution Networks: an Application to Germany, March 2017
- 370 Joachim Wagner: Firm size and the use of export intermediaries A replication study of Abel-Koch, The World Economy (2013), January 2017 [publ. in: International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics - IREE, Vol. 1 (2017-1)]
- 369 Joachim Wagner: Multiple import sourcing First evidence for German enterprises from manufacturing industries, January 2017 [published in : Open Economies Review 29 (2018), 1, 165-175]
- 368 Joachim Wagner: Active on many foreign markets A portrait of German multi-market exporters and importers from manufacturing industries, January 2017, [ published in : Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 238 ( 2018), 157-182]
- 367 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2016, January 2017
- 366 Tim W. Dornis and Thomas Wein: Trademarks, comparative advertising, and product imitations: An untold story of law and economics, September 2016
- 365 Joachim Wagner: Intra-good trade in Germany: A first look at the evidence, August 2016 [published in: Applied Economics 49 (2017), 57, 5753-5761]
- 364 Markus Groth and Annette Brunsmeier: A cross-sectoral analysis of climate change risk drivers based on companies’ responses to the CDP’s climate change information request, June 2016
- 363 Arne Neukirch and Thomas Wein: Collusive Upward Gasoline Price Movements in Medium-Sized German Cities, June 2016
- 362 Katja Seidel: Job Characteristics and their Effect on the Intention to Quit Apprenticeship, May 2016
- 361 Katja Seidel: Apprenticeship: The Intention to Quit and the Role of Secondary Jobs in It, May 2016
- 360 Joachim Wagner: Trade costs shocks and lumpiness of imports: Evidence from the Fukushima disaster, May 2016 [published in: Economics Bulletin 37 (2017), 1, 149-155]
- 359 Joachim Wagner: The Lumpiness of German Exports and Imports of Goods, April 2016 [published in: Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 10, 2016-21]
- 358 Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad: Exporting and Workforce Skills-Intensity in the Egyptian Manufacturing Firms: Empirical Evidence Using World Bank Firm-Level Data for Egypt, April 2016
- 357 Antonia Arsova and Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal: An intersection test for the cointegrating rank in dependent panel data, March 2016
- 356 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2015, Januar 2016
- 355 Christoph Kleineberg and Thomas Wein: Relevance and Detection Problems of Margin Squeeze – The Case of German Gasoline Prices, December 2015
- 354 Karsten Mau: US Policy Spillover(?) - China's Accession to the WTO and Rising Exports to the EU, December 2015
- 353 Andree Ehlert, Thomas Wein and Peter Zweifel: Overcoming Resistance Against Managed Care – Insights from a Bargaining Model, December 201
- 352 Arne Neukirch und Thomas Wein: Marktbeherrschung im Tankstellenmarkt Fehlender Binnen- und Außenwettbewerb an der Tankstelle? Deskriptive Evidenz für Marktbeherrschung, Dezember 2015
- 351 Jana Stoever and John P. Weche: Environmental regulation and sustainable competitiveness: Evaluating the role of firm-level green investments in the context of the Porter hypothesis, November 2015
- 350 John P. Weche: Does green corporate investment really crowd out other business investment?, November 2015 [substantially revised version published in: Industrial and Corporate Change (2018), https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dty056]
- 349 Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal and Antonia Arsova: Meta-analytic cointegrating rank tests for dependent panels, November 2015
- 348 Joachim Wagner: Trade Dynamics and Trade Costs: First Evidence from the Exporter and Importer Dynamics Database for Germany, October 2015 [published in: Applied Economics Quarterly 63 (2017), 2, 137-159]
- 347 Markus Groth, Maria Brück and Teresa Oberascher: Climate change related risks, opportunities and adaptation actions in European cities - Insights from responses to CDP cities program, October 2015
- 346 Joachim Wagner: 25 Jahre Nutzung vertraulicher Firmenpaneldaten der amtlichen Statistik für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung: Produkte, Projekte, Probleme, Perspektiven, September 2015 [publiziert in: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches]
- 345 Christian Pfeifer: Unfair Wage Perceptions and Sleep: Evidence from German Survey Data, August 2015
- 344 Joachim Wagner: Share of exports to low-income countries, productivity, and innovation: A replication study with firm-level data from six European countries, July 2015 [published in: Economics Bulletin 35 (2015), 4, 2409-2417]
- 343 Joachim Wagner: R&D activities and extensive margins of exports in manufacturing enterprises: First evidence for Germany, July 2015 [published in: The International Trade Journal 31 (2017), 3, 232-244]
- 342 Joachim Wagner: A survey of empirical studies using transaction level data on exports and imports, June 2015 [published in: Review of World Economics 152 (2016), 1, 215-225]
- 341 Joachim Wagner: All Along the Data Watch Tower 15 Years of European Data Watch in Schmollers Jahrbuch, June 2015 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 135 (2015), 3, 401-410]
- 340 Joachim Wagner: Kombinierte Firmenpaneldaten – Datenangebot und Analysepotenziale, May 2015 [publiziert in: S. Liebig et al. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Empirische Organisationsforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2017, S. 63-74]
- 339 Anne Maria Busch: Drug Prices, Rents, and Votes in the German Health Care Market: An Application of the Peltzman Model, May 2015
- 338 Anne Maria Busch: Drug Prices and Pressure Group Activities in the German Health Care Market: An Application of the Becker Model, May 2015
- 337 Inna Petrunyk and Christian Pfeifer: Life satisfaction in Germany after reunification: Additional insights on the pattern of convergence, May 201
- 336 Joachim Wagner: Credit constraints and the extensive margins of exports: First evidence for German manufacturing, March 2015 [published in: Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 9(2015-18): 1-17]
- 335 Markus Groth und Jörg Cortekar: Die Relevanz von Klimawandelfolgen für Kritische Infrastrukturen am Beispiel des deutschen Energiesektors, January 2015
- 334 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2014, Januar 2015
- 333 Annette Brunsmeier and Markus Groth: Hidden climate change related risks for the private sector, January 2015
- 332 [Überarbeitung von Verfassern als "366 Tim W. Dornis and Thomas Wein: Trademarks, comparative advertising, and product imitations: An untold story of law and economics, September 2016"]
- 331 Julia Jauer, Thomas Liebig, John P. Martin and Patrick Puhani: Migration as an Adjustment Mechanism in the Crisis? A Comparison of Europe and the United States, October 2014
- 330 John T. Addison, McKinley L. Blackburn and Chad D. Cotti: On the Robustness of Minimum Wage Effects: Geographically-Disparate Trends and Job Growth Equations, September 2014
- 328 Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad, Christian Pfeifer and John P. Weche Gelübcke: Ownership Structure and Firm Performance in the Egyptian Manufacturing Sector, September 2014
- 327 Stephan Humpert: Working time, satisfaction and work life balance: A European perspective., September 2014
- 326 Arnd Kölling: Labor Demand and Unequal Payment: Does Wage Inequality matter? Analyzing the Influence of Intra-firm Wage Dispersion on Labor Demand with German Employer-Employee Data, November 2014
- 325 Horst Raff and Natalia Trofimenko: World Market Access of Emerging-Market Firms: The Role of Foreign Ownership and Access to External Finance, November 2014
- 324 Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel: The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination, September 2014
- 323 Jürgen Blitzer, Erkan Gören and Sanne Hiller: International Knowledge Spillovers: The Benefits from Employing Immigrants, November 2014
- 322 Michael Gold: Kosten eines Tarifabschlusses: Verschiedene Perspektiven der Bewertung, November 2014
