Td Escuela de Verano 2016
The Espacio Interdisciplinario, Universidad de la República(UdelaR), Montevideo, Uruguay invited together with the Center of Methods, Leuphana University Lüneburg to the Td_Escuela de Verano – Transdisciplinary Research at the Science | Society Interface: Between the 3rd and 11th March, 28 participants from several South-American countries explored – together with the organizers Ulli Vilsmaier, Esther Meyer (both Leuphana University of Lüneburg) and Bianca Vienni (Espacio Interdisciplinario, UdelaR) – transdisciplinary research from an intercultural perspective and exchanged on their working fields.
During five days in the Td Training Module theoretical and methodological foundations as well as methods for transdisciplinary research were introduced. Furthermore, transdisciplinary case study designs were developed that addressed topics of the professional practice of the participants. Thus, participants were able to gain a theoretical understanding by lessons and practical experiences through working in inter- and transdisciplinary teams. Results of the case study designs were presented in an open plenary session at UdelaR on the last day.
At Leuphana University Lueneburg the English-speaking international Td Summer School takes place every year since 2012. The Summer School in Montevideo was a successful start for ‘travelling’ with the Spanish-speaking Td_Escuela de Verano format to several South-American countries. The Td_Escuela de Verano 2017 will be held in Chile. For the organizers, the intercultural perspectives on transdisciplinarity generated valuable insights for analyzing discourses, political and economic contexts in which transdisciplinary research takes place and thus will contribute to a base on which to explore and develop alternative transformative politics and transdisciplinary methodologies.
For more information, see our folder.