- 321 Gesine Stephan und Sven Uthmann: Wann wird negative Reziprozität am Arbeitsplatz akzeptiert? Eine quasi-experimentelle Untersuchung, November 2014
- 320 Lutz Bellmann, Hans-Dieter Gerner and Christian Hohendanner: Fixed-term contracts and dismissal protection. Evidence from a policy reform in Germany, November 2014
- 319 Knut Gerlach, Olaf Hübler and Wolfgang Meyer: Betriebliche Suche und Besetzung von Arbeitsplätzen für qualifizierte Tätigkeiten in Niedersachsen - Gibt es Defizite an geeigneten Bewerbern?, Oktober 2014
- 318 Sebastian Fischer, Inna Petrunyk, Christian Pfeifer and Anita Wiemer: Before-after differences in labor market outcomes for participants in medical rehabilitation in Germany, December 2014
- 317 Annika Pape und Thomas Wein: Der deutsche Taximarkt - das letzte (Kollektiv-) Monopol im Sturm der „neuen Zeit“, November 2014
- 316 Nils Braakmann and John Wildman: Reconsidering the impact of family size on labour supply: The twin-problems of the twin-birth instrument, November 2014
- 315 Markus Groth and Jörg Cortekar: Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German “Energiewende” – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations?, November 2014
- 314 Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad: Labor Law Reforms and Labor Market Performance in Egypt, October 2014
- 313 Joachim Wagner: Still different after all these years. Extensive and intensive margins of exports in East and West German manufacturing enterprises, October 2014 [published in: Journal of Economics and Statistics 236 (2016), 2
- 312 Joachim Wagner: A note on the granular nature of imports in German manufacturing industries, October 2014 [published in: Review of Economics 65 (2014), 3, 241-252]
- 311 Nikolai Hoberg and Stefan Baumgärtner: Value pluralism, trade-offs and efficiencies, October 2014
- 310 Joachim Wagner: Exports, R&D and Productivity: A test of the Bustos-model with enterprise data from France, Italy and Spain, October 2014 [published in: Economics Bulletin 35 (2015), 1, 716-719]
- 309 Thomas Wein: Preventing Margin Squeeze: An Unsolvable Puzzle for Competition Policy? The Case of the German Gasoline Market, September 2014
- 308 Joachim Wagner: Firm age and the margins of international trade: Comparable evidence from five European countries, September 2014 [published in: Economics Bulletin 35 (2015), 1, 145-158]
- 307 John P. Weche Gelübcke: Auslandskontrollierte Industrie- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen in Niedersachsen: Performancedifferentiale und Dynamik in Krisenzeiten, August 2014
- 306 Joachim Wagner: New Data from Official Statistics for Imports and Exports of Goods by German Enterprises, August 2014 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Sciences Studies 134 (2014), 3, 371-378]
- 305 Joachim Wagner: A note on firm age and the margins of imports: First evidence from Germany, August 2014 [Applied Economics Letters 22 (2015), 9, 679-682]
- 304 Jessica Ingenillem, Joachim Merz and Stefan Baumgärtner: Determinants and interactions of sustainability and risk management of commercial cattle farmers in Namibia, July 2014
- 303 Joachim Wagner: A note on firm age and the margins of exports: First evidence from Germany, July 2014 [published in: International Trade Journal 29 (2015), 2, 93-102]
- 302 Joachim Wagner: A note on quality of a firm’s exports and distance to destination countries: First evidence from Germany, July 2014 [completely revised version published in: Open Economies Review 27 (2016), 4, 811-818]
- 301 Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad: Determinants of Using Fixed-term Contracts in the Egyptian Labor Market: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Firms Using World Bank Firm-Level Data for Egypt, July 2014
- 300 Annika Pape: Liability Rule Failures? Evidence from German Court Decisions, May 2014
- 299 Annika Pape: Law versus Economics? How should insurance intermediaries influence the insurance demand decision, June 2013
- 298 Joachim Wagner: Extensive Margins of Imports and Profitability: First Evidence for Manufacturing Enterprises in Germany, May 2014 [published in: Economics Bulletin 34 (2014), 3, 1669-1678]
- 297 Joachim Wagner: Is Export Diversification good for Profitability? First Evidence for Manufacturing Enterprises in Germany, March 2014 [published in: Applied Economics 46 (2014), 33, 4083-4090]
- 296 Joachim Wagner: Exports and Firm Profitability: Quality matters!, March 2014 [published in: Economics Bulletin 34 (2014), 3, 1644-1652]
- 295 Joachim Wagner: What makes a high-quality exporter? Evidence from Germany, March 2014 [published in: Economics Bulletin 34 (2014), 2, 865-874]
- 294 Joachim Wagner: Credit constraints and margins of import: First evidence for German manufacturing enterprises, February 2014 [published in: Applied Economics 47 (2015), 5, 415-430]
- 293 Dirk Oberschachtsiek: Waiting to start a business venture. Empirical evidence on the determinants, February 2014
- 292 Joachim Wagner: Low-productive exporters are high-quality exporters. Evidence from Germany, February 2014 [published in: Economics Bulletin 34 (2014), 2, 745-756]
- 291 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2013, January 2014
- 290 Stefan Baumgärtner, Moritz A. Drupp and Martin F. Quaas: Subsistence and substitutability in consumer preferences, December 2013
- 289 Dirk Oberschachtsiek: Human Capital Diversity and Entrepreneurship. Results from the regional individual skill dispersion nexus on self-employment activity, December 2013
- 288 Joachim Wagner and John P. Weche Gelübcke: Risk or Resilience? The Role of Trade Integration and Foreign Ownership for the Survival of German Enterprises during the Crisis 2008-2010, December 2013 published in: Jahrbücher f?
- 287 Joachim Wagner: Credit constraints and exports: A survey of empirical studies using firm level data, December 2013
- 286 Toufic M. El Masri: Competition through Cooperation? The Case of the German Postal Market, October 2013
- 285 Toufic M. El Masri: Are New German Postal Providers Successful? Empirical Evidence Based on Unique Survey Data, October 2013
- 284 Andree Ehlert, Dirkt Oberschaftsiek and Stefan Prawda: Cost Containment and Managed Care: Evidence from German Macro Data, August 2013
- 283 Joachim Wagner and John P. Weche Gelübcke: Credit Constraints, Foreign Ownership, and Foreign Takeovers in Germany, September 2013 [published in: Applied Economics 47 (2015), 29, 3092-3112
- 282 Joachim Wagner: Extensive margins of imports in The Great Import Recovery in Germany, 2009/2010, September 2013 [published in: Economics Bulletin 33 (2013), 4, 2732-2743]
- 281 Stefan Baumgärtner, Alexandra M. Klein, Denise Thiel, Klara Winkler: Ramsey discounting of ecosystem services, August 2013
- 280 Antonia Arsova and Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal: Likelihood-based panel cointegration test in the presence of a linear time trend and cross-sectional dependence, August 2013
- 279 Thomas Huth: Georg von Charasoff’s Theory of Value, Capital and Prices of Production, June 2013
- 278 Yama Temouri and Joachim Wagner: Do outliers and unobserved heterogeneity explain the exporter productivity premium? Evidence from France, Germany and the United Kingdom, June 2013 [published in: Economics Bulletin 33 (2013),
- 277 Horst Raff and Joachim Wagner: Foreign Ownership and the Extensive Margins of Exports: Evidence for Manufacturing Enterprises in Germany, June 2013 [published in: The World Economy 37 (2014), 5, 579-591]
- 276 Stephan Humpert: Gender Differences in Life Satisfaction and Social Participation, May 2013
- 275 Sören Enkelmann and Markus Leibrecht: Political Expenditure Cycles and Election Outcomes Evidence from Disaggregation of Public Expenditures by Economic Functions, May 2013
- 274 Sören Enkelmann: Government Popularity and the Economy First Evidence from German Micro Data, May 2013
- 273 Michael Berlemann, Soeren Enkelmann, and Torben Kuhlenkasper: Unraveling the Relationship between Presidential Approval and the Economy–A Multi-Dimensional Semi-Parametric Approach, May 2013
- 272 Michael Berlemann and Sören Enkelmann: The Economic Determinants of U.S. Presidential Approval–A Survey, May 2013
- 271 Soeren Enkelmann: Obama and the Macroeconomy Estimating Social Preferences Between Unemployment and Inflation, May 2013
- 270 Anja Köbrich Leon: Does Cultural Heritage affect Employment decisions–Empirical Evidence for Second Generation Immigrants in Germany, April 2013
- 269 Anja Köbrich Leon and Christian Pfeifer: Religious Activity, Risk Taking Preferences, and Financial Behaviour: Empirical Evidence from German Survey Data, April 2013
- 268 Anja Köbrich Leon: Religion and Economic Outcomes – Household Savings Behavior in the USA, April 2013
- 267 John P. Weche Gelübcke and Isabella Wedl: Environmental Protection of Foreign Firms in Germany: Does the country of origin matter?, April 2013
- 266 Joachim Wagner: The Role of extensive margins of exports in The Great Export Recovery in Germany, 2009/2010, March 2013 [published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 234 (2014), 4, 519-526]
- 265 John-Oliver Engler and Stefan Baumgärtner: Model choice and size distribution: a Bayequentist approach, February 2013
- 264 Chiara Franco and John P. Weche Gelübcke: The death of German firms: What role for foreign direct investment?, February 2013
- 263 Joachim Wagner: Are low-productive exporters marginal exporters? Evidence from Germany, February 2013 [published in Economics Bulletin 33 (2013), 1, 467-481]
- 262 Sanne Hiller, Philipp J.H. Schröder, and Allan Sørensen: Export market exit and firm survival: theory and first evidence, January 2013
- 261 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2012, Januar 2013
- 260 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner: The Impact of R&D Activities on Exports of German Business Services Enterprises: First evidence from a continuous treatment approach, December 2012 [published in: The World Economy 38 (2015)
- 259 Christian Pfeifer: Base Salaries, Bonus Payments, and Work Absence among Managers in a German Company, December 2012
- 258 Daniel Fackler, Claus Schnabel, and Joachim Wagner: Lingering illness or sudden death? Pre-exit employment developments in German establishments, December 2012 [published in: Industrial and Corporate Change 23 (2014), 4, 1121-
- 257 Horst Raff and Joachim Wagner: Productivity and the Product Scope of Multi-product Firms: A Test of Feenstra-Ma, December 2012 [published in: Economics Bulletin, 33 (2013), 1, 415-419]
- 256 Christian Pfeifer and Joachim Wagner: Is innovative firm behavior correlated with age and gender composition of the workforce? Evidence from a new type of data for German enterprises, December 2012
- 255 Maximilian Benner: Cluster Policy as a Development Strategy Case Studies from the Middle East and North Africa, December 2012
- 254b Joachim Wagner and John P. Weche Gelübcke:Firmendatenbasiertes Benchmarking der Industrie und des Dienstleistungssektors in Niedersachsen – Methodisches Konzept und Anwendungen (Anhang II), Dezember 2012
- 254a Joachim Wagner and John P. Weche Gelübcke: Firmendatenbasiertes Benchmarking der Industrie und des Dienstleistungssektors in Niedersachsen – Methodisches Konzept und Anwendungen (Anhang I), Dezember 2012
- 254 Joachim Wagner and John P. Weche Gelübcke: Firmendatenbasiertes Benchmarking der Industrie und des Dienstleistungssektors in Niedersachsen – Methodisches Konzept und Anwendungen (Projektbericht), Dezember 2012
- 253 Joachim Wagner: The Great Export Recovery in German Manufacturing Industries, 2009/2010, November 2012 [published in: Review of Economics 64 (2013), 3, 325-340]
- 252 Joachim Wagner: Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels und Firmenpaneldaten aus Erhebungen der Amtlichen Statistik – substitutive oder komplementäre Inputs für die Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung?, Oktober 2012 [publiziert in: Journ
- 251 Joachim Wagner: Credit constraints and exports: Evidence for German manufacturing enterprises, October 2012 [published in: Applied Economics 46 (2014), 3, 294-302]
- 250 Joachim Wagner: Productivity and the extensive margins of trade in German manufacturing firms: Evidence from a non-parametric test, September 2012 [published in: Economics Bulletin 32 (2012), 4, 3061-3070]
- 249 John P. Weche Gelübcke: Foreign and Domestic Takeovers in Germany: First Comparative Evidence on the Post-acquisition Target Performance using new Data, September 2012
- 248 Roland Olbrich, Martin F. Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner: Characterizing commercial cattle farms in Namibia: risk, management and sustainability, August 2012
- 247 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner:Exports, R&D and Productivity in German Business Services Firms: A test of the Bustos-model, August 2012 [published in Empirical Economics Letters 12 (2013), 1]
- 246 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner: Innovation and Exports of German Business Services Enterprises: First evidence from a new type of firm data, August 2012 [published in: Anna Maria Ferragina, Erol Taymaz and Kamil Yilmaz (Ed
- 245 Stephan Humpert: Somewhere over the Rainbow: Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Germany, July 2012
- 244 Joachim Wagner: Exports, R&D and Productivity: A test of the Bustos-model with German enterprise data, June 2012 [published in: Economics Bulletin, 32 (2012), 3, 1942-1948]
- 243 Joachim Wagner: Trading many goods with many countries: Exporters and importers from German manufacturing industries, June 2012 [published in: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Review of Economics, 63 (2012), 2, 170-18
- 242 Joachim Wagner: German multiple-product, multiple-destination exporters: Bernard-Redding-Schott under test, June 2012 [published in: Economics Bulletin, 32 (2012), 2, 1708-1714]
- 241 Joachim Fünfgelt and Stefan Baumgärtner: Regulation of morally responsible agents with Regulation of morally responsible agents with, June 2012
- 240 John P. Weche Gelübcke: Foreign and Domestic Takeovers in Germany: Cherry-picking and Lemon-grabbing, April 2012 published in: Industrial and Corporate Change 23 (2014), 6, 1477-1492
- 239 Markus Leibrecht and Aleksandra Riedl: Modelling FDI based on a spatially augmented gravity model: Evidence for Central and Eastern European Countries, April 2012
- 238 Norbert Olah, Thomas Huth und Dirk Löhr: Monetarismus mit Liquiditätsprämie Von Friedmans optimaler Inflationsrate zur optimalen Liquidität, April 2012
- 237 Markus Leibrecht and Johann Scharler: Government Size and Business Cycle Volatility; How Important Are Credit Constraints?, April 2012
- 236 Frank Schmielewski and Thomas Wein: Are private banks the better banks? An insight into the principal-agent structure and risk-taking behavior of German banks, April 2012
- 235 Stephan Humpert: Age and Gender Differences in Job Opportunities, March 2012
- 234 Joachim Fünfgelt and Stefan Baumgärtner: A utilitarian notion of responsibility for sustainability, March 2012
- 233 Joachim Wagner: The Microstructure of the Great Export Collapse in German Manufacturing Industries, 2008/2009, February 2012 [published in: Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Vol. 7, 2013-5]
- 232 Christian Pfeifer and Joachim Wagner: Age and gender composition of the workforce, productivity and profits: Evidence from a new type of data for German enterprises, February 2012 [published in: Contemporary Economics 8 (2014)
- 231 Daniel Fackler, Claus Schnabel, and Joachim Wagner: Establishment exits in Germany: the role of size and age, February 2012 [published in: Small Business Economics 41 (2013), 3, 683-700]
- 230 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2011, Januar 2012
- 229 Frank Schmielewski: Leveraging and risk taking within the German banking system: Evidence from the financial crisis in 2007 and 2008, January 2012
- 228 Daniel Schmidt and Frank Schmielewski: Consumer reaction on tumbling funds - Evidence from retail fund outflows during the financial crisis 2007/2008, January 2012
- 227 Joachim Wagner: New Methods for the Analysis of Links between International Firm Activities and Firm Performance: A Practitioner’s Guide, January 2012 [published in: The World Economy 38 (2015), 4, 704-715]
- 226 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner: The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Business Services Enterprises: Evidence from a Replication Study, January 2012 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch/Journal of Applied Social Science Stud
- 225 Stefanie Glotzbach: Environmental justice in agricultural systems - An evaluation of success factors and barriers by the example of the Philippine farmer network MASIPAG, January 2012
- 224 Joachim Wagner: Average wage, qualification of the workforce and export performance in German enterprises: Evidence from KombiFiD data, January 2012 [published in: Journal for Labour Market Research, 45 (2012), 2, 161-170]
- 223 Maria Olivares and Heike Wetzel: Competing in the Higher Education Market: Empirical Evidence for Economies of Scale and Scope in German Higher Education Institutions, December 2011
- 222 Maximilian Benner: How export-led growth can lead to take-off, December 2011
- 221 Joachim Wagner and John P. Weche Gelübcke: Foreign Ownership and Firm Survival: First evidence for enterprises in Germany, December 2011 [published in: International Economics/Économie Internationale, 132(2012), 4, 117-139]
- 220 Martin F. Quaas, Daan van Soest, and Stefan Baumgärtner: Complementarity, impatience, and the resilience of natural-resource-dependent economies, November 2011
- 219 Joachim Wagner: The German Manufacturing Sector is a Granular Economy, November 2011 [published in: Applied Economics Letters 19 (2012), 17, 1663-1665]
- 218 Stefan Baumgärtner, Stefanie Glotzbach, Nikolai Hoberg, Martin F. Quaas, and Klara Stumpf: Trade-offs between justices, economics, and efficiency, November 2011
- 217 Joachim Wagner: The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Enterprises from Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from a Replication Study, November 2011 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 132
- 216 John P. Weche Gelübcke: The Performance of Foreign Affiliates in German Manufacturing: Evidence from a new Database, November 2011 [published in The Review of World Economics, 149(1) (2013), 151-182]
- 215 Joachim Wagner: Exports, Foreign Direct Investments and Productivity: Are Services Firms different?, September 2011 [published in: The Service Industries Journal 34 (2014), 1, 24-37]
- 214 Stephan Humpert and Christian Pfeifer: Explaining Age and Gender Differences in Employment Rates: A Labor Supply Side Perspective, August 2011
- 213 John P. Weche Gelübcke: Foreign Ownership and Firm Performance in German Services: First Evidence based on Official Statistics, August 2011 [published in: The Service Industries Journal, 33: 15-16, 1564-1598 (2013)]
- 212 John P. Weche Gelübcke: Ownership Patterns and Enterprise Groups in German Structural Business Statistics, August 2011 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 131(2011), 4, 635-647]
- 211 Joachim Wagner: Exports, Imports and Firm Survival: First evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Germany, August 2011 [published in: Review of World Economics 149 (2013), 1, 113-130]
- 210 Joachim Wagner: International Trade and Firm Performance: A Survey of Empirical Studies since 2006, August 2011 [published in: Review of World Economics, 2012, 148 (2), 235-267]
- 209 Roland Olbrich, Martin F. Quaas, and Stefan Baumgärtner: Personal norms of sustainability and their impact on management – The case of rangeland management in semi-arid regions, August 2011
- 208 Roland Olbrich, Martin F. Quaas, Andreas Haensler and Stefan Baumgärtner: Risk preferences under heterogeneous environmental risk, August 2011
- 207 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner: Robust estimates of exporter productivity premia in German business services enterprises, July 2011 [published in: Economic and Business Review, 13 (2011), 1-2, 7-26]
- 206 Joachim Wagner: Exports, imports and profitability: First evidence for manufacturing enterprises, June 2011 [published in: Open Economies Review 23 (2012), 5, 747-765]
- 205 Sebastian Strunz: Is conceptual vagueness an asset? Resilience research from the perspective of philosophy of science, May 2011
- 204 Stefanie Glotzbach: On the notion of ecological justice, May 2011
- 203 Christian Pfeifer: The Heterogeneous Economic Consequences of Works Council Relations, April 2011
- 202 Christian Pfeifer, Simon Janssen, Philip Yang and Uschi Backes-Gellner: Effects of Training on Employee Suggestions and Promotions in an Internal Labor Market, April 2011
- 201 Christian Pfeifer: Physical Attractiveness, Employment, and Earnings, April 2011
- 200 Alexander Vogel: Enthüllungsrisiko beim Remote Access: Die Schwerpunkteigenschaft der Regressionsgerade, März 2011
- 199 Thomas Wein: Microeconomic Consequences of Exemptions from Value Added Taxation – The Case of Deutsche Post, February 2011
- 198 Nikolai Hoberg and Stefan Baumgärtner: Irreversibility, ignorance, and the intergenerational equity-efficiency trade-off, February 2011
- 197 Sebastian A. Schuetz: Determinants of Structured Finance Issuance – A Cross-Country Comparison, February 2011
- 196 Joachim Fünfgelt and Günther G. Schulze: Endogenous Environmental Policy when Pollution is Transboundary, February 2011
- 195 Toufic M. El Masri: Subadditivity and Contestability in the Postal Sector: Theory and Evidence, February 2011
- 194 Joachim Wagner: Productivity and International Firm Activities: What do we know?, January 2011
- 193 Martin F. Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner: Optimal grazing management rules in semi-arid rangelands with uncertain rainfall, January 2011
- 192 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2010, Januar 2011
- 191 Natalia Lukomska, Martin F. Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner: Bush encroachment control and risk management in semi-arid rangelands, December 2010
- 190 Nils Braakmann: The causal relationship between education, health and health related behaviour: Evidence from a natural experiment in England, November 2010
- 189 Dirk Oberschachtsiek and Britta Ullrich: The link between career risk aversion and unemployment duration: Evidence of non-linear and time-depending pattern, October 2010
- 188 Joachim Wagner: Exports and Firm Characteristics in German manufacturing industries, October 2010 [published in two parts in: Applied Economics Quarterly 57 (2011), 2, 107-143 and 145-160]
- 187 Joachim Wagner: The post-entry performance of cohorts of export starters in German manufacturing industries, September 2010 [published in: International Journal of the Economics of Business, 19 (2012), 2, 169-193]
- 186 Joachim Wagner: From estimation results to stylized facts - Twelve recommendations for empirical research in international activities of heterogeneous firms, September 2010 [published in: De Economist, 159 (2011), 4, 389-412]
- 185 Franziska Dittmer and Markus Groth: Towards an agri-environment index for biodiversity conservation payment schemes, August 2010
- 184 Markus Groth: Die Relevanz von Ökobilanzen für die Umweltgesetzgebung am Beispiel der Verpackungsverordnung, August 2010
- 183 Yama Temouri, Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner: Self-selection into export markets by business services firms – Evidence from France, Germany and the United Kingdom, August 2010 [published in: Structural Change and Economi
- 182 David Powell and Joachim Wagner: The Exporter Productivity Premium along the Productivity Distribution: First Evidence from a Quantile Regression Approach for Fixed Effects Panel Data Models, August 2010 published in: Review o
- 181 Lena Koller, Claus Schnabel und Joachim Wagner: Beschäftigungswirkungen arbeits- und sozialrechtlicher Schwellenwerte, August 2010 [publiziert in: Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung 44 (2011), 1-2, 173-180]
- 180 Matthias Schröter, Markus Groth und Stefan Baumgärtner: Pigous Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeitsökonomie, Juli 2010
- 179 Norbert Olah, Thomas Huth and Dirk Löhr: Monetary policy with an optimal interest structure, July 2010
- 178 Sebastian A. Schütz: Structured Finance Influence on Financial Market Stability – Evaluation of Current Regulatory Developments, June 2010
- 177 Franziska Boneberg: The Economic Consequences of one-third Co-determination in German Supervisory Boards: First Evidence for the Service Sector from a New Source of Enterprise Data, June 2010
- 176 Nils Braakmann: A note on the causal link between education and health – Evidence from the German short school years, June 2010
- 175 Torben Zuelsdorf, Ingrid Ott und Christian Papilloud: Nanotechnologie in Deutschland - Eine Bestandsaufnahme aus Unternehmensperspektive, Mai 2010
- 174 Nils Braakmann: An empirical note on imitative obesity and a puzzling result, June 2010
- 173 Anne-Kathrin Last and Heike Wetzel: Baumol’s Cost-Disease, Efficiency, and Productivity in the Performing Arts: An Analysis of German Public Theaters, May 2010 [revised version published in: Journal of Cultural Economics, 35
- 172 Vincenzo Verardi and Joachim Wagner: Productivity premia for German manufacturing firms exporting to the Euro-area and beyond: First evidence from robust fixed effects estimations, May 2010 [published in: The World Economy 35
- 171 Joachim Wagner: Estimated capital stock values for German manufacturing enterprises covered by the cost structure surveys, May 2010 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 130 (2010), 3,
- 170 Christian Pfeifer, Simon Janssen, Philip Yang and Uschi Backes-Gellner: Training Participation of an Aging Workforce in an Internal Labor Market, May 2010
- 169 Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin Quaas: Sustainability economics – general versus specific, and conceptual versus practical, May 2010 [published in Ecological Economics 69(11), 2056-2059, 2010]
- 168 Vincenzo Verardi and Joachim Wagner: Robust Estimation of Linear Fixed Effects Panel Data Models with an Application to the Exporter Productivity Premium, April 2010 [published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statis
- 167 Stephan Humpert: Machen Kinder doch glücklich?, April 2010
- 166 Joachim Wagner: Produktivtät und Rentabilität in der niedersächsischen Industrie im Bundesländervergleich: Eine Benchmarking-Studie auf der Basis vertraulicher Firmendaten aus Erhebungen der Amtlichen Statistik, April 2010
- 165 Nils Braakmann: Neo-Nazism and discrimination against foreigners: A direct test of taste discrimination, March 2010
- 164 Amelie Boje, Ingrid Ott and Silvia Stiller: Metropolitan Cities under Transition: The Example of Hamburg/Germany, February 2010
- 163 Christian Pfeifer and Stefan Schneck: Relative Wage Positions and Quit Behavior: New Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data, February 2010
- 162 Anja Klaubert: “Striving for Savings” – religion and individual economic behavior, January 2010
- 161 Nils Braakmann: The consequences of own and spousal disability on labor market outcomes and subjective well-being: Evidence from Germany, January 2010
- 160 Norbert Olah, Thomas Huth und Dirk Löhr: Geldpolitik mit optimaler Zinsstruktur University of Lüneburg, Januar 2010
- 159 Markus Groth: Zur Relevanz von Bestandseffekten und der Fundamentalen Transformation in wiederholten Biodiversitätsschutz-Ausschreibungen, Januar 2010
- 158 Franziska Boneberg: Die gegen das Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz verstoßende Aufsichtsratslücke im Dienstleistungssektor existiert. Replik zu „Das Fehlen eines Aufsichtsrates muss nicht rechtswidrig sein“ von Alexander Dilger
- 157 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2009
- 156 Alexander Vogel, Joachim Wagner, Kerstin Brunken und Arno Brandt: Zur Beschäftigungsentwicklung in der Region Hannover – Ein Vergleich mit 12 deutschen Verdichtungsräumen, Dezember 2009
- 155 Nils Braakmann and Joachim Wagner: Labor market adjustments after a large import shock: Evidence from the German clothing industry and the Multi-Fibre Arrangement, December 2009 [publiziert in: Dierk Hirschel, Peter Paic und M
- 154 Joachim Wagner: Zehn Jahre European Data Watch. Dokumentation von Datensätzen für die empirische Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung und Zugangswegen zu den Daten, Dezember 2009 [erschienen in: AStA - Wirtschafts- und Sozialsta
- 153 Joachim Wagner: Offshoring and firm performance: Self-selection, effects on performance, or both?, December 2009 [published in: Review of Word Economics 147 (2011), 2, 217 - 247]
- 152 Christian Pfeifer: Effective Working Hours and Wages: The Case of Downward Adjustment via Paid Absenteeism, November 2009
- 151 Christian Pfeifer: Adjustment of Deferred Compensation Schemes, Fairness Concerns, and Hiring of Older Workers, November 2009
- 150 Franziska Boneberg: Recht und Realität von Mitbestimmung im westdeutschen Dienstleistungssektor: 11 Fallstudien, November 2009
- 149 Birgit Müller, Martin Quaas, Karin Frank and Stefan Baumgärtner: Pitfalls and potential of institutional change: Rain-index insurance and the sustainability of rangeland management, October 2009 [forthcoming in Ecological Ec
- 148 Alexander Vogel, Florian Burg, Stefan Dittrich, Joachim Wagner: Zur Dynamik der Export- und Importbeteiligung deutscher Industrieunternehmen – Empirische Befunde aus dem Umsatzsteuerpanel 2001-2006, Oktober 2009[publiziert i
- 147 Markus Groth: Potentiale und Risiken der Nutzung von Methan aus Methanhydraten als Energieträger, Oktober 2009
- 146 Sandra Derissen, Martin Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner: The relationship between resilience und sustainable development of ecological-economic systems, October 2009 [published in Ecological Economics 70(6), 1121–1128 (2011)]
- 145 Anne-Kathrin Last and Heike Wetzel: Effizienzmessverfahren - Eine Einführung, September 2009
- 144 Horst Raff and Joachim Wagner: Intra-Industry Adjustment to Import Competition: Theory and Application to the German Clothing Industry, September 2009 [published in: The World Economy 33 (2010), 8, 1006-1022]
- 143 Nils Braakmann: Are there social returns to both firm-level and regional human capital? - Evidence from German social security data, September 2009
- 142 Nils Braakmann and Alexander Vogel: How does economic integration influence employment and wages in border regions? The case of the EU-enlargement 2004 and Germany's eastern border, September 2009
- 141 Stefanie Glotzbach and Stefan Baumgärtner: The relationship between intra- and intergenerational ecological justice. Determinants of goal conflicts and synergies in sustainability policy, September 2009 [forthcoming in Enviro
- 140 Alexander Vogel: Exportprämien unternehmensnaher Dienstleister in Niedersachsen, September 2009
- 139 Alexander Vogel: Die Dynamik der Export- und Importbeteiligung niedersächsischer Industrieunternehmen im interregionalen Vergleich 2001-2006, September 2009
- 138 Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin F. Quaas: What is sustainability economics?, Septermber 2009. [published in: Ecological Economics 69(3), 445-450, 2010]
- 137 Roland Olbrich, Martin F. Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner: Sustainable use of ecosystem services under multiple risks - a survey of commercial cattle farmers in semi-arid rangelands in Namibia, September 2009
- 136 Joachim Wagner: One-third codetermination at company supervisory boards and firm performance: First direct evidence from a new type of enterprise data , August 2009 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Socia
- 135 Joachim Wagner: The Research Potential of New Types of Enterprise Data based on Surveys from Official Statistics in Germany, August 2009. [publiziert in: Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 130 (20
- 134 Anne-Kathrin Last and Heike Wetzel: The Efficieny of German Public Theaters: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach, July 2009 [revised version published in: Journal of Cultural Economics, 34(2), 89-110, 2010]
- 133 Markus Groth: Das Conservation Reserve Program: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven für die europäische Agrarumweltpolitik, Juli 2009 [gekürzte Version erschienen in Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 4 (2009), 447-46
- 132 Stefan Baumgärtner and Sebastian Strunz: The economic insurance value of ecosystem resilience, July 2009
- 131 Matthias Schröter,Oliver Jakoby, Roland Olbrich, Marcus Eichhorn and Stefan Baumgärtner: Remote sensing of bush encroachment on commercial cattle farms in semi-arid rangelands in Namibia, June 2009
- 130 Nils Braakmann: Other- regarding preferences, spousal disability and happiness - Evidence for German Couples, May 2009
- 129 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner: Exports and Profitability - First Evidence for German Business Services Enterprises, May 2009 [published in: Applied Economics Quarterly 56 (2010), 1, 7-30]
- 128 Sebastian Troch: Drittelbeteiligung im Aufsichtsrat - Gesetzliche Regelung versus Unternehmenspraxis. Ausmaß und Bestimmungsgründe der Umgehung des Drittelbeteiligungsgesetzes in Industrieunternehmen, Mai 2009
- 128a Sebastian Troch: Drittelbeteiligung im Aufsichtsrat - Gesetzliche Regelung versus Unternehmenspraxis. Ausmaß und Bestimmungsgründe der Umgehung des Drittelbeteiligungsgesetzes in Industrieunternehmen, Mai 2009
- 127 Alexander Vogel: The German Business Services Statistics Panel 2003 to 2007, May 2009 [forthcoming in: Schmollers Jahrbuch 129 (2009)]
- 126 Nils Braakmann: The role of firm-level and regional human capital for the social returns to education - Evidence from German social security data, April 2009
- 125 Elke Bertke und Markus Groth: Angebot an und Nachfrage nach Umweltleistungen in einem marktanalogen Agrarumweltprogramm - Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie, April 2009 [erschienen in: Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 1-2
- 124 Nils Braakmann and Alexander Vogel: The Impact of the 2004 EU-enlargement on enterprise performance and exports of service enterprises in the German easter border region , April 2009
- 123 Alexander Eickelpasch and Alexander Vogel: Determinants of Export Behaviour of German Business Services Companies, March 2009
- 122 Maik Heinemann: Stability under Learning of Equilibria in Financial Markets with Supply Information, March 2009
- 121 Thomas Wein: Auf der Speisekarte der DPAG: Rechtliche oder ökonomische Marktzutrittsschranken? März 2009
- 120 Nils Braakmann and Joachim Wagner: Product Diversification and Stability of Employment and Sales: First Evidence from German Manufacturing Firms, Feburary 2009 [published in Applied Economics 43 (2011), 27, 3977-3985]
- 119 Markus Groth: The transferability and performance of payment-by-results biodiversity conservation procurement auctions: empirical evidence from northernmost Germany, February 2009
- 118 Anja Klaubert: Being religios - A Question of Incentives? February 2009
- 117 Sourafel Girma, Holger Görg and Joachim Wagner: Subsidies and Exports in Germany - First Evidence from Enterprise Panel Data, January 2009 [published in: Applied Economics Quarterly 55 (2009), 3, 179-195]
- 116 Alexander Vogel und Joachim Wagner: Import, Export und Produktivität in niedersächsischen Unternehmen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes, Januar 2009 [publiziert in: Statistische Monatshefte Niedersachsen 63 (2009), 2, 59-70]
- 115 Nils Braakmann and Joachim Wagner: Product Differentiation and Profitability in German Manufacturing Firms, January 2009 [published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 231 (2011), 3, 326-335]
- 114 Franziska Boneberg: Die Drittelmitbestimmungslücke im Dienstleistungssektor: Ausmaß und Bestimmungsgründe, Januar 2009. Revidierte Fassung erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Industrielle Beziehungen (4) 2009
- 114a Franziska Boneberg: Die Drittelmitbestimmungslücke im Dienstleistungssektor: Ausmaß und Bestimmungsgründe, Januar 2009
- 113 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2008, Januar 2009
- 112 Nils Braakmann: The role of psychological traits in the gender gap in full-time employment and wages: Evidence from Germany, January 2009
- 111 Alexander Vogel: Exporter Performance in the German Business Services Sector: First Evidence from the Services Statistics Panel, January 2009 [revised version forthcoming in: The Service Industries Journal]
- 110 Joachim Wagner: Wer wird subventioniert? Subventionen in deutschen Industrieunternehmen 1999-2006, Januar 2009 [publiziert in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 11 (2010), 1, 47-74]
- 109 Martin F. Quaas, Stefan Baumgärtner, Sandra Derissen and Sebastian Strunz: Institutions and preferences determine resilience of ecological-economic systems, December 2008
- 108 Maik Heinemann: Messung und Darstellung von Ungleichheit, November 2008
- 107 Claus Schnabel and Joachim Wagner: Union Membership and Age: The inverted U-shape hypothesis under test, November 2008 [published in: Contemporary Economics 6 (2012), 4, 28-34]
- 106 Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner Higher Productivity in Importing German Manufacturing Firms: Self-selection, Learning from Importing, or Both? November 2008 [published in: Review of World Economics 145 (2009), 4, 641-665]
- 105 Markus Groth: Kosteneffizienter und effektiver Biodiversitätsschutz durch Ausschreibungen und eine ergebnisorientierte Honorierung: Das Modellprojekt "Blühendes Steinburg", November 2008
- 104 Alexander Vogel und Joachim Wagner: Export, Import und Produktivität wissensintensiver KMUs in Deutschland, Oktober 2008 (erschienen in: Daniel Kathan et al. (Hrsg.), Wertschöpfungsmanagement im Mittelstand, Tagungsband des
- 103 Christiane Clemens and Maik Heinemann: On Entrepreneurial Risk - Taking and the Macroeconomic Effects of Financial Constraints, October 2008
- 102 Helmut Fryges and Joachim Wagner: Exports and Profitability - First Evidence for German Manufacturing Firms, October 2008 [published in: The World Economy 33 (2010), 3, 399-423]
- 101 Heike Wetzel: Productivity Growth in European Railways: Technological Progress, Efficiency Change and Scale Effects, October 2008
- 100 Henry Sabrowski: Inflation expectation formation of German consumers: rational or adaptive? October 2008
- 99 Joachim Wagner Produktdifferenzierung in deutschen Industrieunternehmen 1995 - 2004: Ausmaß und Bestimmungsgründe, Oktober 2008. Publiziert in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229 (2009), 5, 615-642
- 98 Jan Kranich: Agglomeration, vertical specialization, and the strength of industrial linkages, September 2008
- 97 Joachim Wagner: Exports and firm characteristics - First evidence from Fractional Probit Panel Estimates, August 2008 [published in: Empirical Economics Letters 9(2010), 10, 935-940]
- 96 Nils Braakmann: The smoking wage penality in the United Kingdom: Regression and matching evidence from the British Household Survey Panel, August 2008
- 95 Joachim Wagner: Exportaktivitäten und Rendite in niedersächsischen Industrieunternehmen, August 2008 [publiziert in: Statistische Monatshefte Niedersachsen 62 (2008), 10, 552-560]
- 94 Joachim Wagner: Wirken sich Exportaktivitäten positiv auf die Rendite von deutschen Industrieunternehmen aus?, August 2008 [erschienen in: Wirtschaftsdienst 88 (2008), 10, 690-696]
- 93 Claus Schnabel and Joachim Wagner: The aging of the unions in West Germany, 1980-2006, August 2008 [published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 228 (5+6), 497-511]
- 92 Alexander Vogel and Stefan Dittrich: The German Turnover Tax Statistics Panel, August 2008 [published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch 128 (2008), 4, 661-670]
- 91 Nils Braakmann: Crime does pay (at least when it's violent!) - On the compensating wage differentials of high regional crime levels, July 2008
- 90 Nils Braakmann: Fields of training, plant characteristics and the gender wage gap in entry wages among skilled workers - Evidence from German administrative data, July 2008
- 89 Alexander Vogel: Exports and productivity in the German business services sector: First evidence from the Turnover Tax Statistics Panel, July 2008
- 88 Joachim Wagner: Improvements and future challenges for the research infrastructure in the field Firm Level Data, June 2008 [published in: German Data Forum (RatSWD) (ed.), Building on Progress. Expanding the Reserach Infrastruc
- 87 Markus Groth: A review of the German mandatory deposit for one-way drinks packaging and drinks packaging taxes in Europe, June 2008
- 86 Heike Wetzel: European railway deregulation: The influence of regulatory and environmental conditions on efficiency, May 2008
- 85 Nils Braakmann: Non scholae, sed vitae discimus! - The importance of fields of study for the gender wage gap among German university graduates during market entry and the first years of their careers, May 2008
- 84 Markus Groth: Private ex-ante transaction costs for repeated biodiversity conservation auctions: A case study, May 2008
- 83 Jan Kranich: R&D and the agglomeration of industries, April 2008
- 82 Alexander Vogel: Zur Exporttätigkeit unternehmensnaher Dienstleister in Niedersachsen - Erste Ergebnisse zu Export und Produktivität auf Basis des Umsatzsteuerstatistikpanels, April 2008
- 81 Joachim Wagner: Exporte und Firmenerfolg: Welche Firmen profitieren wie vom internationalen Handel, März 2008, [publiziert in: ASTA - Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 3 (2009), 2, 109-122]
- 80 Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin F. Quaas: Managing increasing environmental risks through agro-biodiversity and agri-environmental policies, March 2008 [published in Agricultural Economics 41(5), 483-496, 2010]
- 79 Thomas Huth: Die Quantitätstheorie des Geldes - Eine keynesianische Reformulierung, März 2008
- 78 Markus Groth: An empirical examination of repeated auctions for biodiversity conservation contracts, March 2008
- 77 Nils Braakmann: Intra-firm wage inequality and firm performance - First evidence from German linked employer-employee-data, February 2008
- 76 Markus Groth: Perspektiven der Nutzung von Methanhydraten als Energieträger - Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Februar 2008
- 75 Stefan Baumgärtner, Christian Becker, Karin Frank, Birgit Müller & Martin Quaas: Relating the philosophy and practice of ecological economics. The role of concepts, models, and case studies in inter- and transdisciplinary sus
- 74 Thorsten Schank, Claus Schnabel und Joachim Wagner: Higher wage in exporting firms: self-selection, export effect, or both? First evidence from German employer-employee data, January 2008 [published in: Review of World Economic
- 73 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2007, Januar 2008
- 72 Christian Growitsch and Heike Wetzel: Testing for economies of scope in European railways: An efficiency analysis, December 2007 [revised version of Working Paper No. 29, forthcoming in: Journal of Transport Economics and Polic
- 71 Joachim Wagner, Lena Koller und Claus Schnabel: Sind mittelständische Betriebe der Jobmotor der deutschen Wirtschaft?, Dezember 2007 [publiziert in: Wirtschaftsdienst 88 (2008), 2, 130-135]
- 70 Nils Braakmann: Islamistic terror, the war on Iraq and the job prospects of Arab men in Britain: Does a country's direct involvement matter?, December 2007
- 69 Maik Heinemann: E-stability and stability of adaptive learning in models of asymetric information, December 2007
- 68 Joachim Wagner: Exporte und Produktivität in Industriebetrieben - Niedersachsen im interregionalen und internationalen Vergleich, Dezember 2007
- 67 Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin F. Quaas: Ecological-economic viability as a criterion of strong sustainability under uncertainty, November 2007[published in: Ecological Economics 68 (2009), 7, 2008-2020]
- 66 Kathrin Michael: Überbrückungsgeld und Existenzgründungszuschuss - Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Befragung drei Jahre nach Gründungsbeginn, November 2007
- 65 The International Study Group on Export and Productivity: Exports and Productivity - Comparable Evidence on Export and Productivity, November 2007 [published in: Review of World Economics 144 (2008), 4, 596-635]
- 64 Lena Koller, Claus Schnabel und Joachim Wagner: Freistellung für Betriebsräte - Eine Beschäftigungsbremse?, November 2007 [erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung, 41 (2008) 2-3, 305-326]
- 63 Anne-Kathrin Last: The Monetary Value of Cultural Goods: A Contingent Valuation Study of the Municipal Supply of Cultural Goods in Lueneburg, Germany, October 2007 (revised version)
- 62 Thomas Wein and Heike Wetzel: The Difficulty to Behave as a (regulated) Natural Monopolist – The Dynamics of Electricity Network Access Charges in Germany 2002 to 2005, September 2007
- 61 Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin F. Quaas: Agro-biodiversity as natural insurance and the development of financial insurance markets, September 2007 [published in: A. Kontoleon, U. Pascual and M. Smale (eds.): Agrobiodiversity, c
- 60 Stefan Bender, Joachim Wagner and Markus Zwick: KombiFiD - Kombinierte Firmendaten für Deutschland, September 2007
- 59 Jan Kranich: Too much R&D? - Vertical differentiation in a model of monopolistic competition, August 2007
- 58 Christian Papilloud and Ingrid Ott: Convergence or mediation? Experts of vulnerability and the vulnerability of experts' discourses on nanotechnologies - a case study, July 2007 [published in: European Journal of Social Science
- 57 Ingrid Ott & Susanne Soretz: Governmental activity, integration, and agglomeration, July 2007 [published in: ICFAI Journal of Managerial Economics 5 (2007), 2, 28-47]
- 56 Nils Braakmann: Struktur und Erfolg von Ich-AG-Gründungen - Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im Arbeitsagenturbezirk Lüneburg, Juli 2007 [revidierte Fassung erscheint in: Richter, J., Schöning, S. & Wetzel, H., Mittelstand 2008. Aku
- 55 Nils Braakmann: Differences in the earnings distribution of self- and dependent employed German men - evidence from a quantile regression decomposition analysis, July 2007
- 54 Joachim Wagner: Export entry, export exit, and productivity in German manufacturing industries, June 2007 [published in: International Journal of the Economics of Business 15 (2008), 2, 169-180]
- 53 Nils Braakmann: Wirkungen der Beschäftigungspflicht schwerbehinderter Arbeitnehmer - Erkenntnisse aus der Einführung des "Gesetzes zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit Schwerbehinderter", Juni 2007 [revidierte Fassung erschei
- 52 Jan Kranich und Ingrid Ott: Regionale Spitzentechnologie auf internationalen Märkten, Juni 2007 [erscheint in: Merz,J. und Schulte, R. (Hrsg.): Neue Ansätze der MittelstandsForschung, Münster, 2007]
- 51 Joachim Wagner: Die Forschungspotenziale der Betriebspaneldaten des Monatsberichts im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe, Mai 2007 [erschienen in: AStA- Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 2 (2008), 2, 209-221]
- 50 Stefan Baumgärtner, Frank Jöst und Ralph Winkler: Optimal dynamic scale and structure of a multi-pollution economy, May 2007 [published in: Ecological Economics 68 (2009), 4, 1226-1238]
- 49 Helmut Fryges und Joachim Wagner: Exports and productivity growth - First evidence from a continuous treatment approach, May 2007 [published in: Review of World Economics 144 (2008), 4, 695-722]
- 48 Ulrich Kaiser und Joachim Wagner: Neue Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung vertraulicher amtlicher Personen- und Firmendaten, April 2007 [publiziert in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 9 (2008), 3, 329-349]
- 47 Joachim Wagner: Jobmotor Mittelstand? Arbeitsplatzdynamik und Betriebsgröße in der westdeutschen Industrie, April 2007 [publiziert in: Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 76 (2007), 3, 76-87]
- 46 Christiane Clemens and Maik Heinemann: Credit Constraints, Idiosyncratic Risks, and Wealth Distribution in a Heterogeneous Agent Model, March 2007
- 45 Jan Kranich: Biotechnologie und Internationalisierung. Ergebnisse der Online-Befragung, März 2007
- 44 Joachim Wagner: Entry, exit and productivity. Empirical results for German manufacturing industries, March 2007 [published in: German Economic Review 11 (2010), 1, 78-85]
- 43 Joachim Wagner: Productivity and size of export market. Evidence for west and east German plants, 2004, March 2007 [publiziert in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 227 (2007), 4, 403-408]
- 42 Joachim Wagner: Why more west than east German firms export, March 2007 [published in: International Economics and Economic Policy, 5 (2008), 4, 363-370]
- 41 Joachim Wagner: Exports and productivity in Germany, March 2007 [published in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 53 (2007), 4, 353-373]
- 40 Lena Koller, Claus Schnabel und Joachim Wagner: Schwellenwerte im Arbeitsrecht. Höhere Transparenz und Effizienz durch Vereinheitlichung, Februar 2007 [publiziert in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 8 (2007), 3, 242-255]
- 39 Thomas Wein und Wiebke B. Röber: Sind ausbildende Handwerksbetriebe erfolgreicher?, Januar 2007
- 38 Joachim Wagner: Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2006, Januar 2007
- 37 Nils Braakmann: The impact of Septemer 11th, 2001 on the job prospects of foreigners with Arab background - Evidence from German labor market data, January 2007 [revised version forthcoming as "The impact of September 11th, 200
- 36 Jens Korunig: Regulierung des Netzmonopolisten durch Verbot von Peak-load Pricing?, Dezember 2006
- 35 Nils Braakmann: Die Einführung der fachkundigen Stellungnahme bei der Ich-AG, November 2006 [erscheint in: Schulte, R.: Neue Ansätze der MittelstandsForschung, Münster etc.: Lit, 2008]
- 34 Martin F. Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner: Natural vs. financial insurance in the management of public-good ecosystems, October 2006 [published in: Ecological Economics 65 (2008), 2, 397-406]
- 33 Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin F. Quaas: The Private and Public Insurance Value of Conservative Biodiversity Management, October 2006
- 32 Ingrid Ott and Christian Papilloud: Converging institutions. Shaping the relationships between nanotechnologies, economy and society, October 2006 [forthcoming in: Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 27 (2007), 4, 455-46
- 31 Claus Schnabel and Joachim Wagner: The persistent decline in unionization in western and eastern Germany, 1980-2004: What can we learn from a decomposition analysis?, October 2006 [published in: Industrielle Beziehungen/The
- 30 Ingrid Ott and Susanne Soretz: Regional growth strategies: fiscal versus institutional governmental policies, September 2006 [published in: Economic Modelling 25 (2008), 605-622]
- 29 Christian Growitsch and Heike Wetzel: Economies of Scope in European Railways: An Efficiency Analysis, July 2006 [not available anymore, see version: Testing for economies of scope in European railways: An efficiency analysis,
- 28 Thorsten Schank, Claus Schnabel and Joachim Wagner: Do exporters really pay higher wages? First evidence from German linked employer-employee data, June 2006 [published in: Journal of International Economics 72 (2007),1, 52-74]
- 27 Joachim Wagner: Markteintritte, Marktaustritte und Produktivität: Empirische Befunde zur Dynamik in der Industrie, März 2006[publiziert in: AStA- Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 1 (2007), 3, 193-203]
- 26 Ingrid Ott and Susanne Soretz: Governmental activity and private capital adjustment, March 2006 [forthcoming in : Icfai Journal of Managerial Economics]
- 25 Joachim Wagner: International Firm Activities and Innovation: Evidence from Knowledge Production Functions for German Firms, March 2006 [published in : The Icfai Journal of Knowledge Management VI (2008), 2, 47-62]
- 24 Ingrid Ott und Susanne Soretz: Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch endogene Umweltwahrnehmung, Februar 2006 [publiziert in: Clemens, C., Heinemann, M. & Soretz, S.: Auf allen Märkten zu Hause (Gedenkschrift für Franz Haslinger), Ma
- 23 John T. Addison, Claus Schnabel, and Joachim Wagner: The (Parlous) State of German Unions, February 2006 [published in: Journal of Labor Research 28 (2007), 3-18]
- 22 Joachim Wagner, Thorsten Schank, Claus Schnabel, and John T. Addison: Works Councils, Labor Productivity and Plant Heterogeneity: First Evidence from Quantile Regressions, February 2006[published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalö
- 21 Corinna Bunk: Betriebliche Mitbestimmung vier Jahre nach der Reform des BetrVG: Ergebnisse der 2. Befragung der Mitglieder des Arbeitgeberverbandes Lüneburg Nordostniedersachsen, Februar 2006
- 20 Jan Kranich: The Strength of Vertical Linkages, July 2006
- 19 Jan Kranich und Ingrid Ott: Geographische Restrukturierung internationaler Wertschöpfungsketten: Standortentscheidungen von KMU aus regionalökonomischer Perspektive, Februar 2006 [publiziert in: Merz,J. und Schulte, R. (Hrsg.
- 18 Thomas Wein und Wiebke B. Röber: Handwerksreform 2004 - Rückwirkungen auf das Ausbildungsverhalten Lüneburger Handwerksbetriebe?, Februar 2006
- 17 Wiebke B. Röber und Thomas Wein: Mehr Wettbewerb im Handwerk durch die Handwerksreform?, Februar 2006
- 16 Joachim Wagner: Politikrelevante Folgerungen aus Analysen mit wirtschaftsstatistischen Einzeldaten der Amtlichen Statistik, Februar 2006 [publiziert in: Schmollers Jahrbuch 126 (2006), 359-374]
- 15 Joachim Wagner: Firmenalter und Firmenperformance - Empirische Befunde zu Unterschieden zwischen jungen und alten Firmen in Deutschland, September 2005[publiziert in: Lutz Bellmann und Joachim Wagner (Hrsg.), Betriebsdemographi
- 14 Joachim Wagner: German Works Councils and Productivity: First Evidence from a Nonparametric Test, September 2005[published in: Applied Economics Letters 15 (2008), 727-730]
- 13 Lena Koller, Claus Schnabel und Joachim Wagner: Arbeitsrechtliche Schwellenwerte und betriebliche Arbeitsplatzdynamik: Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel des Schwerbehindertengesetzes, August 2005[publiziert in: Zeitschri
- 12 Claus Schnabel and Joachim Wagner: Who are the workers who never joined a union? Empirical evidence from Germany, July 2005[published in: Industrielle Beziehungen/ The German Journal of Industrial Relations 13 (2006), 118-131]
- 11 Joachim Wagner: Exporte und Produktivität in mittelständischen Betrieben - Befunde aus der niedersächsischen Industrie (1995 - 2004), June 2005 [publiziert in: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Statistik, Statistische Berich
- 10 Joachim Wagner: Der Noth gehorchend, nicht dem eignen Trieb. Nascent Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurs in Germany. Evidence from the Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor (REM), May 2005 [published in: RWI: Mitteilungen. Quar
- 9 Gabriel Desgranges and Maik Heinemann: Strongly Rational Expectations Equilibria with Endogenous Acquisition of Information, March 2005
- 8 Joachim Wagner: Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity: Evidence from German Firm Level Data, March 2005 [published in: Applied Economics Letters 13 (2006), 347-349]
- 7 Thomas Wein: Associations' Agreement and the Interest of the Network Suppliers - The Strategic Use of Structural Features, March 2005
- 6 Christiane Clemens and Maik Heinemann: On the Effects of Redistribution on Growth and Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking, March 2005
- 5 Christiane Clemens and Maik Heinemann: Endogenous Redistributive Cycles - An Overlapping Generations Approach to Social Conflict and Cyclical Growth, March 2005
- 4 Joachim Wagner: Exports and Productivity: A Survey of the Evidence from Firm Level Data, March 2005 [published in: The World Economy 30 (2007), 1, 60-82]
- 3 Thomas Wein and Reimund Schwarze: Is the Market Classification of Risk Always Efficient? - Evidence from German Third Party Motor Insurance, March 2005
- 2 Ingrid Ott and Stephen J. Turnovsky: Excludable and Non-Excludable Public Inputs: Consequences for Economic Growth, June 2005 (revised version) [published in: Economica 73 (2006), 292, 725-742 also published as CESifo Working Pa
- 1 Joachim Wagner: Nascent and Infant Entrepreneurs in Germany. Evidence from the Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor (REM), March 2005 [erschienen in: Joachim Merz, Reinhard Schulte (Hrsg.), Neue Ansätze der MitellstandsForschung,